Mr. King was the manager(经理)of a hotel.One weekend all the hotel in the city were full because there was a large meeting.On Friday night,three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms.Mr. King said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting.The men were unhappy.

Mr. King wanted to help them.He remembered that Room 418,a very small room,was empty.He asked them if they would share a room.The three men said they would.Mr. King said the room would be thirty dollars:ten for each one.Each man gave the money and then went up to the room.

Mr. King Soon began to feel sorry.“Thirty dollars is a lotto ask as price for that small room.” He thought.He called his assistant over and said,“Here is five dollars.Take it to the men in Room 418.I asked too much for their room.”

The assistant took the money.While he was on the way there,he started to think,“How can three men divide five dollars? I'll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself.The men will be happy to get something back,and Mr. King will never know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.

Each man had at first paid ten dollars.After the assistant returned them one dollar each,each had paid nine.There were three men,$9×3=$27.The assistant kept $2.$27+$2=$29.Where is the missing dollar?

1.The three men were not happy because _________.

A.there was a large meeting                 was weekend

C.there was only one small room                   D.they wouldn't have a place to stay

2.With the help of the manager,the three men _________.

A.went to another hotel

B.each got a small room for the night

C.stayed together in a small room a small room Mr. King kept for himself

3.At first,_________.

A.$27 was paid by the three men                   B.$30 was paid by each of the three

C.$25 was paid by the three men                 D.$10 was paid by each of the three

4.The assistant _________.

A.helped the men to divide the money

B.kept two dollars for himself

C.returned three to the men and two to the manager

D.kept three dollars for himself

5.Where is the missing dollar?

A.there wasn't any missing dollar                  B.It was taken by the assistant,too

C.It was taken by Mr. King                      D.It was taken by the three men

    Mr. King lives in a city.He has some shops and so he makes a lot of money.His son,Mike, studies in a middle school.The boy likes everything,but he does not like studying.He doesn't listen to his teachers in class and he never finishes his homework on time.He always plays football when tie has some time.And he can never pass the exams.

    Mr. King is so busy with his business that has little time to stay at home,and he never care for his son’s studies.So he doesn't know anything about his son's studies.

    One day Miss Read,Mike's teacher.makes a telephone call for Mr. King,On the telephone,hone she tells him all about the boy's studies.She wants him to try to help the boy at home.When the man hears this, he doesn't feel happy.

    In the afternoon when his son  comer back from school,Mr. King gives him a good beating (打).But soon he feels sorry for it.when he sees Mike crying in the bedroom.The next morning,before Mike goes to school,the father says to him,“Study hard,my son! I’ll buy you a car when you pass the exam next year.

    Another term is over. Mike doesn't pass the exam once more. Mr. King has a look at the school report for a few minutes and then he asks his son, “You don’t pass the exam again, Mike.What do you do this term'?’’

    “I learn how to drive a”answers the boy.

1.Mr. King is                           

A.a football player                                         B.a teacher

C.a driver                                                     D.a businessman

2.Mike can never pass the exams because                     

A.his father has a lot of money   

B.he doesn't like studying

C.his teachers are not very good

D.he has to help his father in出e shops

3.Miss Read rings Mr. King tell him to take his son out of school buy things from his shop tell him about Mike's studies

D.because his son doesn't pass the exam once again

4.In the sentence “But soon he feels sorry for it when he sees Mike crying in the bed room.”The word “it” refers to(指)                     

    A.Mike's mark(分数)                              B.beating his soil

    C.something that Miss Read tells Mr. King       D.the car

5.Which of the following is wrong?

    A.Mike doesn't pass exam at the end of the term.

    B.Mike's father buys him a car so he has to learn how to drive it

    C.Mike doesn't do well in his lessons for another term.

    D.Mike thinks his father will buy him a car.

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