
My mother is busy_____ the room.

A.clean             B.to clean           C.cleaning          D.cleans





试题分析:根据题干可知,此句考查的重点是固定短语be busy doing sth表示忙于做某事,本句的含义是妈妈正忙着打扫房间,故选C。

考点:be busy doing sth

点评:此题考查动词的形式,在此句型结构中要用动词的ing形式。和它含义类似的短语还有 be busy with sth表示忙于做某事,因此要分清两者之间的不同。



We arrived       Mount Tai in the morning with my parents. That      a beautiful day. We      our trip at 9:00.         in my family took a bag     some food and water.      three hours, we got to the top. I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.      the city looked wonderful from the top of the hill! Then we had our lunch at 1:00 p.m. .After a while, it      hardly, so everyone put a raincoat on. You       think we would feel sad. No. We       were excited, because we saw       wonderful waterfall in the mountain. It was so beautiful       we forgot about the last 3 hours. At 4 p.m., we came back to the foot of mountain. My father bought         tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful necklace for          . I didn’t buy anything, because       there was too expensive, and I didn’t have much money.    

1.A. in          B. at          C. on             D. to

2.A. is           B. where       C. are            D. was

3.A. went        B. bought      C. started         D. stopped

4.A. Someone     B. Anyone      C. No one        D. Everyone

5.A. in                B. on          C. with          D. carried

6.A. After         B. On          C. For          D. With

7.A. And         B. So           C. But          D. Then

8.A. rain          B. rains         C. rained        D. raining

9.A. can          B. need          C. must        D. will

10.A. both              B. each          C. too          D. all

11.A. very               B. very much     C. quite a       D. a quite

12.A. that          B. because       C. so           D. then

13.A. many             B. a few         C. some         D. few

14.A. himself          B. herself        C. she          D. her

15.A. everything       B. something     C. nothing       D. anything


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