
  My stutter(口吃)had always been much of a problem.I'd had so many specialists for my   1   over the years.As l walked down the hallway to meet a new one, memories popped in my head of how painful(痛苦的)being a kid who stutters had been.It   2   hurt.

  “Hello! I'm Mrs.Claussen.I hear you're from Texas! "

  “Ye-Ye-Ye-Yes m-m-m-m-m-m-m-aam I am…”My heart felt like it was pounding through my chest and my hands were dripping wet.I really blew that


  “Well, " she said with a   4   Smile.161've always liked Texas."

  She turned out to be the best speech specialist I've ever had, not like those who

  told me to clap my hands while speaking.She was   5  .She spent the first several weeks just talking to me-asking me all kinds of questions about myself, especially my feelings.And she   6  .She then began to teach me about the speech.Not just about my speech, but about everybody's.

  I   7   in my old school and was a pretty good tenor(男高音), but I learned that the new school's singing group was all filled up.It was such bad news, for I thought that was the one thing I could really do well-and I could do it

    8   stuttering.Somehow Mrs.Claussen finally got me in the group.I felt like she really cared about me as a person, not just a speech student.

  During the next two years, my speech didn't get much better-except with her.When I was in college, things got worse.I once even wondered if I would ever be able to   9   ! It was a very depressing time, and I often felt alone.When I was feeling really sorry for myself, I remembered Mrs.Claussen had told me whether I could   10   my speech was all up to me.She had told me not to fight for perfect speech, just better speech.She was right about that.I finally improved my speech greatly.

  Many years have passed, but I think of her from time to time, wondering if she had as much   11   0n her other students as she had on me.I like to think that she did.Her name was Mrs.Claussen...and she   12  .I'II never forget her.


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I didn’t think I had a passion(激情). I would sit in front of the TV all day, thinking about nothing but the next show. It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion is to life.
That day I went with my mum to drive my sister to the gym. I was bored. Then, as my mum stopped at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye(吸引我的世界). It was a man dressed in rags (衣衫褴褛). He was homeless. That didn’t interest me, for I had seen many like him before.
But in some ways he was different. This man was not sitting down with a sad expression(表情). He had a radio in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious(珍贵)thing he had.
“Mum, why does that man have a radio even thought(尽管) he’s homeless?” I asked.
“He bought it,” she replied. I was still unable to understand.
“But if he’s homeless, why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes? He wasted it on something he doesn’t need.”
“Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t the most important things. We need happiness, too.”
The man must care too much about music to buy a radio instead of food clothes. I soon realized(意识到)that happiness is the key to life. Without it, there’s nothing to look forward to.
Since then I’ve never gone a day without thinking of what’s truly important. A home, a meal, clothes—these things are only part of the picture. What’s often forgotten is that we all need a pleasure, a light in a dark day. We all need a passion.
【小题1】How would Sarah spend her days long ago?
A.She watched TV all day.
B.She used to read a lot.
C.She did nothing but thinking.
D.She was always sleeping.
【小题2】Who caught Sarah’s eye when her mum stopped the car at a red light?
A.A man dressed in rags.
B.A man dressed in new clothes.
C.A man sitting down with a sad expression.
D.A man singing happily to the music.
【小题3】 Why was the man different?
A.He wore new clothes.
B.He was sitting with a sad expression.
C.He was homeless.
D.He lived an active life though he was very poor.
【小题4】What did Sarah do after she understood the fact?
A.She thought all day without doing anything.
B.She bought a radio just like the man’s.
C.She had a passion with everything from then on.
D.She always danced to the music on the radio.
【小题5】 What can we learn from the passage?
A.Sometimes food and clothes are the most important things in our life.
B.Happiness is the key to life and it is what we are looking forward to.
C.Music is more important than food or clothes.
D.Money is the most important thing for a person.

The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs Grant left her house, so she decided not to___    an umbrella with her. She got on the bus to the town and before long it began to rain.The rain had not stopped___ ____the bus arrived at the market half an hour later.Mrs Grant stood up and absent—mindedly(心不在焉地)picked up the umbrella that was      on the seat in front of her.

    A cold voice said loudly,“That is mine,Madam!”

    Suddenly remembering that she had come out without her umbrella,Mrs Grant felt  __ ____ for what she had done,trying at the same time to take no notice of the unpleasant _      the owner of the umbrella was giving her.

    When she got off the bus,Mrs Grant made straight for a shop where she could buy an umbrella.She found a pretty one and bought it .Then she        to buy another as a present for her daughter. Afterwards she did the rest of her       and had lunch in a restaurant.

    In the afternoon she got on the homeward (回家的)bus with the two umbrellas under

her arm, and sat down. Then she     that, by a curious coincidence(巧合),she was sitting next to the woman who had made her feel      that morning.

    That woman now looked at her,and then at the umbrellas. “You’ve had quite a good __   ,” she said.

1.A. keep        B. bring       C. take          D. leave

2.A. before       B. until       C. though             D. when

3.A. hanging     B. appearing   C. dropping           D. losing

4.A. angry      B. sorry       C. lucky         D. glad

5.A. reply      B.call        C. suggestion           D. look

6.A.promised   B. decided     C. agreed         D. remembered

7.A. hiking      B. shopping    C. trying         D. searching

8.A. meant      B. explained   C. saw           D. forgot

9.A. jealous     B. bored      C. satisfied        D. uncomfortable

10.A. day        B. meal       C .Journey        D. present


My stutter(口吃)had always been much of a problem. I'd had so many specialists for my______35________ over the years. As l walked down the hallway to meet a new one, memories popped in my head of how painful(痛苦的)being a kid who stutters had been. It______36________ hurt.

    “Hello! I'm Mrs. Claussen. I hear you're from Texas!"

    “Ye-Ye-Ye-Yes m-m-m-m-m-m-m-aam I am…”My heart felt like it was pounding through my chest and my hands were dripping wet. I really blew that

______37________ .

    “Well," she said with a ______38________Smile. 161've always liked Texas."

    She turned out to be the best speech specialist I've ever had, not like those who

    told me to clap my hands while speaking. She was______39________.She spent the first several weeks just talking to me - asking me all kinds of questions about myself, especially my feelings. And she______40________ . She then began to teach me about the speech. Not just about my speech, but about everybody's.

       I______41________ in my old school and was a pretty good tenor(男高音), but I learned that the new school's singing group was all filled up. It was such bad news, for I thought that was the one thing I could really do well - and I could do it

______42________ stuttering. Somehow Mrs. Claussen finally got me in the group. I felt like she really cared about me as a person, not just a speech student.

     During the next two years, my speech didn't get much better - except with her. When I was in college, things got worse. I once even wondered if I would ever be able to______43________ ! It was a very depressing time, and I often felt alone. When I was feeling really sorry for myself, I remembered Mrs. Claussen had told me whether I could______44________ my speech was all up to me. She had told me not to fight for perfect speech, just better speech. She was right about that. I finally improved my speech greatly.

     Many years have passed, but I think of her from time to time, wondering if she had as much______45________  0n her other students as she had on me. I like to think that she did. Her name was Mrs. Claussen... and she______46_______ . I'II never forget her.

1.A. speech                     B. study                  C. dream                 D. fear

2.A. maybe                      B. even                            C. still                              D. never

3.A. instruction                 B. description                    C. introduction                   D. presentation

4.A. shy                           B. cold                              C. weak                   D. kind

5.A. silent                                 B. simple                 C. direct                            D. different

6.A. cried                        B. listened                C. waited                 D. stopped

7.A. sang                          B. spoke                            C. played                 D. clapped

8.A. against                      B. besides                   C. beyond                D. without

9.A. practise                    B. communicate                 C. report                           D. reply

10.A. train                               B. share                  C. change                D. follow

11.A. advice                    B. influence             C. dependence                  D. action

12.A. continued               B. taught                           C. agreed                D. cared


I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she’d said again, “it’s for Elizabeth.”

I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”. But she lived “on the surface”.

As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.

My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace—it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside--- a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded(折叠) and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.

1.The writer began to love her mother’s desk____________.

   A. after Mother died.

   B. before she became a writer.

   C. when she was a child

   D. when Mother gave it to her

2. The passage shows that _____________.

   A. mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter

   B. mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done

   C. mother cared much about her daughter in words

   D. mother wrote to her daughter in careful words

3.The word “gulf” in the passage means ____________.

   A. deep understanding between the old and the young

   B. different ideas between the mother and the daughter

   C. free talks between mother daughter

   D. part of the sea going far in land

4.What did mother do with her daughter’s letter?

   A. She had never received the letter.

   B. For years, she often talked about the letter.

   C. She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in all her life.

   D. She read the letter again and again till she died.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

   A. My Letter to Mother        B. Mother and Children

   C. My Mother’s Desk         D. Talks between Mother and Me


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