
One day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to door to pay for his tuition fees (学费). He was hungry. He d___1____ he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost heart w___2____ a lovely young woman opened the door. He asked for a drink of water and the woman agreed. She thought he looked hungry, so she b___3____ him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe (欠) you ?” “You owe me nothing, ” she r___4___. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from my heart.”
Years later, that young woman become seriously i__5___.The local doctors all f__6___ to cure her. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists (专家) to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard, who o__7__ got a large glass of milk and a meal from the young woman, was called in for the treatment. He went down the hall of the hospital to her room when he heard the name of the town she came from. D__8____ in his doctor’s uniform, he went in to see her. He recognized (认出) her quickly. He made up his mind to do his best to save her life and pay special a__9_____ to the case. After a long struggle, the battle (战役) was won. The woman n__10____ these words when she paid the pill: “ Paid in full with one glass of milk… Dr. Howard Kelly..”

1.      2.      3.  4.      5.
6.          7.      8.  9.  10.

【小题8】be dressed in是固定用法
【小题9】pay attention to是固定用法,意思是注意


短文填空  先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答题卷上完整写出。(本大题共10空,每空0.5分,共5分)

DIY, which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in the UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.

English people like DIY. If there is anything that needs fixing around their homes, such as p  1.the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY e  2.with their friends. More and more people are fond of DIY and have d  3.the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. At present, many people can’t a  4.a big house. They are looking at how they can make their houses better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.

DIY can be difficult. There is a large market for DIY furniture (家具) which needs to be got together by people themselves w  5.a few tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can’t understand the instructions (指令). Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture

i  6.is difficult to build. DIY can also be dangerous if you are not careful enough. It is r  7.that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.

DIY can bring us a lot of f  8.and can help us save some money, but it is not always as easy as it is t  9.to be if we do something that is too hard. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and s  10.for us to DIY.


完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)


About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were _1___his names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face. ___2___I saw that, I walked over to the group.

I stepped ___3__them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of __4__they were doing to him. One of the boys replied, “He’s weird.” At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the __5__was “No.” So, I asked another boy what the word “weird” __6_, and he said, “Different.” That was my cue(暗示). I told them that everyone is __7__, and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them. They all stood __8___for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He ___9___to let him play with them.

I thanked the boy for being so __10___. As I looked around, I realized that there were dozens of other people at the park ___11___no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was strong enough to stand up against his friends to ___12___someone in need, but I felt sad that ___13___else had even taken a second look.

I hope that my action helped them __14___ that they could have made a difference with a little ___15___, and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.

1.                A.giving          B.making         C.calling    D.telling


2.                A.When          B.Before         C.If    D.Though


3.                A.against         B.between        C.beside   D.With


4.                A.how           B.why            C.whom    D.what


5.                A.guess          B.sign            C.problem  D.answer


6.                A.read           B.proved         C.meant    D.wrote


7.                A.different        B.free           C.important D.Strong


8.                A.angrily         B.silently         C.carefully  D.happily


9.                A.refused        B.expected       C.offered   D.prepared


10.               A.proud          B.clever          C.honest    D.patient


11.               A.or             B.so             C.and  D.but


12.               A.help           B.stop           C.love  D.remember


13.               A.someone       B.anyone         C.no one    D.everyone


14.               A.decide         B.realize         C.suggest    D.agree


15.               A.energy         B.practice        C.knowledge     D.effort



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