Would you like to travel space?

It is 2050. Space tourism has become a reality. So would you want to be a space tourist? Here, some middle school students share their opinions.

Jeea, U.K.

I love space very much and would like to be the first teenager to d1. a new planet. Then perhaps it would be named after me. I would become famous around the world!

Emily, U.S.

Space exploration can be dangerous. What should I do if I get l2.? I can’t come back to the earth. I am also afraid of heights. It would be very frightening when you look down from a spaceship!

Klaudia, Spain

I would love to go to space because from there I could enjoy a nice v3. of the Earth. The blue oceans and green forests on the Earth must be magnificent. What’s more, I am curious about what life is like without gravity (重力). Perhaps it would be fun to play golf in space!

Edward, U.K.

It would be cool. But how lonely and depressed I would be without a4. around me! I would miss my family. It also requires a large amount of training to become a space tourist, and I don’t think I have time for that. Moreover, I don’t think I can a5. a trip to space. That would definitely cost a lot!

Zainab, South Africa

I’d love to. We studied the solar system in Science classes this semester. I think space is amazing and I desire to know more about it. Unluckily, I have no other way but to search for information about it o6.. If I can have the chance to travel to space, I would directly see the things I never see on the Earth.

Ana, U.S.

I would not like to be a space tourist. I respect those who love space tourism. For me, I only want to f7. on what I have on this planet — my family, my school and my pets. I would like to work hard to make progress in what I am doing.

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