
I used to live in my own room alone. But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to share my   31 . At first, my parents said “no” to him, but at last my mother agreed. I cried and asked my parents not to do this,   32  it didn’t work.
As soon as Mike entered my room, it began to become   33 . To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes and toys everywhere!
One evening, I was doing some   34  on my computer while Mike was listening to music.  35  , I left my seat to get some water. A big surprise was waiting for me when I   36 . He was using my computer to play game. I had forgotten to save the homework. Sadly, he had closed my program   37  saving it—all I had done had disappeared! I   38  him. He cried a lot as my mother came and beat him. My mother also asked him to leave my room at once.
Then I did my homework   39  . At 10: 00 pm. I finished it. When I was going to turn off the   40 , I saw the photo of my   41  that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how   42  he was when my mom beat him. I really felt   43 . I went to see what he was doing. I found he was   44  in my parents’ bed. I kissed his face. He woke up, got up and said. “I’m sorry. I won’t bring you any more trouble.”
I was as moved and said. “From now on, my room is not only mine. It is   45 !” That very night, Mike and I shared not only the room, but the bed.
A.clothes B.foodC.roomD.toys
A.because B.butC.orD.so
A.after B.by C.for D.without
A.agreed with B.heard from C.looked after D.shouted at
A.as well B.for ever C.in the end D.once gain
A.computer B.fan C.radio D.TV
A.brotherB.cousin C.father D.grandfather
A.clever B.happy C.sad D.silly
A.bored B.excited C.proud D.sorry
A.jumping B.sleeping C.sitting D.singing
A.his B.hers C.ours D.theirs


小题4:由后面的“I had forgotten to save the homework.”可知,前面是我正在电脑上做作业,故选C。
小题6:由前面“I left my seat to get some water.”可知,当我回来的时候,一个大的吃惊在等着我,故选C。
小题7:由“all I had done had disappeared!”可知,他关闭了我的程序没有保存它,故选D。
小题9:由“all I had done had disappeared!”和“At 10: 00 pm. I finished it.”可推知是我又做了一次符合题意,故选D。
小题11:由“I looked at his lovely face”可推知是弟弟的照片,故选A。
小题12:由“when my mom beat him.”可推知作者的弟弟是悲伤的,故选C。
小题14:由“I kissed his face. He woke up”可知,前句是“我发现他正在睡觉”,故选B。
小题15:由“From now on, my room is not only mine.”可知,房间是我们的,故选C。
There are some famous buildings that everyone can recognize. When you see a picture of a sports stadium that reminds you of a bird’s nest, you probably know it is the Olympic stadium in Beijing. When you see a picture of a famous concert hall that reminds you of a sailing ship, you probably know it is the Sydney Opera House in Australia. Buildings like these are easily recognized everywhere in the world. They were designed to look like other things if people use their imaginations.
Other buildings do not need any imagination. They are made to look exactly like other things. Sometimes, these buildings are offices, restaurants, or even houses. Three buildings built in this way are actually museums. The shape of the building is clue to the objects people can see inside.
In Guizhou, China, people can visit the Meitan Tea Museum, built in the shape of a giant teapot. There is also a second building next door that is shaped like a huge tea cup. From far away, the nine-story teapot-shaped museum looks like some kinds of giant work of art. But as one gets closer, the windows make it clear that this is a building.
People who are interested in guitars might want to visit the Guitar Museum in Tennessee, USA. The three-story building is shaped like a guitar lying on its side. Inside, visitors can see all kinds of guitars as well as learn about famous guitar players. 
One of the newest funny shaped museums is a pottery museum in Gyconggi, Korean museum, built in 2011, is shaped just like a traditional Korean pot, Along with seeing exam pots and tools used for making pots in the museum, visitors can try to make their own pots.
小题1:Sydney Opera House look like_______and it is in Australia.
A. a bird’s nest    B. a sailing ship    C. a nice guitar
小题2:People can visit the building in the shape of teapot__________.
A. in Guizhou, China   B. In Tennessee, USA   C. in Gycouggi, Korea
小题3:The underlined word” giant” means “_________” in Chinese.
A.豪华的     B. 巨大的     C. 古老的
小题4: Which is NOT true about the building that is shaped like a guitar?
A. People can see all kinds of guitars inside of it.
B. You can find information about famous guitar players there.
C. The two-story building is shaped like a guitar lying on its side.
小题5:The Olympic stadium and the Sydney Opera House are examples of ________.
A. buildings that look exactly like things in them
B. buildings that look like other things
C. buildings that look like famous things

“I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning to surf the Intern”
“I check my e-mail almost forty times a day.”
“I seldom spend less than three hours each time on the net.”
“spend more time in chat rooms than with my 'real-life’ friends.”
Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction.According to experts,Internet addicts(迷)spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week.They lose control of the time they spend on the Internet.
For example,one college student was missing for several days.His friends were worried and 1ooked for him everywhere but couldn’t find him.They called the police.The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the Internet — for seven days straight.
A study shows that about six to ten percent of Internet users become addicted.The teenager spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. That’s why some experts worry most about young people.  
Is “surfing the Internet” a hobby or all addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have one of the following symptoms(症状):

★You go out with your friends less and less.
★You can’t wait to get online again.
★You’ve decided to spend a short time online,but then you spend several hours.
★You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet.
What is the solution? Some experts suggest that people set strict limits on their time for Internet use. You have to learn to control it,or the Internet would control you.
小题1:How many hours does an Internet addict spend online every week according to experts?
小题2:Where was the missing college student found?
小题3:Why do some experts worry most about young people?
小题4:What is one symptom of Internet addiction?
小题5:How can Internet addicts solve their problem?
小题6:What might be the title of this passage? (In no more than TEN words)
My family took a trip to New York City last summer. We were very excited. It was our first trip to New York. We   1  to New York on Sunday morning. The weather was sunny. The trip on the plane was very fine. We arrived at about 3:00 p.m. We stayed there for one   2 .
We didn’t have much   3  time during our visit to New York. We were busy. On Monday, we visited the science museum. The next day, we   4  the train to Long Beach. It was interesting and we had a   5  time.
However (然而), one day was really exciting for   6 . On Friday, we wanted to go to Central Park.   7 , we took a subway into the city. Later on, we took a bus to Central Park. There were many people on the bus. After ten minutes, we got off (下车) the bus at the park. But we found Maria wasn’t with us. She was   8 ! She didn’t get off. My father   9  the bus. At last, the driver stopped the bus and Maria got off. She was very careful on the buses and trains after that.
We came back to Los Angeles the next day. We got home late Saturday evening. We were
  10 , but we were happy. We had a wonderful time in New York. However, Maria is never going to forget her scary bus trip.
A.day B.weekC.monthD.year
A.meB.MariaC.my motherD.my father
A.FirstB.At lastC.ThenD.After that
A.in the streetB.on the trainC.at the parkD.on the bus
A.ran afterB.looked afterC.looked forD.waited for

These days, a lot of photos about how a three-year-old girl looked after her disabled father are  1    spread over the Internet. Many people were   2   by her. And people gave her a  3 nickname (绰号) “little strong girl”.
The little girl is Dong Xinyi. She was born in a small   4   in Dezhou, Shangdong Province. When she was several months   5 , her father Dong Jianshe had an accident   6  riding his motorcycle and lost his  7 . Two years later her mother left her father   8  the poor life. As an old saying goes, “ The children of   9   people manage household affairs early.” Little Xinyi had to do lots of housework. She   10  her father in her power. She cooked noodles, carried water, cleaned rooms and washed clothes. The little girl brings happiness and 11   to her poor family. And   12   , the local government has   13   medical treatment to her father and promised to cover all medical expenses(费用).   14 the same time, the government is also planning to raise money for the girl’s   15  . Now Dong Xinyi has got a chance to go to nursery school(幼儿园) like other children,
A.badB.wrong C.brightD.stupid
A.whereB.whileC.whether D.how
A.becauseB.instead of C.insteadD.because of
A.took careB.took care ofC.looked aroundD.looked for
I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities    41    staying at one of its best hotels. ” Now I wasn’t so sure. I had waited fifteen minutes at reception  (前台) when I   42  and now the shower in my room wasn’t working. I  43  hotel reception.
“Hello. This is Room 308. There isn’t any    44   in my bathroom. ”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!”
“I’ll    45   our hotel engineer at once. ”
An hour later, the engineer came to look at the    46  . He hit the pipes (水管) a few times and looked   47  . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he   48  his hand. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing   49 ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea.    50 , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something  51  staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the  52  to the receptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a  53  situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly  54  to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I  55  into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most importantly, there was water in the bathroom.
A.toothpasteB.waterC.shampoo D.soap
A.proudB.worried C.angryD.excited
A.put upB.cleaned upC.looked afterD.held out
Learners of English often ask: What are the differences between British and American English? How important are these differences?
Certainly, there are some differences between British and American English. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you got a pen?” while Americans say “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?”. Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the “r” in words like “bird “and “hurt”. Some speakers of British English do not sound the “r” in these words. There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour” and “honour” are British, while “color” and “honor” are American.
These differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary are not important, however. For the most part, British and American English are the same language.
小题1:Are there many differences in grammar between British and American English?
A.There are few differences between them.
B.There are many differences between them.
C.There are some differences between them.
D.There are great differences between them.
小题2:Americans don’t say “Have you got a pen.” do they?
A.Yes, they do. B.Yes, they don’t.C.No. they don’t.D.Sorry, they do .
小题3:Who says “ in hospital ”? Who says “ in the hospital ”?
A.Americans say “ in the hospital ” while Englishmen say “ in hospital ”.
B.Americans say “ in hospital ” while Englishmen say “in the hospital ”
C.Both Americans and Englishmen say “ in the hospital ”
D.They are the same .
小题4:From the article we can know____.
A.American English is better than British English.
B.it’s not so difficult for a British English speaker to understand American English.
C.the spelling of “color” is wrong while the spelling of “colour” is right.
D.British English is better than American English.
小题5:What’s the main idea of the article?
A.We should learn both American English and British English.
B.British and American English are two different languages.
C.Speakers of British and Americans speak the same language.
D.We should learn other languages .
Are two holidays not enough? Do you dream of three, or even four? (61)这不再是梦想! Last month, the State Council(国务院) encouraged primary and high schools to give students a spring or autumn break without changing the total number of student vacation days.
Students in China currently only have long holidays in two seasons —summer and winter. These holidays are usually 10 to 12 weeks in total.“If we had spring and autumn breaks, (62)I would have time to taste all four seasons instead of burying (埋) myself in my studies,”Gao Yiran, a 15-year-old boy told China Daily. Seasonal holidays during autumn and spring may be something new in China, but not in other countries.
In the US, students usually have three holidays. Summer holiday is the longest one, and runs from mid-June until early September. Summer camp is one of kids’ favorite places to go to, where they can make new friends and try some new activities. Winter holiday starts from mid-December and ends in early January. Most kids and their parents go to spend time together over the Christmas period. Spring break comes in mid- March and (63) it is usually a 10-day holiday.
Schools in Japan start in April, as most people think that spring is the perfect time for new things. For school children ,summer holiday lasts from July 20 to August 31. Most kids are busy with club activities including sports and dancing. Spring break starts at the end of March and continues till early April. It is a good chance for a short family trip around the city.
任务一 将61处的中文翻译成英文。
任务二 将62处斜体部分的英文翻译成中文。
任务三 写出63处“it”指代的内容。
任务四 64.What do Japanese kids usually do in their spring break?
任务五 65.为该文段拟写一个标题。

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