I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son Nick came over and asked me to write something on a piece of paper to make a sign for him.
"What for?" I asked.
" I'm going to sell some of my stones, " he answered.
Nick was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones from all over.
" I'm too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help," I said.
A short time later, Nick, returned with a sign, reading, " Stones, One Dollar Each". He took the sign, a small chair and 4 of his best stones and walked to the road in front of our garden. There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair.
After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to him and asked him to go back, but he didn't.
Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up. A woman rolled down a window and read the sign. I couldn't hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the driver and the man reach for his pocket.
I sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted, "I told you I could sell one stone for a dollar -- if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. "
【小题1】Why didn't the writer help his son?
A.Because his wife is better at making a sign.
B.Because he didn't know what to write.
C.Because he was busy sweeping leaves.
D.Because he didn't want his son to sell the stones.
【小题2】The underlined words "was fascinated with" mean _________.
A.was far fromB.was afraid of
C.was famous forD.was interested in
【小题3】Nick was a boy ___________.
A.who was kindB.who had a strong mind
C.who was honestD.who had many hobbies
【小题4】Which is the best title(题目) of the story?
A.My son's first sale.
B.Let's collect stones.
C.How to sell a stone.
D.A hobby that can make you rich.
【小题5】From the passage we know______________.
A.the story happened in spring
B.the car was driven by a woman
C.Nick spent half an hour selling one stone
D.the writer might be moved(感动)by his son

"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever things weren't going my way. "Don't worry. One day your luck will change."
Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education, I had decided to try for a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host a sports programme. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time.
In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadn't got enough experience. "Get some work with a small station and work your way up," she said.
I went back home. I couldn't get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didn't get the job.
I felt really down. "Your luck will change," Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Lowa. But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone.
As I left his office, I asked, "How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员) if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. "What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?" He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded.
On my way home, Mom's words come back to me, "One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, it'll feel doubly good because of all the hard work you've had." At that moment I knew just what she meant.
16. What's the writer's ideal job?
A. A sportsman.                  B. A shop assistant.
C. A sports announcer.             D. A businessman.
17. Why didn’t the writer get the job in Chicago?
A. Because he was too young.
B. Because he didn't get college education.
C. Because he's got a good-looking person.
D. Because he hadn't got enough experience.
18. The sentence "But I got turned down every time. "means"        ".
A. But I was refused every time
B. But I was successful every time
C. But I lost my way every time
D. But the door of every station was always closed
19. What made the writer succeed in the end?
A. His mother’s words.             B. A kind lady’s help.
C. His father’s car.                   D. His own hard work.
20. What's the best title of this passage?
A. Mother's Words.                 B. Everything Happens for the Best.
C. No One Is Always Lucky.         D. To Find a Job in Radio Is Difficult.


Some years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across the country to Brisbane after the meeting ended. The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert, so we had to take food, water, and extra gas(汽油) w  1   us.

The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each other’s jokes. By the third day of driving in the seemingly endless desert, we began to get b  2  . We had been quiet for a few hours when Chris found some kangaroos in the distance. We were b  3   excited and decided to get a closer look. Chris speeded up to

c  4   up with the kangaroos. We got closer and closer, and Chris was doing 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!

Chris s  5   the car and we got out. Behind the car was a larger kangaroo l  6   completely quiet on the ground. Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its h  7  . He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then he put his arm a  8   the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together. I was still surprised, but I took out my c___9___. While I was ready to take photos, I saw the kangaroo move. It suddenly woke up, looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.

I started laughing but Chris looked very serious. He said his wallet and passport were in the jacket. I started laughing even harder. I stopped laughing, h  10  , when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket!


根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词 )

Some years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across the country to Brisbane after the meeting ended. The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert, so we had to take food, water, and extra gas(汽油) w  1   us.

The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each other’s jokes. By the third day of driving in the seemingly endless desert, we began to get b  2  . We had been quiet for a few hours when Chris found some kangaroos in the distance. We were b  3   excited and decided to get a closer look. Chris speeded up to

c  4   up with the kangaroos. We got closer and closer, and Chris was doing 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!

Chris s  5   the car and we got out. Behind the car was a larger kangaroo l  6   completely quiet on the ground. Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its

h  7  . He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then he put his arm a  8   the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together. I was still surprised, but I took out my c___9___. While I was ready to take photos, I saw the kangaroo move. It suddenly woke up, looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.

I started laughing but Chris looked very serious. He said his wallet and passport were in the jacket. I started laughing even harder. I stopped laughing, h  10  , when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket!


A couple of years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across country to Brisbane after the meeting ended. The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert,    81   

The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each other's stupid jokes. By the third day of driving in the seemingly endless desert, we began to get bored. We had been quiet for a few hours when in the distance Chris found some kangaroos. We were both excited and decided to get a closer look.   82   We got closer and closer, and Chris was doing 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!

Chris stopped the car and we got out. Behind the car was a larger kangaroo lying completely still on the ground.    83   He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then, he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together.   84   While I was focusing the camera, I saw the kangaroo move. It suddenly woke up, looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.

I started laughing but Chris looked very serious.   85   I started laughing even harder. I stopped laughing, however, when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket!

A. Chris speeded up to catch up with the kangaroos.

B. He said his wallet and passport were in the jacket.

C. In order to get there in three days, we drove very fast.

D. so we had to take food, water, and extra gas with us.

E. Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its head.

F. I was still surprised, but I took out my camera.


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