
Rewrite the following sentences as required

1.He was successful in finishing the SAT in less than 3 hours. (保持句意不变)

He ________ ________ finishing the SAT in less than 3 hours.

2.The whizz-kid seldom discusses business with partners after 11:30. (改为反义疑问句)

The whizz-kid seldom discusses business with partners after 11:30, ________ ________ ?

3.The students are interested in playing rugby after school. (保持句意不变)

The students are ________ ________ playing rugby after school.

4.Students wear uniforms in school every day. (改为被动语态)

Uniforms ________ ________ in school by students every day.

5.He went abroad to learn how to be an engineer. (对划线句提问)

________ ________ he go abroad?

6.The boy is in charge of the sales section in the family business. (保持句意不变)

The boy is ________ ________ the sales section in the family business.

7.bright, is, the room, operate, enough, in, for, the doctor, to (连词成句)



I’m Michael. I live in Poland and Polish is my native language(母语), ___________ I can speak English very well. Now I want to share my experience with ___________.

I started to learn English ___________ listening to English songs when I was six. My dad encouraged me ___________ to The Beatles. In the beginning I ___________understand nothing of what they were singing. Then I got a book with the words of all the songs. I read ___________ book again and again. I learned most of the songs by heart. I sang them to my dad. Still, I had difficulty in ___________ the meaning of the songs. Learning English well to understand The Beatles became one of my ___________.

When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. I read them in Polish at first. The books were all translated(翻译) from English. I hoped I could read the books in English. I felt that the books in English would be even _________. I decided to read the books in English. This decision guided me for many years.

Today, I have become good at English and I can understand many English songs and English books. English ________ me so much satisfaction and pleasure. I also find it so useful in my job.

1.A.but B.if C.when D.because

2.A.they B.their C.you D.your

3.A.at B.by C.in D.on

4.A.listen B.listened C.listening D.to listen

5.A.couldn’t B.could C.must D.mustn’t

6.A./ B.the C.an D.a

7.A.understanding B.understand C.describe D.describing

8.A.secret B.secrets C.dream D.dreams

9.A.interesting B.interested C.more interesting D.the most interesting

10.A.gave B.was given C.has given D.will give

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