
What do you think being beauty really means? All answers to that question are correct, because there are no right or wrong replies. Despite(不管) what society tries to make us believe, there is no “ideal” beauty. There are exact standards—hair colour, or eye colour—that make someone beautiful. Think about it: did you consider someone to be really beautiful, but your friend didn’t see it? That’s because what’s attractive to one person isn’t necessarily going to be attractive to another. So how can we believe that there’s a standard for beauty? It makes no sense.

Weight-loss companies and clothing industries seem to have made it their goal to get us believe that we are not enough and that we need all kinds of things to be prettier. It’s not true! Companies sell us this ideas for their products to make money. I’m not saying that buying beauty products is bad, but what would be bad is using them because you feel like you have to look a certain way in order to be “beautiful”.

Remember, the people wear tons of make-up and are photoshopped in order to look perfect. When you see a girl who society considers as a “great body”, you have to remember that people have different body types and everyone’s body is different. We’re all beautiful, whether we’re slim, thickset or anywhere in between. If you want to lose weight, go ahead, but do it in a healthy way and do it for the right reason—not because you want to fit in. Being comfortable with yourself is really important, and being with others who accept you as you are and don’t ask you to change to look a specific(特定的) way is important too.

Beauty standards

What being

beautiful means

●It’s not 1. to give an answer to the question.

●One’s beauty cannot be decided by exact standards.

●People have 2. ideas about beauty.

Social factors

●Weight-loss companies and clothing industries 3. our ideas about beauty for the sales of their products.

●It’s bad to use products in order to fit in with a certain standard.


●People have different body types and each of us has our own beauty.

●It’s OK to lose weight but remember to do it 5..

●It’s important for you to accept the way you are and spend time with people who don’t ask you to change the way you look.

A poor boy once went to a ragged(破旧的)school, where his face was well washed. When he returned home, the neighbors looked at him in surprise.

They said, "That looks like Tom Rogers, and yet it can't be, for he is so clean."

After a while, his mother looked at him, and seeing that his face was so clean, she thought that her own face was dirty, and she washed it at once.

The father soon came home from his work, and, seeing his wife and his son so clean, he thought that his face was dirty, and so he followed their example.

Father, mother and son being clean, the mother began to think that the room looked dirty, so she went down on her knees to scrub(擦洗)the floor clean.

A woman lived next door. Seeing so great a change in her neighbors, she thought that her face and her room were very dirty, so she, too, quickly set about cleaning them.

This story shows how two houses and their families were made tidy and comfortable, simply by the example of the clean face of one ragged school boy.

Children, as well as grow-up people, should always set a good example. We never know how much good may be done in that way, nor can we tell how much harm results from a bad example.


1.The poor boy got his face washed at home.

2.When the mother saw that his son's face was so clean, she thought that her own face was dirty, and washed it right away.

3.The boy's father thought the room dirty, so he went down on his knees to clean the floor.

4.Seeing such a great change in her neighbors, the woman neighbor thought that her face and her room were very dirty.

5.From the passage, we know we should always set a good example for others.

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