
 wear,  invent,  mean,  enough,  teach,  read,  invention,  information,  memorize,  who     
    Modern glasses were 1.        around 1,000 years ago.  They were more than just aconvenient way 2.        _ with. Before glasses, writers. scientists or 3.        _whocould not see properly had to 4.           everything.  After about ten years of poor eyesight,they could not remember well 5.           and could not work. Glasses 6.          thatpeople could work into their old age.  People 7.           wanted to remember 8.        _
could write it clown and read it.  Glasses arc one of the world's greatest 9.           and wereprobably
10.           by the people who need them.
1. invented  2. to read  3. teachers   4. memorize  5. enough  6. meant   7. who  8. information   9. inventions  10. worn


In recent years, studying Chinese in China has become popular with foreigners. Some Chinese classroom manners are______ from western classroom manners. It might be a good idea to know something about these ______ you take a Chinese class.

Being respectful (尊重的)

Students in China respect their teachers very much. When ______ your teacher, you should always use your teacher’s surname (姓), followed by "laoshi" to call him or her. So______ your teacher’s surname is Shu, you should call her "Shu laoshi".

Being on time

Being on time is ______ for Chinese students. Being at your desk before the bell rings is ______ you need to do in a Chinese classroom.

Listening, not talking

In China, teachers talk and students listen. Students ______ to ask questions, but most Chinese students are too ______ to open their mouth in class. So sometimes the teacher needs to ask somebody to answer questions.

When studying Chinese in China, you will soon learn that it’s ______ hard work. You need to write the Chinese characters (汉字) and ______ your reading, speaking and listening. If you try your best, you will make it! 

1.A. helpful                    B. typical                       C. different                 D. the same

2.A. before                          B. after                        C. since                       D. where

3.A. helping                    B. remembering          C. visiting           D. speaking to

4.A. if                                    B. who                         C. until                         D. though

5.A. nice                     B. important               C. relaxed          D. pleasant

6.A. when                   B. that                          C. what                        D. how

7.A. are refused                  B. are allowed            C. are prevented       D. are offered

8.A. shy                           B. proud                       C. full                           D. safe

9.A. hardly                           B. gradually                 C. really                       D. possibly

10.A. describe               B. point                         C. trouble          D. practice        




Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs.They loved each other and played together so often that they had made a path(小路)through the grass of the field    1    their houses.

One evening Brownie's family noticed that Brownie didn't return home.They went looking for him    2  .Brownie didn't show up the next day,and the next week.

Spotty went to Brownie's house alone.He barked loudly.But Brownie's   3   were too busy to care about him.Finally,one morning Spotty   4    to take “no” for an answer.He followed Ted,Brownie's owner,everywhere he went.He barked,then rushed toward a nearby empty place and back,as if to say.“Follow me!”

Finally,Ted followed the dog across the empty place.The little dog   5   the man to a tree half a mile from the house.There Ted found Brownie alive.one of his legs was crushed(压住)in a trap(老鼠夹).Ted wished he had come   6  .Then Ted noticed that,in a circle around the injured dog,a lot of   7   was left over after lots of meals.

Spotty had been visiting Brownie every day.He had stayed with Brownie to protect him,snuggling(依偎)with him at night to keep him   8   and nuzzling(用鼻子爱抚)him to keep his spirits up.

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