
Imagine the situation. You are driving a car along a desert or on a mountain. You have no idea        you are. You passed the last house two hours ago. Then your       breaks down. It is night and it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do you do? Well, next time take a        with you. This invention may be able to help you. It is a device(装置) which uses satellites to find the user’s position(位置). It can find your position to within 20 metres. A GPS cannot start your car, but at least you will         where you are.

GPS, which means Global Positioning System, is a small        receiver. It looks like a mobile phone. You can hold it in your hand, or put in your pocket. It is sometimes put into a watch or a        . We also find GPS devices in cars, planes, or boats. Some of these devices have electronic       , so you know where you are. For example, in a city they can tell you the name of the         .

There are       parts to the Global Positioning System. The first part is the     . You can either hold it in your hand      have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of satellites orbiting the Earth. The receiver contacts at least four of the satellites and calculates(计算) its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They       the satellites and make sure they are working well.

Some people think that in the future the GPS will be as        as the mobile. They are becoming       and more and more accurate(精确的). There are also new uses for the GPS. Perhaps they will become like       . Everyone will have one and you will never be lost again.

1.A.where                 B. what               C. who                  D. how

2.A.ship                B. car           C. train                  D. plane

3.A.watch         B. ring         C. clock                 D.GPS

4.A.advise                  B. know              C. represent             D. speak

5.A.radio          B. TV           C. robot                D. machine

6.A.room          B. office               C. road                  D. mobile phone

7.A.parts               B. maps                 C. video                D. music

8.A.studio         B. teenager     C. bus                  D. street

9.A. five            B. four                 C. three                D. two

10.A. sender             B. receiver      C. Internet      D. system

11.A.and               B. then         C. but           D. or

12.A.control              B. achieve       C. allow               D. imagine

13.A.expensive              B. special           C. new                  D. common

14.A. cheaper           B. easier              C. more expensive       D. bigger

15.A.computers             B. robots            C. satellites      D. watches



















【解析】试题分析:这篇文章讲了GPS。GPS能够定位你的方位,所以能让你不再 迷路。它也是一个接受器,接收卫星发回的信号。文章还分析了GPS的构成以及发展趋势。

1.考查疑问词及对语境的理解。句意:你不知道你在哪。A.where在哪;B. what什么;C. who水;D. how怎样。表示地方,用where。故选A。

2.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:这时你的车坏了。A.ship船;B. car汽车;C. train火车;D. plane飞机。由上句:You are driving a car,可知,你开的是车,故选B。

3.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:下一次,随身带一个导航仪。A.watch手表;B. ring戒指;C. clock    钟表;D.GPS导航系统。根据下文:. A GPS cannot start your car, 故选D。

4.考查动词及对语境的理解。 句意:至少你会知道你在哪。A.advise建议;B. know知道,了解;C. represent代表;D. speak说。导航仪能让你知道方位,故选B。

5.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意;GPS是一个小的收音机接收器。.A.radio收音机;B. TV电视;C. robot        机器人;D. machine机器。根据receiver可知,GPS有接收功能,只有收音机有接收功能,功能最接近。故选A。

6.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:在口袋里我们有时会放入一只表或者一个手机。A.room房间B. office办公室C. road道路D. mobile phone手机,根据现实情况,口袋里放的是手机。故选D。

7.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:这些装置有时有电子地图。A.parts部分;B. maps       地图;C. video 录像;D.music音乐。根据:so you know where you are.可知带有的是地图,故选B。

8.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:例如在一个城市里他们能告诉你街道的名称。A.studio工作室;B. teenager青少年;C. bus公交车;D. street街道。根据导航仪的功能,故选D。

9.考查数词及对语境的理解。句意:导航仪包含三个部分。A. five五;B. four四;C. three三;D. two二,根据The third part of the system ,故选C。

10.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:第一部分是一个接收器。A. sender发送者;B. receiver接收者;C. Internet电脑;D. system系统。根据第五题可知, 故选B。

11.考查连词及对语境的理解。句意:你能把他拿在手中,也能固定在车上,或飞机上。A.and 和,又;B. then然后;C. but但是 ;D. or 或者。either....or...两者选其一,故选D。

12.考查动词及对语境的理解。句意:他们控制卫星,确保卫星正常运行。A.control控制;B. achieve达到;C. allow允许;D.imagine想象。根据卫星的作用,是用来控制的,故选A.

13.考查形容词及对语境的理解。句意:将来GPS将会像手机一样普及。A.expensive贵的; B. special特殊的;C. new新的;D. common普通的。根据现实中手机的特点,故选D。

14.考查形容词及对语境的理解.句意:他们会变得越来越便宜,也越来越精确。A. cheaper更便宜;B. easier更容易;C. more expensive更贵的;D. bigger更大的。根据上一句,会像手机一样普及,可知是便宜,故选A。

15.考查名词及对语境的理解。句意:GPS可能会变得像手表一样A.computers电脑;B. robots机器人;C. satellites          卫星; D. watches手表。根据:Everyone will have one and you will never be lost again.可知,这是手表的特性,故选D。





  Hip hop or rap (说唱 ) music as it is also called,started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s.But today many countries have their own kind of hip hop music.This kind of music comes from reggae, disco and funk music.Rapping means speaking to the rhythm of the music, and it is an important part of the music.People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems.

  Rapping in class.

  Would you like to rap in class ? Well actually,hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA.Why ? There is a new school program called “ Flocabulary ”in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects.The words of the songs are just what students are studying.This makes learning easy and fun.Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks.One teacher said, “ I've used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history ! You can't imagine how well they imagine how well they remember what I teach ! We even try to write our own songs.”

  Whose idea was Flocabulary?

  Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary.The word “ Flocabulary ” comes from the word “ flow ” and “ vocabulary ”.“ Flow ” is a rap word for “ style ”,or the way a rapper says the words of a song.“ Vocabulary ” means the words you have to learn in a language.How did he get the idea ? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily.So,why not make lessons into songs ? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Blake produces hip hop songs for maths, science and literature (文学 ).They are now used in schools with great success.


Rap music started ________ in New York city.

[  ]


in the 1970s


In a high school


in the 19 th century.


In a music class.


From the passage, we can learn “ Flocabulary ” is a program to ________.

[  ]


Write rap music.


Sing a song by talking.


Remember the words of a song.


help teach some school subjects.


The underlined word positive in paragraph 2 most probably means ________

[  ]










Blake Harrison has produced hip hop songs for school subject EXCEPT ________.

[  ]









Hip hop or rap (说唱) music as it is also called, started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s . But today many countries have their own kind of  hip hop music . This kind of music comes from reggae, disco and funk music . Rapping means speaking to the  rhythm of the music, and it is an important part of the music . People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems .
Rapping in class.
Would you like to rap in class? Well actually, hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA .Why ? There is a new school program called “ Flocabulary ”in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects . The words of the songs are just what students are studying . This makes learning easy and fun . Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks . One teacher said, “ I’ve used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history ! You can't imagine how well they imagine how well they remember what I teach ! We even try to write our own songs . ”
Whose idea was Flocabulary?
Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary . The word “ Flocabulary ” comes from the word “ flow ” and “ vocabulary ” . “ Flow ” is a rap word for “ style ”,or the way a rapper says the words of a song . “ Vocabulary ” means the words you have to learn in a language . How did he get the idea ? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily . So,why not make lessons into songs ? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Blake produces hip hop songs for maths, science and literature (文学). They are now used in schools with great success .
【小题1】Rap music started  _____ in New York city .

A.in the 1970sB.In a high school
C.in the 19 th century .D.In a music class .
【小题2】From the passage, we can learn “ Flocabulary ” is a program to _____ .
A.Write rap music .B.Sing a song by talking
C.Remember the words of a song .D.help teach some school subjects.
【小题3】The underlined word  positive  in paragraph 2 most probably means _____ 
【小题4】Blake Harrison has produced hip hop songs for school subject EXCEPT _____ .

Hip hop or rap (说唱) music as it is also called, started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s . But today many countries have their own kind of  hip hop music . This kind of music comes from reggae, disco and funk music . Rapping means speaking to the  rhythm of the music, and it is an important part of the music . People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems .

Rapping in class.

Would you like to rap in class? Well actually, hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA .Why ? There is a new school program called “ Flocabulary ”in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects . The words of the songs are just what students are studying . This makes learning easy and fun . Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks . One teacher said, “ I’ve used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history ! You can't imagine how well they imagine how well they remember what I teach ! We even try to write our own songs . ”

Whose idea was Flocabulary?

Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary . The word “ Flocabulary ” comes from the word “ flow ” and “ vocabulary ” . “ Flow ” is a rap word for “ style ”,or the way a rapper says the words of a song . “ Vocabulary ” means the words you have to learn in a language . How did he get the idea ? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily . So,why not make lessons into songs ? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Blake produces hip hop songs for maths, science and literature (文学). They are now used in schools with great success .

1.Rap music started  _____ in New York city .

A.in the 1970s                           B.In a high school

C.in the 19 th century .                     D.In a music class .

2.From the passage, we can learn “ Flocabulary ” is a program to _____ .

A.Write rap music .                       B.Sing a song by talking

C.Remember the words of a song .            D.help teach some school subjects.

3.The underlined word  positive  in paragraph 2 most probably means _____ 

A.bad              B.good             C.final              D.direct

4.Blake Harrison has produced hip hop songs for school subject EXCEPT _____ .

A.maths            B.science           C.history            D.literature



   Hip hop or rap (说唱 ) music as it is also called,started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s . But today many countries have their own kind of hip hop music . This kind of music comes from reggae, disco and funk music . Rapping means speaking to the rhythm of the music, and it is an important part of the music . People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems .

Rapping in class.

Would you like to rap in class ? Well actually,hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA .Why ? There is a new school program called “ Flocabulary ”in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects . The words of the songs are just what students are studying . This makes learning easy and fun . Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks . One teacher said, “ I’ve used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history ! You can't imagine how well they imagine how well they remember what I teach ! We even try to write our own songs . ”

Whose idea was Flocabulary?

Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary . The word “ Flocabulary ” comes from the word “ flow ” and “ vocabulary ” . “ Flow ” is a rap word for “ style ”,or the way a rapper says the words of a song . “ Vocabulary ” means the words you have to learn in a language . How did he get the idea ? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily . So,why not make lessons into songs ? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Blake produces hip hop songs for maths, science and literature (文学 ). They are now used in schools with great success .

53. Rap music started _____ in New York city .

A. in the 1970s         B. In a high school 

C.in the 19 th century .      D. In a music class .

54. From the passage, we can learn “ Flocabulary ” is a program to _____ .

A. Write rap music .        B. Sing a song by talking . 

C. Remember the words of a song .  D. help teach some school subjects .

55. The underlined word positive in paragraph 2 most probably means _____

A. bad      B. good    C. final  D direct

56. Blake Harrison has produced hip hop songs for school subject EXCEPT _____ .

A. maths     B. science     C. history     D. literature

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