
James likes sports, so he is tall and strong in his middle school. Now his father and mother work in London So he begins to study in a middle school there. He’s a member of the school Rugby team. He likes the game very much and plays it on Saturday and Sunday.

His grandma lives in a small village and one day she comes to see him. It’s Saturday and she doesn’t see the boy at home. So she goes to look for him in the school. She sees thirty boys are stealing only one ball. The old woman tells Tom to finish playing and going home with her.

“But, Grandma, I ……”

“Don’t play with them, my dear!” says the old woman. “I’m going to buy a ball for you!”

A. he’s tall      B. he’s a student

C. he likes sports  D.he likes his school

1.James lives_________ now.

A.in a village                             B.with his grandma

C.in London                             D.with his students

2.James___________ on Saturday and Sunday.

A.does housework                        B.plays football

C.plays Rugby                            D.has a rest

3.________ , so the old woman doesn’t find him at home.

A.James goes shopping                     B.James leaves London

C.James is at school                       D.James is not at home

4.The old woman doesn’t know how to play Rugby, so she________

A.watches the games for a long time

B.gives the team a new ball

C.tells the boy to go home with her

D.is angry










1.根据James likes sports, so he is tall and strong in his middle school.可知选C。


3.根据He’s a member of the school Rugby team. He likes the game very much and plays it on Saturday and Sunday.描述可知选C。

4.根据So she goes to look for him in the school.及下文描述,可知詹姆斯在学校。故选C。

5.根据The old woman tells Tom to finish playing and going home with her.可知选C。






A)对话理解 5%

1.How many kilos of apples does the woman want to buy?

A.Four kilos.

B.A kilo.

C.Half a kilo.

2.When does the class begin?

A.At 6∶45 a.m.

B.At 7∶00 a.m.

C.At 7∶15 a.m.

3.How far is Jane' s home away from her school?

A.About 20 minutes' walk.

B.About 10 minutes' walk.

C.About 50 minutes' walk.

4.Where does Lannie come from?




5.Who is the first?

A.Simon is.

B.I am.

C.Daniel is.

6.What is Mrs Lee doing?

A.Mrs Lee is playing in the park.

B.Mrs Lee is having dinner.

C.Mrs Lee is doing some shopping.

7.What colour blouse is Miss Green wearing?

A.A green blouse.

B.A blue blouse.

C.A red and yellow blouse.

8.What would James like?

A.Some bread and a cup of coffee.

B.Some bread and a cup of tea.

C.Some bread.

9.What does the woman think of the film?

A.Not interesting.



10.Which floor does Tom live on?

A.On the 6 th floor.

B.On the 4 th floor.

C.On the 8 th floor.

B)短文理解 5%

11.On what day do the three sons come back home?

A.Father's Day.

B.Children's birthday.

C.Mother's Day.

12.Which present does Tom give his mom?

A.A beautiful car.

B.A big house.

C.A beautiful parrot (鹦鹉).

13.Why does Daniel send his mom a parrot?

A.Because the parrot can sing for Mom.

B.Because the parrot can dance for Mom.

C.Because the parrot can speak to Mom.

14.What does Mom think of the car?

A.She likes it.

B.She does not like it.

C.She thinks it is the best.

15.What happens to(发生) the parrot?

A.Mom cooks and eats it.

B.It reads books for Mom.

C.Mom plays with it.

My name is Eric. I know many students like going to the movies and I’m sure that different people like different kinds of movies . Well ,what kind of movies do you like? Last Monday I went to a school and asked some students about their favorite movies. Here are some of their answers.

    Jack, an 11-year-old boy, likes watching scary movies. He thinks scary movies are scary but exciting .His classmates.Alice,13,can’t stand documentaries (文艺片). She thinks they are boring and they are for parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. James, a big boy ,doesn’t mind documentaries. But he doesn’t like comedies because he thinks they are not exciting!

    The survey showed that the most popular movies were action movies. Most of the students enjoyed them very much.

1.When did Eric do the survey?

A. Last Monday    B. Last Tuesday.   C. Las Wednesday  D. Last Thursday

2.What kind of movies does Jack like?

A. Sitcoms        B. Comedies       C. Scary movies       D. Cartoons

3.Who can’t stand documentaries?

A. Jack          B. Alice            C. James           D. Eric

4.Why doesn’t James like comedies?

A. Because he thinks they’re boring.       B. Because he thinks they’re for parents.

C. Because he thinks they aren’t funny.    D. Because he thinks they aren’t exciting.

5.What are the most popular movies for most of the students?

A. Documentaries     B. Comedies       C. Scary movies      D. Action movies.


From the first day he entered my junior-high classroom,James Crum lived in his own world.He was a student with few words.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday,we started the Christmas collection of money for the poor people in our school.“Christmas is a season of giving,” I told my students.“By contributing(捐献)to our Christmas collection,you will help to buy food,clothes and toys for the poor people.We will start the collection tomorrow.”

When I called for the contributions the next day,I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten except James Crum.The boy walked slowly to my desk.Carefully,he dropped some money into the small box.

I don't need milk for lunch” he said in a low voice.For a moment,just a moment,he smiled.Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

That night,after school,I took our contributions to the head teacher.And I told him the story.“I may be wrong,but I believe James might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,” I said.

“Yes,” the head teacher nodded.“We must do something to help him.Look.Here is a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection.”

To my surprise,James Crum and his family were the top names on the list.

1.What was James like?

A.He was quiet.       B.He was outgoing.  C.He was confident.

2.What did they collect during the Christmas season?

A.Money.           B.Clothes.          C.Toys.

3.Why did James say,he did not need milk for lunch that day?

A.Because he did not like milk.

B.Because he had no money for milk after his contribution.

C.13ecause he had given his milk to his classmate.

4.The teacher thought James _________ after his contribution.

A.was poor                B.was a fool          C.hoped to get along with others

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Christmas collection started before the Thanksgiving holiday.

B.Only James gave his money to the collection in his class.

C.lames was not good at talking but he was kind.

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