

101. 据报道那家大工厂有大量的工人,而且工人人数超过了十万人。

It’s reported that there are _________________________ workers in that big factory, and _________________________ the workers is over 100,000.

102. 我也想拒绝做如此多的家庭作业,而通常情况下我别无选择只有做它。

   I also want to __________________ homework, and usually I ___________________it.

103. 当你在如何取得学业和爱好间平衡有困难时,可以向你的英语老师求助。

  When you have difficulty ______________________ your schoolwork and your hobbies, you can ask your English teacher _______________.

104. “西蒙不能按时交作业,我真不知道如何处置他,”布莱克先生自言自语道。

“Simon can’t hand in his homework ______________, and I really don't know ______________ him,” Mr. Black said to himself.

105. —为什么彼得考试总是得满分呢?


—Why does Peter always get full marks in the exams?

—Because he thinks ______________ than ______________ in his class. 

101. a number of; the number of  102. refuse to do so much; have no choice but to do  103. achieving a balance between; for help  104. on time; how to deal with/ what to do with  105. more carefullly;any other student


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