
Guitar Lessons
A very good musician. Doing well in teaching kids for six years. Your home or mine.
Call Miss Li at 7328059.
For Sale
Coat for man, size 42, 1 year old, $85, after 6 p. m, call 8830553.
Color TV, size 21, $150; Mp3 player, $45; Recorder, $25.  Call 6963749.
Help Wanted
If you can find a few hours during the day to look after 2 school children, please call 3133696.
A magazine needs a reporter. He or she should do well in writing in Chinese.
Experience needed. Call 5201318.
A yellow bag with a mobile phone and some books was left in the reading-room.
Will the finder come to Class 7, Grade 7?
小题1:If you want a musician to teach your kid to play the guitar, which number will you call?
小题2:If a person has $110, he can buy___________.
A.a TV and a recorderB.a coat and a recorder
C.a coat and an Mp3 playerD.a TV and an Mp3 player
小题3:What can’t you buy in the second advertisement?
A.TV.B.Computer.C.Recorder.D.Mp3 player.
小题4:If you want to find a part-time job, you’ll read___________. 
A.Help WantedB.For SaleC.Guitar LessonsD.Lost
小题5:What’s in the lost yellow bag?
A.A mobile phone and a wallet.B.A mobile phone and some books.
C.Some books and an ID card.D.Some books and a wallet.


小题4:细节题。根据题目,如果你想找一份兼职,你可以阅读第三份广告Help Wanted:其中招聘保姆和记者。故选A
小题5:细节题。根据文章最后一个广告A yellow bag with a mobile phone and some books was left in the reading-room.可知,丢失的黄色包里有一个手机和一些书。故选B
Woodland International Summer School
Our International Summer School has been designed to provide a complete British experience. Here pupils not only learn English but come face-to-face with history in some of Europe’s oldest cultural centres. They can also enjoy exciting activities.
About the 2013 Course
This course is designed for boys and girls from 10-16 years and provides a wonderful chance to experience life in a traditional British boarding(寄宿) school.
English Lessons
Our programme provides 24 hours of English teaching each week. Students study grammar, writing, speaking, listening, reading, and comprehension. They can practice their new skills while interviewing visitors and local people in the town of Woodland and villages around.
Excursions(远足) & Entertainment
Each week includes cultural and activity trips. In 2013 our excursion will be to:
12th July—Manchester
19th July—York
26th July—Edinburgh
2nd August—Liverpool
Dates & Price
No. of Course
Course Fee
Sunday 8/7
Saturday 21/7
Sunday 8/7
Saturday 28/7
Sunday 8/7
Saturday 4/8
Sunday 15/7
Saturday 28/7
Sunday 15/7
Saturday 4/8
Sunday 22/7
Saturday 4/8
Contact Us
Woodland School, Cumbria, LA10 5HG, UK
TEL: (+44)1-539-622-613(overseas) or 01539622613 (UK)
EMAIL: enquiries@woodlandsummerschool. Org
小题1:The main purpose of the summer school is to help the students _____________.
A.get used to boarding school lifeB.improve their English skills
C.learn about the town of WoodlandD.develop their abilities to live
小题2:If you want to visit Liverpool during the 2013 Course, you can’t attend _________.
A.Course No. 3B.Course No. 4C.Course No. 5D.Course No. 6
小题3:This advertisement is used to attract children from 10-16 years ______________.
A.in BritainB.all over Europe
C.in WoodlandD.all over the world

Garden Hotel
Address: 222 People’s Street
Phone: 514-6023
The number of rooms: 120
Single room: $25  Double room: $35
Special attractions (吸引人的东西):
French restaurant, swimming pool, coffee shop, phone and TV in each room, near the city center
Gloria Hotel
Address: 129 North Street
Phone: 595-5620
The number of rooms: 50
Single room: $12  Double room: $18
Special attractions: Close to the airport, phone in each room, restaurant
Dreamers’ Hotel
Address: 233 People’s Street
Phone: 641-6946
The number of rooms: 120
Single room: $15  Double room: $20
Special attractions: Near the gym, Chinese restaurant, coffee shop
No.1 Hotel
Address: 1264 Children’s Street
Phone: 643-8211
The number of rooms: 180
Single room: $30  Double room: $50
Special attractions: Japanese restaurant and Chinese restaurant, swimming pool, large garden
小题1: _____ and _____ have the same number of rooms.
A.Garden Hotel, Gloria HotelB.Garden Hotel, Dreamers’ Hotel
C.Gloria Hotel, NO.1 HotelD.Dreamers’ Hotel, NO.1 Hotel
小题2:What can we know about Garden Hotel and Gloria Hotel?
A.They both have a phone in each room.B.They both have a swimming pool.
C.They are both near the city center.D.They both have a TV in each room.
小题3:The most expensive double room is _____ dollars in _____.
A.50, Dreamers’ Hotel B.50, NO.1 Hotel
C.35, NO.1 Hotel D.20, Dreamers’ Hotel
小题4:In Dreamers’ Hotel and NO. 1 Hotel, you can _____.
A.have a good time swimming B.enjoy delicious Chinese food
C.eat great French food D.have coffee in a large garden
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.We can call NO.1 Hotel at 595-5620. B.Dreamers’ Hotel is on North Street.
C.Only Gloria Hotel is near the airport. D.Gloria Hotel is near Garden Hotel.

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