Now, it seems that artificial intelligence(人工智能) is becoming more and more popular in our life, and it has greatly influenced the ways we live, work and play. Can you________that you can play table tennis with a robot one day?

Recently, a scientist has invented a special robot that can be a table tennis _______. That________ people can learn how to play table tennis not only from humans but also from a robot.

Named Forpheus, the smart table tennis robot is quite special. It can study the ________ of human players and the speeds of the ball. In this way, it can ________ judge the players’ skill levels. Then it uses the information to ________ the ways to play. If the players are just beginners, Forpheus will play in a slow and easy way. But if the players are better ones, the robot will play in a ________ and more difficult way. _______, while playing, it encourages players to try their best with words like: “Good job!”, “Come on!” and so on. At the same time, it gives some good________ to improve their skills. So, it is both a good partner and a clever coach.

Science and technology is developing quickly these days and no one knows what will happen in the future. “In the next 20 years, it will be _________ that one robot teaches another to play table tennis or even invents another one!” Takurya, the inventor of the robot, said.

1.A.think B.find C.imagine D.suppose

2.A.player C.student

3.A.shows B.means C.makes D.proves

4.A.actions B.movements C.gestures D.positions

5.A.generally B.slowly C.exactly D.carefully

6.A.lead B.take C.change B.faster C.slow D.slower

8.A.What’s more B.However C.After all D.First of all

9.A.abilities B.advantages C.attention D.advice

10.A.possible B.impossible C.sure D.unsure

Painting and writing on walls is nothing new. In prehistoric(史前的)times, people in Africa and Europe painted pictures of animals and people in caves. Graffiti has been found at ancient sites in Greece, Italy, Syria and Iraq. In the Roman town of Pompeii in Italy, archaeologists found a lot of graffiti written in Latin, including political and romantic messages, and even some magic spells!

In the 1970s, young people in New York used pens to write their names, or "tags", on walls around the city. One of the first "taggers" was Demetrius, a teenager from a Greek family. He wrote his tag on walls in his neighbourhood and in subway stations on the way to school. Other teenagers saw Demetrius's tag and started writing..their own tags on walls, buses and subway trains all over New York. Then, some teenagers stopped using pens and started using paints. Their tags were bigger and more colourful and appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started to make pictured too.

In many countries, it is a crime to paint on walls and street artists can have problems with the police. In other countries, street art is permitted in certain places. Nowadays, street art is more popular with the public. In some cities, there are street art festivals. In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. Street art can be seen in galleries(美术馆)too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.

Most street artists are young people who paint in their neighbourhood or home city. Many of them use the Internet to communicate and share photos of their pictures with other street artists around the world. Although we don't know what will happen to street art in the future, we can be sure that it is here to stay!

1.Graffiti in ancient times includes different kinds of themes EXCEPT________ .

A.names and tags B.magic spells C.animals and people D.romantic messages

2.Which is the correct order according to the passage?

①Demetrius wrote his tags on walls.

②Many graffiti artists made pictures too.

③Other teenagers wrote their own tags on walls.

④There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries.

⑤More colourful tags appeared on trains, buses and walls.

A.①③⑤②④ B.①③⑤④②

C.④③①②⑤ D.④①③②⑤

3.What does the underlined word "permitted" mean in Paragraph 3?

A.protected B.allowed C.punished D.warned

4.According to the passage, we can learn that________ .

A.Demetrius was the first graffiti artist B.street art can be only seen in the street

C.street artists begin to share their works online D.Bristol holds a street art festival every September

Nobody in the street knew Miss Hilton. While she lived, her front gate was always locked and no one saw her ________ or saw ________ go in. So even if you ________, you couldn’t feel sorry and ________ that you ________ Miss Hilton.

When I think of ________, I see just two colours, grey and green. The green of mango (芒果) tree, the grey of the house and the grey of the high iron fence (铁栅栏) that kept you off the mangoes.

If your football ________ Miss Hilton’s garden, you never ________. It wasn’t the mango season ________ Miss Hilton died. But we got back about ten ________ twelve of our footballs.

________ the end of the week a sign was shone on the mango tree: For sale.

We were ready to dislike ________ even before they came. I think we ________. Already we had one man who kept on complaining (抱怨) about us ________ the police. He complained that we played football near his house and if we weren’t playing football he complained that we were making ________ noise anyway.

1.A.left leave C.leave D.leaving

2.A.anybody B.nobody C.somebody D.everybody

3.A.wanted B.wanted to C.wanted to see D.were wanted

4.A.say B.said say D.saying

5.A.were missing B.were missed C.missing D.missed

6.A.her photo B.her house C.her car D.her houses

7.A.fall in B.felt in C.fell in D.filled in

8.A.could get it B.should get it it back in

9.A.when B.that C.whether

10.A.and B.but C.over D.or

11.A.In B.By C.On D.At

12.A.a new lady B.the new people old person D.the old children

13.A.were no worry B.were not worry C.were a little worried D.were a lot worried B.on C.for D.with little B.too many C.much too D.too much

Airbnb is very popular now. The houses on Airbnb are very special.They're different from traditional hotels.Every house has its own features.Here are four houses on Airbnb in Hawai, America. Let's have a look.

Haikn Cottage

Location:the north side of Maul

Rooms:It has two bedrooms ad one bath—

Room.Four people can live in at most.

Offer:Wi—Fi ,TV,Kitchen

Phone Number:0561—8875

Service:The best coffee shop is only 2

minutes' walk

Mahina Surf

Location:100 Palani Rond

Rooms:It has one bedroom with

ocean view and one bathroom.

Two people can live in at most

Offer: Wi—Fi, TV. Swimming

pool,Washing machine

Phone Number:0561—7523

Villn Maui

Location:2070 Ali Drive

Rooms:It has two bedrooms,one bath—

room and e large living room.4 adults

and 4 children can live in at most.

Offer:Wi—Fi. Kitchen TV:Washing

Machine; Free breakfast

Phone Number:0561 5562

Beach Hale

Locating:100 Holomoana Street

Rooms:Two bedrooms, two

bathrooms Four people cat

sleep here.

Offer:Wi—Fi ;Kitchens; TV;

Swimming pool

Price:1862 yuan one night


1.If you like drinking coffee you'd better choose________.

A.Villa Maui B.Beach Hale C.Haiku Cottage D.Mahina Surf

2.If David wants to book a hotel with free breakfast,he needs to________. at 0561—8875 B.go to 100 Palani Road at 0561—5562 D.send an e— mail to

3.How many people can live in Villa Maui at most?

A.Two. B.Four. C.Six. D.Eight.

4.What's Airbnb according to the passage?

A.People can book travel tickets on it. B.People can book houses on it.

C.People can buy or sell houses on it. D.People can find places of interest on it.

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