
Jim likes to watch football matches very much. But his father has a big (1) and can’t give him enough money. He often feels (2) . It was Friday. Jim and Kate were (3). After school they did some cleaning. Jim found a wallet on the (4)\ when they swept the ground. Jim picked it up and put it into his (5) but Kate found it. He had to bring it out and they (6) there was some money in it. Kate told him to turn it in (上交) and the boy (7) .The next morning Jim read a (8)and knew there was a football match that evening. He bought a (9)with the money in the wallet. And the next (11)Kate knew he didn’t turn in the wallet and told Miss Hunt, their headteacher, about it. Miss Hunt (12) Jim in her office and asked, “You found a wallet (13)days ago, didn’t you?”Jim (14)Kate reported it to the teacher and (15)say, “Yes, I did.”

“Why didn’t you turn it in?

“Because I didn’t find you.”

“Why not turn it in today?”

“Because there’s no money in it.”


A. office   B. factory     C. family    D. shop

[  ]


A. sorry   B. happy      C. pleased    D. afraid

[  ]


A. at school  B. at home     C. in class     D. on duty

[  ]


A. floor   B. ground     C. building    D. tree

[  ]


A. shoe   B. desk       C. room     D. pocket

[  ]


A. saw    B. counted     C. read     D. guessed

[  ]


A. smiled   B. agreed      C. wished     D. won

[  ]


A. book   B. diary       C. newspaper   D. card

[  ]


A. coat    B. ticket       C. cake      D. pencil

[  ]


A. Monday   B. Tuesday     C. Wednesday   D. Thursday

[  ]


A. carried   B. pulled       C. pushed     D. called

[  ]


A. five     B. four       C. three      D. two

[  ]


A. understood  B. shouted     C. told       D. said

[  ]


A. could    B. might      C. needed     D. had to

[  ]


A. not     B. no       C. some       D. any

[  ]

配对阅读  左栏是五个人的兴趣描述,右栏是七个网站的简介。请将五个人与他们感兴趣的网站配对,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

1.George loves dogs very much. He regards dogs as his friends. Now he keeps two in his house. He is interested in all kinds of information and news about them.

2.Amy is a school girl. Reading short stories is her hobby. Every night, she would like to read one after finishing her homework.

3.Judy likes listening to pop songs. She would like to download (下载) some to her MP4 so that she can enjoy them wherever she is.

4. Henry is a very active boy. He likes playing ball games as well as watching them. He is also interested in searching news about games and sports stars.

5.Kate likes surfing the internet for ideas. Mother’s Day is coming. She wants to do something different to thank her mother this year.

A. http: // www. workpage. com

  Classical Chinese novels can be found here, such as Journey to the West, Legend of White Snake and Three Kingdoms. You can know something about Chinese history by reading the long stories. The are good for you to read online.

B. http: // www. search. com

  Do you want to search for the perfect gift suggestions? We have many for you, from expensive gifts to special and new ones. You will be pleased with our advice. Click our website now.

C. http : // www. ez-tracks.com

  The latest and the greatest songs of all times and today like Katy Perry’s I Kissed a Girl with EZ-Tracks can be found here. You can listen online or download some for future listening.

D. http:// www. classical. com

  This website is good for those who are interested in reading stories and poems. You can experience the joy by reading such fine short works. We hope they will excite people again into discovering the happiness that the excellent e-books bring.

E. http://www.nationalgeographic.com

  You can get animal pictures, photos, videos, facts, photo galleries and more in our web. It tells you a lot about living styles of animals, the animal structure and the food they eat. You can also read news about them here.

F. http://www.mzone.com

  Watch and listen to different kinds of music videos online, such as classical music, pop music, country music, rock and roll, etc. Get the latest music videos, news interviews and more.

G. http://www.bluesky.com

  The best sports around the world include football, basketball, golf, rugby, WWE, boxing, tennis and more. Get the latest sports scores, professional players, team news, videos, schedules and fantasy games.


     When Kate was eighteen, her mother gave her a beautiful ring.  It was
a birthday present and Kate was very pleased. A-week later, when she
was working in the kitchen, she lost the ring. She looked everywhere in
the kitchen but she could not find it.  She also looked outside the kitchen
but she still couldn't find the ring. Kate became very sad. She even cried.
     That evening at supper time, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes.
     "These are delicious cakes ! Who made them?"
     "I made them," Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes
she made.  She was very good at cooking.
     "Are there any ...? Oh !  ..." he started to ask, and then suddenly stopped.
He opened his mouth and took a ring out. "Where did this come from?" he
asked. "Mmm, this is a strange type of cake!"
     Kate was very excited.  " My ring ! "  she cried. She took it to the kitchen,
washed it and then came back. She thanked her brother.
     "I'm sorry you got such a surprise," she said,
     "but thank you very much for finding my ring. rii cook some more nice
cakes for you tomorrow . "
l. Her mother gave Kate _     _ as a birthday present.
A. a nice book
B. a beautiful ring
C. a gold watch
D. a new bike
2. Kate        .
A. broke the present while she was working
B. lost it in her own room
C. broke it while she was cooking
D. lost it while she was making cakes in the kitchen
3. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?
A. Kate found the lost ring in the kitchen.
B. Kate found it outside the house.
C. Kate found it at school.
D. Kate couldn't find it anywhere.
4. Kate's brother found the ring _       .
A. while he was working
B. while he was playing outside
C. while he was eating cakes
D. while he was having lunch
5. Kate got back the ring and she          .
A. thanked her brother
B. said she would pay her brother for it
C. sang a nice song for her brother
D. said nothing to her brother but smiled to him
     Su Hua is studying at Cambridge, UK. She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security ( 安全). Her friend, Kate, found this article and sent it to her.
A lot of crime is against bicycles. About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never
found. You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.
     Basic Security
Do not leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places. Always lock your bicycle when you leave. Secure
it to lampposts or trees. Take off smaller parts and take them with you, for example lights and saddles (车座).
     Get a good lock. There are many different types in the shops. Buy one that has been tested against
attack. Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop.
Security marking your bike can act as a deterrent to a thief. It can also help the police find your bicycle. It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number. This will provide a
simple way to identify your bicycle.
There are a number of companies who will security mark your bicycle for you. They will then put your
registration number and personal details on their computer database. Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.
Keep a record of the bicycle yourself: its make, model and registration number. You can even take
a photograph of it. This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.
1. Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?             
A. Locks.
B. Marking.
C. Registration.
D. Basic Security.
2. The underlined phrase “act as a deterrent to a thief” means ______.
A. help you recognize your bike
B. help the police find your bicycle
C. stop someone stealing your bicycle
D. stop you worrying about your bike
3. The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle _______.
A. in the bike shop and your computer
B. in the police station and a security company
C. in a security company and your university
D. by yourself and in a security company
4. The main purpose of this article is _________.
A. to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen
B. to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe
C. to give you advice on where to buy a good lock
D. to say why you shouldn’t keep your bicycle in a quiet place

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