
I love My Country is a Dutch(荷兰的)TV series, first aired(播放)in the Netherlands on March 8, 2008.A tenth season was aired in late 2012, with an 11th season airing in March, 2013.

    The show was created by the Dutchman John de Mol and has been sold to at least 25 countries in the world.

    The series is divided into two teams. Each team, led by its leader, has three members. The teams have to answer questions about their own home country, like "What is the capital…?", "When did our country end the war with…?”etc. At the end of the programme the winning team gets a bicycle.

    Big Ideas is a Canadian television series produced by TVOntario, on the air since 2001. The idea of starting the programme came from Wodek Szemberg who worked as the producer of the programme afterwards. The programme show lectures(讲座)to the public given by famous university educators.

    Big Ideas airs on TV Ontario on Saturdays and Sundays at 5 pm, with repeat airings at 5 am on Sunday and Monday mornings.

    In 2007, Big Ideas held its Best Lecture Competition for the second time. Dr. Michael Persinger, from Laurentian University, received the best-lecturer award.

    The show stopped in the spring of 2013 because TVO had little money for it.

1.How many seasons of I Love My Country has been aired so far?

A. 8                          B. 9                           C. 10               D. 11

2.When can you see Big Ideas on TV?

A. At 4 pm on Saturdays.                  B. At 5 pm on Sundays.

C. At 5 pm on Mondays.                            D. At 4 am on Sundays.

3.The writer writes the passage to _______.

A. introduce two TV series to us

B. explain why there are so many TV series

C. encourage us to watch more TV series

D. encourage us to love our country more








试题分析:本文叙述了两部电视剧。荷兰电视剧I Love My Country从2008年开始连续播出了11个季节,销售到至少20多个国家。加拿大电视剧Big Ideas在周六和周日的下午5点播出,在周日和周一的上午5点重播,这个节目在2013年春季,由于电视台的资金短缺而停播。

1.细节理解题。根据第一段的A tenth season was aired in late 2012, with an 11th season airing in March, 2013.可知护栏电视连续剧I Love My Country共播出11个季节。故选D。

2.细节理解题。根据第五段的Big Ideas airs on TV Ontario on Saturdays and Sundays at 5 pm, with repeat airings at 5 am on Sunday and Monday mornings.可知Big Ideas在周六和周日的下午5点播出,在周日和周一的上午5点重播。故选B。

3.推理判断题。根据全文围绕着I Love My Country和Big Ideas来展开的,因此本文是向读者介绍这里两部电视剧。故选A。




It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching a new school. I love my small special class more than any group I had taught in the past. They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching.

     Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift. In fact, I wasn’t expecting any gifts.

     Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on the day before our holiday break. First, I got a much-loved stuffed monkey from a shy girl. I was told, “He is my favorite, but I love you and I want him to be with you, Miss Taylor” How thrilled I was!

     Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was “missing” from a mother's cupboard.

     Finally, I came to one little boy’s gift which I had never received. It was an old, dirty and broken Christmas story book. Just then I wanted to express my happiness, I was interrupted(打断)by the giver, “And see, it is new! It still has the price tag.”        "

     When other children laughed at him, I stopped them and said, “Oh, books are good in that way. The story is always new if you have not read it before. Now, Let’s share one together.” Everyone listened quietly as I read the most wonderful Christmas story of my life.

I still keep those Christmas gifts, They always remind me of my lovely kids.

1.Why did the teacher like her small special class?

2. When did the children bring their teacher gifts?

3.Who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?

4.Was the Christmas story, book new?

5.How did the teacher feel when she got the presents?


Dear Annie,

I have never written a letter to a newspaper before, I have just never felt the need to do such a thing. I have always felt I was quite able to do everything by myself. But now I know I was wrong.

Sometimes you really need help in life, I guess. And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you.

I have a happy family. I love my children and they love me . I’m a mother of three children. I know well how to bring up (带大)children, and two of them are already over twenty, so it is nothing new for me.

But now I have a serious problem:the Internet problem. My little son is just sixteen, and I feel he should do a lot of homework now , but he doesn’t seem to be interested in it . He can happily spend six or eight hours at a time on the Tnternet every day , He chats with pelple that he has never met before , but speaks little to us .He does lots of useless things on the Internet. And he sees red if you ask him to do his homework.

I just want him to be a good student . Now he seldomdoes his lessons at home. I’m afraid he will drop behind in his class soon. His father is a doctor , a very kind man . He never seems to be afraid of his father.

What can I do ?And don’t tell to talk to him. We’ve tried that and it didn’t work. But this is really a big problem in our family. I have tried everything I can think of . I

wonder how the Internet is so attractive(有吸引力的).You’re my last hope. Please tell me what I can do!


Ellen Smith


(   ) 1. Mrs Snith wrote to Annie because       .

     A. she often asked others for help

     B. she thought she was a great mother

     C. she didn’t know how to stop his son surfing the Internet

     D. she didn’t know how the Internet was so attractive

(   ) 2.What might NOT Mrs Smith’s son do on the Internet?                        

     A. Send e-mails to his friends         B. Prepare for his lessons

     C. Chat with strange people           D.Read the news

(   ) 3. What does the phrase “he sees red”mean in this passage?                   

     A. He feels sorry                    B.He feels happy

     C. He becomes frightened             D. He becomes angry

(   ) 4. What do you think of Mr.Smith?                   

     A. An irresponsible(不负责任的)father who nerver taught his son

     B. A very excellent doctor who was busy with his work and had no time to teach

his son

     C. A very kind man who loved his son

     D.A man who always made his son be afraid of him but failed



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