
      After I have lunch in an inn (小饭馆), I look for my handbag. I put it on a chair beside
the door and now it isn't there! As (当······时候) I am looking for it, the inn-keeper
comes in.
      "Do you have a good lunch?" he asks.
      "Yes, thank you," I answer. "But I can't pay (付款) the bill. Somebody takes away my bag.
      "The inn-keeper smiles and goes out at once. In a few minutes (过了一会儿) he comes
back with my bag and gives it to me.
      "I am very sorry," he says. "My dog takes it into the garden. He often does this."
1. The woman has a good lunch, but she ______ at first.
A. doesn't pay for it
B. can't pay for it
C. refuses (拒绝) to pay for it
D. wants to pay for it next time
2. _______ takes the woman's bag away.
A. A thief (小偷)
B. The woman herself
C. The inn-keeper
D. The dog in the inn
3. The inn-keeper knows _______.
A. who takes the woman's bag away .
B. the woman doesn't want to pay for her lunch
C. the woman can give him a lot of money
D. the dog can find the lost bag
4. The dog takes the bag away because it _______.
A. wants to play with it
B. wants to see if (是否) there is money in it
C. wants to help the inn-keeper to get more money
D. likes to see people looking for their bags
5. The underlined word "bill" in Paragraph 3 means _______.
A. a piece of bread
B. a kind of drink
C. a piece of paper, from which you can know how much you must pay
D. a piece of paper, from which you can know what food they sell
6. The woman puts her bag on a chair b______ she has her lunch.
7. The woman t______ somebody takes her bag away.
8. In this inn people eat first and t______ pay.
9. The inn-keeper k______ what happens (发生) to the woman's bag.
10. The inn-keeper's dog often p______ with the customers' bags.

6. before 7. think 8. then 9. knows 10. plays

President Hu Jintao flew to theearthquake-hit region in Yushu ,Qinghai on
April 18, 2010. Ata field hospital on the groundof a sports stadium, Hu sat
onthe  bed ' of  Drolma, a  middleschool student , and held her inhis arm as
she wept (哭泣)." Rest  assured (放心 IYJ ) , youwill have a full recovery (康复) . Be strong. You will have abright future , " he told her.

The 2010 Word Expo .
Shanghai China
The 2010 World Expo Shang-hai ChinaDuration (举办时间)  : May  1to
October 31 ,2010Expected visitors : 70 millionTheme (题 ) : ." Better  City ,Better Life. "     The theme represents thecommon wish of the people allover
the world for a better liv-ing in  future  urban (城市的 )environments.
The 19th FIFA World Cup(世界杯足球赛)Duration: June 11 to July12 ,2010Host(ii办)nation: South Af-ricaNumber of teams: Thirty-twoNumber
of matches: Sixty-four    It is the first time that thetournament(锦标赛)has beenhosted by a nation in the Con-federation(联盟)of AfricanFootball.
1. President Hu Jintao flew to Yushu, Qinghai _____, 2010.  
A. on May l              
B. on June 11 
C. on April 18          
D. on July 12
2. President Hu  Jintao  comforted (安慰) _____ at  a field hospital. 
A. a middle school student
B. a soldier
C. a farmer of Yushu
D. a doctor
3. The 2010 World Expo in Shanghai ended on_____ . 
A. September 30        
B. October 31
C. November 30          
D. December 31
4. The theme of Exp0 2010 is"_____"
A. Better City, Bright Future
B. Better City, Good Environment
C. Better City, Better Life
D. Better City , Best Investment(投资)
5. There would be ______teams taking part in the 19th FIFA World Cup. 
A. 10                      
B. 12
C. 13                        
D. 32

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