     ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÏÂÃæÌṩµÄÐÅÏ¢ÓÃÓ¢ÓïΪÁõ¹«µºÐ´Ò»ÆªÌâΪWelcome to Liu Gong IslandµÄÂÃÓÎÐû´«²ÄÁÏ¡£
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                                                        Welcome to Liu Gong Island
     The summer Vacation is coming. Where would you like to Visit? Haven t you decided? Come to Liu
Gong Island!
                                                   Welcome to Liu Gong Island
     The summer vacation is coming. Where would you like to visit? Haven't you decided? Come to Liu Gong
     Liu Gong Island is£¯lies in the east of Weihai,which covers£¯bas an area of 3.15 km2/square kilometers.
It is 4.08 km£¯kilometers long£¯in length; 1.5 km£¯kilometers wide£¯in width. It will take you 20 minutes
to get to the island from the travel port by ship.£¯It's 20 minutes' ship ride from land.
     The history museum on the island is educational. The zoo is interesting to visit. And it is exciting£¯more
interesting to travel£¯tour around the island either on land or by boat. There are all kinds of trees and grass
everywhere£¯It is covered with grass and trees.
     It is very easy to travel£¯come to Weihai. You can come by bus,by train or by plane. You can spend a
day happily on the island.£¯You will have a happy£¯nice£¯wonderful day on the island.
     It is a good place to visit£¯is worth visiting. Visitors£¯Tourists from all over the world come to visit it
very year.
     Wish you a good trip!

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
