

1.The young man helped the old lady_________ (success)get out of the fire.

2.Mr. White thought for a while and he made a_________ (decide)at yesterday afternoon.

3.He has tried on two more blue T-shirt.but he still thinks the green one fits Him______ (well).

4.This is a___________ (week)paper It’s printed every Monday

5.Feng Xiaogang is a famous____________ (direct)and we all like his films.


6.There’re 50 students in my class and we_________ (divide)into 5 groups by Mr Wu.

7.If you have some difficulty___________ (finish)your homework,please ask Miss Gao for help.

8.Mum told me___________(not disturb)Dad.

9.As Millie__________ (walk)past the bookshop,she suddenly thought of buying A TV guide.

10.Remember__________ (read)the passage three times at least if you don’t understand it.

1. successfully   2. decision      3. best          4. weekly             5. director

6. are divided          7. finishing        8. not to disturb     9 . was walking     10 . to read


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