
Let's look at the bag. Can you see _____“s” on the corner of_____ bag?

A.a, a B.a, the C.an, a D.an, the


点评:在英文中,应注意冠词的使用,它们通常用于名词之前,对名词进行限定,表示数量一或事物类别通常用不定冠词,辅音因素前用a,元音因素前用an,如a book和an egg,在英文中特别所指的事物或第二次出现的事物通常用定冠词the,注意它们的使用和区别。


As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let’s look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse” have negative(消极的) meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive(积极的) actions. For example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”. The word “dog-tired” means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel(残酷的)。
The rose is regarded as a symbol (象征) of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose means love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.
The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.
【小题1】“Every dog has its day.” Means “__________”

A.Everybody in the world is lucky.
B.Each person lives his own way of life.
C.If one works hard, he’s sure to succeed.
D.Everybody has a time in life to be lucky.
【小题2】Western people usually use “cat” to refer to “___________”.
A.a tired person
B.a brave man
C.a homeless person
D.an unkind woman
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Words show differences in culture.
B.Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.
C.Western people think cats to be good friends.
D.Rose is the national flower of all western countries.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Negative or Positive
B.Different Countries Have Different Culture
C.Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English
D.What Dog and Cat Mean in English and Chinese

When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important? How can it help you? Let’s look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan.

     Why is lifelong learning important?

     You go to school and learn. You take tests. But learning doesn’t only happen in school. And learning doesn’t stop when you graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you get a job. You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip. Learning is life! We never stop learning. Every day, you can improve yourself by learning something new.

Lifelong learning in Japan

In Japan, life learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music calligraphy, flower arranging, and foreign languages are some of their favorite classes. The Japanese take classes to improve their skills and learn new things.


When we graduate from school, we can continue to learn. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!

1.Why is lifelong learning important?

A. It helps you improve yourself.   B. It’s the best way to learn.  

C. It’s fun and easy.              D. It’s an important goal.

2. Some people in Japan take foreign language classes to       .

A. get a job                   B. learn new things    

C. get good grades             D. finish college

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Learning only happens in school.

B. When we graduate from school, learning is done.

C. You can’t learn anything when you play a sport.

D. Music, calligraphy, flower arranging and foreign languages are popular classes in Japan.

4.What is the main idea of the reading?

A. Learning can be fun.              B. We are always learning in school.

C. Finishing high school is important.   D. People can learn all their lives.


When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important? How can it help you? Let’s look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan.

     Why is lifelong learning important?

     You go to school and learn. You take tests. But learning doesn’t only happen in school. And learning doesn’t stop when you graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you get a job. You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip. Learning is life! We never stop learning. Every day, you can improve yourself by learning something new.

Lifelong learning in Japan

In Japan, life learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music calligraphy, flower arranging, and foreign languages are some of their favorite classes. The Japanese take classes to improve their skills and learn new things.


When we graduate from school, we can continue to learn. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!

1.Why is lifelong learning important?

A. It helps you improve yourself.   B. It’s the best way to learn.  

C. It’s fun and easy.              D. It’s an important goal.

2. Some people in Japan take foreign language classes to       .

A. get a job                   B. learn new things    

C. get good grades             D. finish college

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Learning only happens in school.

B. When we graduate from school, learning is done.

C. You can’t learn anything when you play a sport.

D. Music, calligraphy, flower arranging and foreign languages are popular classes in Japan.

4.What is the main idea of the reading?

A. Learning can be fun.              B. We are always learning in school.

C. Finishing high school is important.   D. People can learn all their lives.


When you look at your food, some ingredients are easy to see. For example, there is cheese on your pizza and butter on your bread. But our meals are also filled with ingredients you can’t see. And you might be surprised to learn just how much those hidden (隐藏的) ingredients affect your health.

Salt is a perfect example of an ingredient that you might not notice, even when you eat a lot of it. More than 75% of the salt we eat is hidden in restaurant meals, fast food and processed (加工过的) food , such as French fries, hot dogs and even biscuits.

Salt is important to us. It keeps our muscles (肌肉)working and our nerves (神经)sending  messages through the whole body. Salt can be used to clean teeth, to make our skin smooth or added to a relaxing bath. Salt is also used to help make food last (持续) longer.

However eating too much salt can cause heart problems. For a long time, heart trouble has been regarded as an adult problem, but new research shows that salt is starting to affect kids. Then how much salt is safe for kids every day? Let's look at the following chart:


   Amount of Salt Every Day

1—3 years old

2 grams

4—6 years old

3 grams

7—10 years old

5 grams

11 or more than 11 years old

6 grams

Kids should not eat more than that.

1.The underlined word “ingredients” means “__________” in Chinese.





2.The first two paragraphs tell us _________.

A.how much salt people need every day

B.the result of eating too much salt

C.the importance of salt in our everyday life

D.though people eat much salt every day, they may not notice it

3.Which of the following is Not the use of salt according to the passage?

A.Salt keeps muscles working.

B.Salt helps to make food last longer.

C.Salt helps to see clearly.

D.Salt can be used to clean teeth.

4. If Tim is 10 years old, how much salt should he eat every day?

A.2 grams.

B.3 grams.

C.5 grams.

D.6 grams.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A.Young children have few heart problems according to the new research.

B.A lot of food we eat has hidden salt in it, even some biscuits.

C.Salt can be used instead of soap while we’re taking a bath.

D.A five-year-old boy should have at least six grams of salt every day.


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