
       Do you know the differences between the new building and the old ones?
       Old buildings h  1   brick(砖)and stone walls. The walls hold up the b  2  .
       In cities, many modern building 1  3   as if they are made just of windows.Walls of dark glass reach
high into the air.  Many buildings are m   4   than 50  stories(层)tall.
      Are walls of glass strong e  5   to hold up the new buildings? No, The new glass walls do not hold up
the buildings,b   6   they only cover up the frame(框架)made of steel.  Have you ever watched a new
building going up? The steel frame is built f   7  .  Then the glass walls are hung on the frame.  When the
building is f  8  , the frame does not show.  The outside looks like windows without walls. The glass walls
shine i  9   the sun with no decoration(装饰).Many people find t   10   beautiful just as they are.
1. have   2. building   3. look   4. more  5. enough   6. but   7. first   8. finished   9. in  10. them

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