
【小题1】 My grandfather is celebrating his_______(第九十九)birthday.
【小题2】 Will you please put the piano_______(在…的对面)the sofa?
【小题3】 There are two_______ (座位)left in the back row.
【小题4】Kenny has spent months_______(准备)to take the entrance exam.
【小题5】 Marcia_______(藏)the pictures in her desk drawer yesterday.
【小题6】 The neighbors had a _______(烧烤)Saturday night.
【小题7】 He tried to stop smoking and_______(失败).
【小题8】Going into the hospital can be very_______(令人恐惧的).
【小题9】 I'll tell you about it _______(以后).
【小题10】 Look both ways before_______(穿过)the street.
【小题11】Josie was all_______(独自)in a strange city.
【小题12】It's a children's book, but l would like to_______(推荐)it to everyone.
【小题13】 He studied_______(地理)in college.
【小题14】A queen-sized bed will never_______(容纳)in this room.
【小题15】 Sandy made her dress_______(她自己).
【小题16】There was Cat_______(毛)all over the chair.
【小题17】 Those tortoises_______(下)their eggs on the beach last night.
【小题18】 Why are there so_______(少的)women in these jobs?
【小题19】How many_______(条)of bread would you like'?
【小题20】It was 20℃_______(低于)zero outside.

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