John and James were best friends. They fought for many reasons, but never gave up their friendship. They visited many places in their travels. They passed through various villages, towns, and forests. They supported each other throughout the journey.

One day, they reached a desert. They had very little food and water. John said that they should save the food and water for later use. However, James disagreed. He wanted to drink water, as he was very thirsty. They had an argument with each other for the water. John slapped (掌掴) James, and they walked in silence. James felt hurt and wrote on the sand, "My best friend slapped me!"

Finally, they saw an oasis (绿洲). They were very happy, and had a lot of fun in the water. While they were both taking baths, James was a little careless and nearly drowned himself. John rushed to him and saved him. James hugged his friend and thanked him. They had a rest and decided to leave the place. When they were about to leave, James carved (刻) something on a rock. It was "My best friend saved my life!"

He said to John, "When you slapped me, I recorded it on the sand. The wind would have blown it away by now. However, when you saved my life, I recorded it on the rock. It will remain there forever." We have to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that are done to us.

1.John and James were best friends and never fought for any reason.

2.When they got to the desert, John wanted to drink water as he was very thirsty.

3.John and James had an argument with each other for the water.

4.James wrote on the sand, "My best friend saved my life!"

5.James tried to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that were done to him.

People like different colors. Girls like pink or purple. Boys usually like blue or brown. Why do people like different colors? Do you want to know the secrets of colors?

People like different colors because of their cultures and countries. For the Egyptians (埃及人) green is the color that shows the hope and joy of spring. For Muslims (穆斯林), green means heaven (天堂). Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope. Chinese people think red can bring good luck to them in the New Year. In some countries, blue is a symbol of protection. Greek people often wear blue necklaces in order to protect themselves.

Choosing colors also has something to with their bodies’ reaction toward them. Green is said to be the most relaxing color. It can help people feel relaxed. Red can make a person’s blood pressure (血压) go up and improve people’s appetites (胃口). Many restaurant owners will decorate(装饰)their restaurants with red things. Red is also a color that can catch a person’s eye easily. That is why some shopping websites always have red “BUY NOW” buttons (按键). Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue can make people eat less. So if you want to lose weight, using blue bowls and plates may be helpful.

1.Why do many restaurant owners like to use red things to decorate their restaurants?

A.Because red can bring hope and joy.

B.Because red and bring them good luck.

C.Because red and make people cat more.

D.Because red can catch people’s eye easily.

2.If you want to eat less, you can use ________ bowls and plates.

3.Which of the following is mentioned (提及) in the text?

A.Why the Egyptians like red and blue.

B.What Chinese people think of black.

C.Why shopping websites have red “BUY NOW buttons.

D.What the most popular colors for young people are.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Teenagers’ favorite colors. B.Colors and their symbols.

C.Colors and cultures. D.The secrets of colors.

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