It’s not easy to see a team get 11 straight wins in a tournament(锦标赛). However, the Chinese women’s volleyball team has done it!

On September 29th, 2019, China won the Women’s Volleyball World Cup trophy(奖杯) in Japan. China won the gold medal with perfect 11-0 record. It was also the team’s 10th world title. “The trophy is the best gift to celebrate the 70th birthday of New China,” People’s Daily said in an article.

The Chinese women’s volleyball team has long been the pride of all Chinese. In the 1980s, the team won five world titles in a row, which raised people’s confidence at the time. Since then, its fighting spirit has inspired generations of people, both within the team and across the country. People always follow the women’s volleyball as an example and learn from their spirit of never giving up.

Working hard was key to the team’s success. The World Cup was played in several different cities and team didn’t have much time to train. But they trained hard as soon as possible. On September 25th, for example, they arrived in Osaka at 2:30 p.m. and started training only an hour later.

Never giving up, especially during difficult times, is also part of the team’s fighting spirit, according to head coach Lang Ping. Many of the team’s members kept on playing even after being injured.

With their latest win, the girls are ready to prepare for next year’s Tokyo Olympics.


1.The Chinese women’s volleyball team in the recent World Cup tournament.

A.won the second place B.played a total of 10 games

C.lost a game on September 28th D.won its 10th world title

2.What happened to the Chinese women’s volleyball team in the 1980s?

A.They got 11 straight wins in a tournament. B.They won world titles five times in a row.

C.They had the best coach like Lang Ping. D.They made all Chinese people play volleyball.

3.The underline word “inspired” here means “ ”.

A.说服 B.警告 C.激励 D.协助

4.What helped the Chinese women’s volleyball team win the tournament according to the passage?

A.Getting enough sleep before the game. B.Working hard and never giving up.

C.Having a healthy diet. D.Working with teammate.

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.They will compete at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games.

B.They are China’s best sports team.

C.None of its team members has gotten injured.

D.All the members in the team are famous in the world.

John and James were best friends. They fought for many reasons, but never gave up their friendship. They visited many places in their travels. They passed through various villages, towns, and forests. They supported each other throughout the journey.

One day, they reached a desert. They had very little food and water. John said that they should save the food and water for later use. However, James disagreed. He wanted to drink water, as he was very thirsty. They had an argument with each other for the water. John slapped (掌掴) James, and they walked in silence. James felt hurt and wrote on the sand, "My best friend slapped me!"

Finally, they saw an oasis (绿洲). They were very happy, and had a lot of fun in the water. While they were both taking baths, James was a little careless and nearly drowned himself. John rushed to him and saved him. James hugged his friend and thanked him. They had a rest and decided to leave the place. When they were about to leave, James carved (刻) something on a rock. It was "My best friend saved my life!"

He said to John, "When you slapped me, I recorded it on the sand. The wind would have blown it away by now. However, when you saved my life, I recorded it on the rock. It will remain there forever." We have to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that are done to us.

1.John and James were best friends and never fought for any reason.

2.When they got to the desert, John wanted to drink water as he was very thirsty.

3.John and James had an argument with each other for the water.

4.James wrote on the sand, "My best friend saved my life!"

5.James tried to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that were done to him.

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