


Jack had a very strange dream yesterday evening. He dreamed that he lived in a jungle (丛林) in Africa with many _________ .He made friends with monkeys,snakes and giraffes. Every day he woke up early in the morning and went _________ for food. He ate fruit and insects. After breakfast,he had a meeting with the monkeys. They spoke to him in a (n) _________ language but he was able to understand them. Then he met the snakes for lunchtime. During lunchtime,they discussed _________ to do about the tiger. The tiger was their enemy (敌人).It wanted to eat _________ of them and they were afraid of it. Finally, they thought of a plan. The monkeys and the snakes' _________ was that Jack should try to catch the tiger while it was sleeping. So,when the tiger was taking its afternoon nap (打盹),Jack took his _________ and quietly walked towards the tiger. Jack was very quiet,but the tiger was sleeping very _________ .The tiger opened its eyes,looked at him and gave a loud roar (咆哮).Jack was so afraid that he forgot to run away. The tiger jumped on him and _________as it opened its mouth to eat him,he woke up. When he opened his _________ ,Jack found that his pet cat was licking (舔) his face. He was so relieved (宽慰的).

【1】A.tourists B.classmates C.people D.animals

2A.hunting B.making C.fighting D.buying

3A.usual B.old C.unusual D.interesting

4A.how B.what C.when D.where

5A.either B.very C.both D.all

6A.advice B.1esson C.story D.result

7A.net B.basket C.box D.clothes

8A.heavily B.1ightly C.strongly D.easily

9A.still B.yet C.just D.but

【10A.mouth B.nose C.ears D.eyes














【1】D考查名词及语境理解。句意:他梦见在非洲丛林里和许多动物生活在一起。A.tourists游客;B.classmates同学;C.people人们;D.animals动物。由后句里的monkeys, snakes, giraffes可知,是一些动物。故选D。


3C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:它们和他用一种不同寻常的语言讲话,但是他可以理解。A.usual平常的;B.old老的;C.unusual不同寻常的;D.interesting有趣的。由but he can understand them但是他可以理解,可以推测出它们的语言不同寻常。故选C。


5D考查副词及语境理解。句意:它想把它们都吃了。A.either两者之一;B.every每一,每个;后不能直接跟介词of;错;C.both 两者都;D.all都,指三者及三者以上的人或物都。老虎想把其他所有动物吃了。故选D。







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