
We all know that smoking is bad for people's health.1.

Secondhand (二手的,间接的)smoke is the smoke that comes from a smoker's breath(呼吸), or from the end of a cigarette.2.

3.To find out, the WHO did a study recently of 194 countries. They found that, worldwide, secondhand smoke causes about 600, 000 deaths every year. That is about 1% of the world's deaths!

4.According to the study, around 165,000 children under the age of five each year from diseases caused by secondhand smoke. Most of these deaths happen in Africa and southern Asia.

Health experts are asking governments to do more to create smoke-free indoor environments. But it takes time.

At the same time, you can do something to help protect yourself and other people from secondhand smoke. You can start by asking the smokers you know, such as your parents, to take all of their smoke breaks outside.5.

A.But many children know about the danger of secondhand smoke.

B.But not many people know about the danger of secondhand smoke.

C.But how serious is the problem of secondhand smoke?

D.If someone is smoking, you'd better breathe only with your nose.

E.If someone smokes close to you, you'd better walk away.

F.If people breathe in secondhand smoke from time to time, they could get sick from it.

G.Secondhand smoke is especially bad for children because their bodies are still growing and developing.

Many parents set rules for their children’s online activity, such as limiting ( 限 制 ) the amount of time they can spend online. They complain that their parents share too many photos of them online.

In a 2016 study, it was found that parents in the US share an average (平均) of 116 photos of their kids after they were born. Most were taken before the child turned 8 years old. Many of the photos showed kids in embarrassing ( 尴 尬 的 ) situations like having food all over their faces. Quartz reported.

Parents do like to share their child’s progress as he or she grows up. But their kid doesn’t like it as much. In a survey of UK children between the ages of 12 and 16, 70 percent said they felt their parents didn’t respect (尊重) their online privacy (隐私) according to Digital Parenting Magazine.

In addition, many kids said that other students at school sometimes pick on them after their parents post photos online, CBS News noted. In one case, a girl was bullied (欺负) by boys at school after they found her mom’s blog. There were many family photos in the blog.

“Each time a photo or video is uploaded, it creates a digital footprint of a child, which can follow them into adult life,” a spokeswoman for a leading children’s charity in the UK said. “It’s always important to ask children for their permission before posting or videos of them.”

1.Which sentence can be put in the blank of the first paragraph?

A.It is necessary for parents to do so because some children have spent lots of time on the Internet.

B.And they have also made more rules to control the time children spend on online activity.

C.But some children in the US and UK are saying they’d like to make rules for parents too.

2.The second paragraph shows us .

A.the fact of sharing photos of kids in the US

B.a study from the US and UK

C.embarrassing situations of kids

3.Kids don’t like their parents to share their photos because they think .

A.their photos are not beautiful enough

B.parents should respect their privacy

C.hey may be bullied at home or school

4.The underlined phrase “pick on” may mean .

A.捉弄 B.捡起 C.发现

5.From the passage, we can know that the writer .

A.encourages more parents to share their children’s photos online

B.shows it is important for parents to ask children if they can post their photos

C.hopes that parents will not post photos or videos of their children

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