


Your dream

What is your dream?

Why do you have this dream

How will you realize it? (2 actions at least)

Your hope

Everyone…… China Dream will……




With the development of our country, China Dream is becoming what people all over the country are trying to realize.



Emily and Anne did know, of course. They had known about Charlotte’s book for a long time. Jane Eyre was not the first book that Charlotte had sent to a publisher. Over a year ago she had written another book, The Professor, and sent it to one publisher after another. Each publisher had sent it back, in a packet addressed to Currer Bell. And then Charlotte had sent it, in the same old packet, to another publisher, and then another, and got it back again.

“Why didn’t you change the paper on the packet, my dear?” I asked.

Charlotte smiled. “I didn’t think of it, papa. The worst day was when we were Manchester, going to the eye doctor. Do you remember? The packet came back then. That was the day before I started writing Jane Eyre.”

“Do you mean that you started writing Jane Eyre while I was lying in the dark room in Manchester?”

“That’s right, papa.”

“But that’s only six months ago, and here is the book in my hand!”

“Yes, papa. The book was printed a month later after I sent it to the publisher.”

“My dear! They decided very quickly that they liked it, then!”

“I think they did, papa. After all, it is a good book, isn’t it?”

She smiled at me. I don’t think I have ever seen her so happy. She is a very small person. Charlotte, and not a beautiful woman, but when she smiles like that, her face shines like a fine painting. My wife used to look like that sometimes when I first met her.

I took her hand in mine. “It is a very good book, my dear. I cannot tell you how proud I am.”

She touched my hand. “Thank you, papa. But you must not be proud of me alone. You know, another two of your daughters—Anne and Emily…”

“Oh, no, Charlotte, please!” Emily said.

But Charlotte did not stop. “Anne and Emily have written good books too, and their books will soon be published as well! Let me introduce them to you, papa. These young ladies—Anne and Emily, are “not” your daughters—they are separately Acton Bell and Ellis Bell, brothers of the famous writer Currer Bell!”

Emily’s face was bright red, but Anne and Charlotte started laughing. I was very surprised.

“All three of you!” I said. “But—but why do you use these strange names?”

“Because people are stupid, papa.” Anne said. “No one thinks women can write good books, so we have used men’s names. And now they say that Currer Bell is a writer who understands women very well!” She laughed again.

1.Why didn’t Charlotte change the paper on the packet?

A. Because she hated to change the paper. B. Because she liked the paper very much.

C. Because she had no money to buy the paper. D. Because she didn’t think of changing the paper.

2.Which is the right time order of what happened in the story?

a. The book Jane Eyre was published.

b. Charlotte wrote a book named The Professor.

c. Charlotte wrote a book named Jane Eyre.

d. The family went to the eye doctor in Manchester.

e. The books by Charlotte’s sisters would be published.

A. b→e→d→c→a B. e→a→b→d→c C. b→d→c→a→e D. e→b→c→a→d

3.To make their books published, Charlotte, Emily and Anne used men’s names, which are separately ______.

A. Currer Bell, Ellis Bell and Acton Bell B. Currer Bell, Acton Bell and Ellis Bell

C. Ellis Bell, Acton Bell and Currer Bell D. Acton Bell, Ellis Bell and Currer Bell

4.Which is the best title for the story?

A. Big surprise from daughters B. Advice from Father

C. Big surprise from sons D. Advice from publishers

Some people have a very poor sense of direction (方向感) _______, I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still ______ there the next time.

When I was a little girl, I never dared ask strangers the way. And I used to walk round in circle and ________ that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.

Now, I am no longer too shy to ask people for ______, but I often get helpless or even _______information from them. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. For example, if anyone asks me the way somewhere, I would always answer “Sorry, I am a stranger here.”

Once on my way to______, I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual _______. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he was asking the way to __________office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him because I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn’t want to keep him waiting.

When I got to my office, my secretary(秘书)_______in the man, he was just the one who had asked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed ( 尴 尬 的 ) I was and how________ he was when we saw each other at the first sight!

1.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Lively

2.A.get lost B.be sad C.think about

3.A.doubt B.decide C.hope

4.A.directions B.money C.time

5.A.right B.wrong C.useful

6.A.work B.school C.place

7.A.question B.reply C.example

8.A.my B.his C.your

9.A.believed B.showed C.gave

10.A.happy B.excited C.surprised


The company Diligent Robotics has built a hospital robot called Moxi. It can help nurses do non-patient-facing tasks so that they have more time for patient care.


Around the world, 300 million

tons of plastic are created each year, and about 10% ends up in the sea. Over 100 million animals in the ocean die each year from being hurt by plastic.


Scientists has made the “smartest” prosthetic(假体的)hand.The hand uses AI to help it “learn” from users. It’s cheaper than other prosthetic hands, because it uses 3D printing. Each hand is printed based on the users’ needs.


Have you ever seen the watermelon snow?People found the snow was red and smelt like watermelon in the Antarctic(南极)area.The snow has changed its color which caused by a kind of ice-loving algae(雪衣藻). Because of the global warming, the Antarctic is experiencing the very warm temperatures. More algae hold more heat into the snow, which creates more melting(融化). And because the red color of the algae doesn’t reflect back light well, the snow appears red.


Some rich land becomes desert. We call this process “desertification (沙漠化)”. Desertification affects about 70 percent of all dry land in the world. Over 1 billion people are affected by desertification around the world. That’s about one-sixth of the world’s population.


Lenovo has introduced a new kind of laptop(手提电脑)called the ThinkPad X1Foldable in 2019. You can hold it like a tablet(平板), or fold it like a book. You can also hold it like a traditional laptop. You can use the virtual(虚拟)keyboard

to type.

1.Match passage A~F with the two topics:① Environment; ②Invention. Which of the following is right?

A.①-ACE; ②-BDF B.①-BDE; ②-ACF C.①-ABF; ②-CDE

2.Which question can be answered in the passages?

A.What’s the price of the Thinkpad XI Foldable?

B.Why does rich land become desert?

C.How does the watermelon snow appear?

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passages?

A.1/3 animals in the ocean die each year from being hurt by plastic.

B.A man who lost a hand may play a piece of music on the piano with the “smartest” prosthetic.

C.Lenovo has introduced a new kind of laptop that is completely different from the traditional one.

4.Which of the following leads to the figure“30,000,000”?

A.The weight of waste plastic which is poured into the sea.

B.The number of sea animals die from being hurt by plastic.

C.The population that is affected by desertification.

5.What can we learn from the six passages?

A.The warmer the temperature is in the Antarctic area, the more algae grow.

B.The “smartest” prosthetic hands are cheaper because of AI technology.

C.Moxi can treat the patients as well as doctors.

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