


A. Friendship B. Choice C. Success D. Wish

71What Is Success

----Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is success?

To laugh often and love much;

To win the respect of intelligent people;

And the affection of children;

72Forever Young

----Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always

May your wishes all come true.

May you always do for others,

And let others do for you.

May you stay forever young.

73Follow Your Own Course

----Neil Simon

Don’t listen to those who say,

“It’s not done that way.”

Maybe it's not, but maybe you will.

Don’t listen to those who say,

“You’re taking too big a chance.

74Friendship Is Like the Breez

----Terri Fanning

Friendship is like the breeze.

You can't hold it,

Smell it,

Taste it,

Or know when it's coming.





5.The above materials are _________________.

A. news B. stories C. ads D. poems


My mother comes up to my room and tells me that my father has got a new job. That’s why we’re moving. “Don’t you want to know where we’re going?” she asks. “Not really,” I say. She tells me anyway. I pretend not to listen.

Every day my parents tell me something about the town that will become our new home. There is a statue (雕塑) honoring hero, a strawberry festival every year and the mayor(市长) used to be a professional football player. There are oak trees in our new neighborhood, just like the one on our yard. Pictures of these begin to fill in my mind. I start wondering what it might be like to live in such a town. On the day before we leave, I walk in the direction as if I were going to school. When I see the tiny old lady, I tell her goodbye, and she tells me to carry an umbrella when it rains. Her tiny dog holds out a tiny paw to shake my hand. The man at the newspaper store shakes my hand, too. The twins wave to me as they get on the bus. I go home, walking slowly through streets lined with oak trees.

A large truck is parked in front of our house. The movers are carrying boxes while my parents are putting suitcases into our car. Soon our house will be empty, but not for long. I know that somewhere there are parents telling their children about a new town filled with oak trees, a place where they will meet nice people.

1.The writer is moving to a new place because____________________.

A. he doesn’t like his school any more B. his father has had new work there

C. their neighborhood isn’t beautiful enough D. his parents have bought a new big house there

2.The reason that the writer’s parents tell him something about the town they are going to move to is __________________.

A. to remind him to say goodbye to his classmates

B. to let him forget all about moving house

C. to help him stop worrying about the new home

D. to make him decide whether to move house or not

3.Why does the writer take a walk on the day before the family moves?

A. To say goodbye to what has been familiar(熟悉) to him.

B. To visit the statue in the middle of town.

C. To see if the same people are still in the same places.

D. To be away from home when the movers come.

4.From the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, we can infer(推测) that ______________.

A. like the people in the writer’s neighborhood, most people don’t enjoy their homes

B. like the writer’s home, every family has its stories

C. like the writer’s father, parents often get a new job easily

D. like the writer, other children may worry about moving house,too

Teaching good manners(礼仪)to kids is very important . It’s best to let them develop good table manners when they are young. So they can carry these when they grow up.

Good eating manners begin with good table manners. Tell your kids that dinner time is family time. There should be no phones or text messages at the table. Instead, mealtime should be used for talking about family things.

Kids should say “please “ and “thank you” when asking for things on the table. They should not reach over other people to get things that they want.

Teach your child not to eat with his mouth open or talk with his mouth full. If it’s hard for them to understand, try showing them how it looks and sounds . When they see this, they’ll understand how they look to other people. They should also eat slowly and take small bites(咬).

Washing hands before and after eating is important to health. When eating at a friend’s house, tell your kids to remember to thank the host for the meal. Let them put their own dishes in the sink(水槽)after dinner. For elder children, they can help do the dishes.

1.The underlined word “these” in the first paragraph refers to “______”.

A. good table manners B. the habit of eating healthy food

C. the habit of taking enough exercise D. the habit of getting up early in the morning

2.Why should kids wash hands before and after eating?

A. Because their parents ask them to do so. B. Because they need to eat with their hands.

C. Because they are still very young now. D. Because it’s good for their health.

3.What should NOT the children do according to the passage?

A. Talk about family things during mealtime.

B. Reach over other people to get things that they want.

C. Thank the host for the meal after eating.

D. Help the host do the dishes if they can.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. What we should do to eat happily. B. Teaching kids about good manners.

C. Asking kids not to use phones while eating. D. Asking kids to do some housework after eating.

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