
 Barack Obama is the 44th president (总统) of the United States. His date of birth is August 4th, 1961. He was elected (被选举为) president on November 4th, 2008.Obama has a very healthy lifestyle. As a president, he is always very busy and works about 10 hours a day. But he still spends some time doing exercise. At about 7:30 every morning he goes to a gym. He does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day. He says that doing exercise makes him young and healthy. Doing exercise can make him relaxed. His eating habits are also very healthy. He usually stays away from junk food. He eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. He doesn’t like coffee or ice cream. His favorite food is the pizza (比萨饼) from a restaurant in Chicago. The restaurant’s name is Italian Fiesta Pizzeria.

Do exercise every day from now on. You’ll be as healthy as Obama!   

1.Obama does exercise ______.

A. every day              B. once a week                  C. twice a week          D. three times a week

2.Obama was _________ years old when he was elected president.

A. 27                            B. 37                                     C. 47                            D. 57

3.Obama likes ______ best according to the passage.

A. coffee                    B. ice cream                         C. pizzas            D. hamburgers

4.We can learn that ______ from the passage.

A. Obama doesn’t eat breakfast with his family

B. Obama goes to bed before 10 o’clock every night

C. Obama does exercise in a park every morning

D. Obama thinks doing exercise is good for him

5.The passage is mainly about _________.

A. Obama’s work    B. Obama’s hobbies    C. Obama’s family    D. Obama’s lifestyle










试题分析:奧巴马是美国第44届总统。他出生于 1961 年 8 月 4 日。他当选总统于 11 月 4 日2008。Obama 拥有非常健康的生活方式。作为总统,一天工作约 10 小时。但他仍然花一些时间做运动。每天早上他去健身房锻炼约 90 分钟他说锻炼使他年轻和健康、让他放松。他的饮食习惯也是非常健康的。他通常不吃垃圾食品。他每天都吃大量的蔬菜和水果。他不喜欢咖啡或冰激淋。他最喜欢的食物是披萨 (比萨饼) 从在芝加哥一家餐厅。餐厅的名称是意大利福特嘉年华比萨店。从现在开始每天运动吧;你会跟奧巴马一样健康 !

1.细节理解题。根据He does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day.(他每一天在健身房做运动约 90 分钟)可知选A。

2.细节理解题。根据His date of birth is August 4th, 1961. He was elected (被选举为) president on November 4th, 2008.( 他生于1961年8月4日,2008年11月4日当选美国总统。)可知选B(他37岁时当选美国总统。)。

3.细节理解题。根据His favorite food is the pizza (比萨饼) from a restaurant in Chicago.(他最喜欢的食物是芝加哥的一家餐厅做的比萨饼。)可知选 C(他最喜欢比萨饼。)。

4.细节理解题。根据At about 7:30 every morning he goes to a gym.(在每天早上约 7:30他去健身房。) 可知C错;A文中没提;根据文中的he works about 10 hours a day.(他一天工作约 10 小时。),每天早上7:30 出门。可知B错;根据He says that doing exercise makes him young and healthy. Doing exercise can make him relaxed.(他说做锻炼使他年轻和健康。做运动可以让他放松。)可知选D(奥巴马认为锻炼对他有好处。)。

5.推理判断题。根据Obama has a very healthy lifestyle. (Obama 拥有非常健康的生活方式。)和后面的介绍 可知选 D(文章重要是关于奥巴马的生活方式。)。



Barack Obama, the US President-elect, is busy choosing members of his cabinet. His daughters, Sasha and Malia, are busy, too. They are making difficult decisions about different dog breeds (品种).
“The girls asked when we got in this race that [whether] win or lose, we get a dog,” said Michelle Obama. “So we will be welcoming a four-legged friend to our house.”
No matter what type of puppy Sasha and Malia pick, it will be a part of a long story of White House pets. Everything from snakes to bears has lived at the White House with the president and his family.
Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president, kept a pet raccoon (浣熊). Warren Harding had turkeys. William Howard Taft parked his cow in the White House garage too.
John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, had a pet alligator (鳄鱼). But he wasn’t the only White House resident to have one. Herbert Hoover’s son had two pet alligators, and they were sometimes allowed to roam (闲逛) around the White House.
Bears have also been popular with American presidents. While Thomas Jefferson kept two grizzlies (灰熊) in a cage, Theodore Roosevelt had a black bear. Roosevelt’s interest in bears later led to the creation of the toy teddy bear.
Roosevelt and his six children loved animals, and they filled the White House with them. They had dogs, cats, squirrels (松鼠), raccoons, rabbits, guinea pigs, a badger (獾), a rat, a parrot, and a green snake.
1. ________ and ________ have difficulty in choosing different kinds of dogs.
2. The four-legged friend refers to ________ according to Michelle Obama’s ________.
3. ________ Adams, Herbert Hoover’s son liked keeping alligators ________ his pets
4. The ________ of the toy teddy bear ________ from Roosevelt’s interest in bears.
5. Roosevelt is the ________ of six ________.

Barack Obama, a black man, is the president of the United States now. He was born on August 4th, 1961, in Hawaii and has lived in many places. His mother was from Kansas and his father was from Kenya. Obama went to Columbia University in New York and got a law degree at Harvard University in Massachusetts. His wife is Michelle Obama. She also worked as a lawyer (律师) and later worked for the University of Chicago. They have two young daughters.

Obama wrote a book Dreams from My Father. “I always live in the dream of my father and American people, ” Obama once said. He was born in a poor family. And he was taken good care of by his grandparents when he was young. He also lived and worked in Africa. Then he got good education in Harvard University. On November 4th, 2008, he became the president of America for the first time.

1.Where was Barack Obama born?

A.In Massachusetts.                       B.In Kansas.

C.In Hawaii.                             D.In New York.

2.________ universities are mentioned in the passage.

A.Two              B.Five              C.Four             D.Three

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Obama’s father was from Kenya.          B.Obama has a son and a daughter.

C.Obama once worked in Africa.             D.Obama studied in Columbia University.

4.Barack Obama became the president at the age of _________ for the first time.

A.37               B.47               C.38               D.48

5.Which is the best title of this passage?

A.Education of the President                B.Dreams from My Father

C.Life of Barack Obama                    D.The book by Barack Obama


I have a robot friend, Robbi. It looks like my toy car because it moves on four wheels. It is always helpful.

“Come on, Robbi! Bring me milk.” “Yes, Sandy,” says Robbi. It goes to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of milk. It can find milk among orange juice, water, apple juice. Do you think Robbi is a waiter only good at doing housework? No, it’s much more than that! It has brains(头脑), too! Let me ask Robbi a few questions.

       “Robbi, how many letters are there in English?” “26.”

       “Who is Barack Obama?” “He is the president of the USA.”

        When night comes, I need to sleep. It closes its eyes and stands there quietly! In the morning, It opens its eyes and begins to work again.

1. Who is Robbi?

A. Robbi is the name of a robot.                                           B. Robbi is the writer’s toy car.

C. Robbi is the name of the writer.                                     D. Robbi is a waiter.

2.What does the word “wheels” mean?

                   A.轮子                        B.翅膀                        C.腿                   D.脚

3.What does the writer ask the robot to bring him?

                   A. Orange juice.       B. Milk.                       C. Apple juice. D. Water.

4. When will the robot stop working?

A. When it answers all the questions.                       B. When the writer closes his eyes.

C. When it finishes all the housework.                       D. When night comes.

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

        A. Robbi is good at doing his housework.                B. Robbi knows a lot of things.

        C. Robbi stands quietly when the writer sleeps      D. Robbi looks like a little boy.


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