
Two children stood outside the door with old coats. "Any old papers, Lady?" asked one of them. I was busy. I wanted to say no, but I saw that their shoes were broken and wet. "Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot tea" They came in, saying nothing. Their shoes left prints on the floor. I gave them tea and bread. Then I went back to the kitchen and started my housework again. The silence in the living room surprised me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked me in a low voice, "Lady, are you rich?"

Am I rich? Oh, no! I looked at my old things in my room. The girl put her cup back in its saucer (茶碟) carefully. "Your cups match your saucers."

They left then, holding their papers against the wind. They hadn't said thank you. They didn't need to. They had done more than that. They had reminded me that I had so much to thank for. The blue cups and saucers were simple. But they said they matched. The potatoes and meat before me, roof over my head, my husband with a job—these things matched, too. I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The prints of their small shoes were still wet on my floor. I let them be. I wanted them there to remind me how rich I was.

1.The writer let the two children in to __________.

A.offer them some warm clothes B.show them how rich she was

C.sell them some old papers D.serve them tea and food

2.Why did the children think the writer was rich?

A.liked the saucer. B.The room was quite large

C.The cups matched the saucers. D.She was kind and ready to give.

3.We can learn from the passage that __________.

A.the children talked happily in the room B.the writer felt everything matched

C.the writer's husband was out of work D.the two children thanked a lot before leaving

4.The underlined sentence "I let them be" means "__________"

A.I loved them B.I didn't want to see them again

C.I didn't like them D.I left them there

5.According to the passage, whether you are rich depends on ___________.

A.what job you are doing B.how you feel about your life

C.how much money you have D.what you have


Powering up with a Catchy Tune

When watching sports events, we often notice athletes with their earphones on while preparing in the locker room or entering the stadium. They keep their eyes shut, and gently nod along the beats. It seems as if the music is empowering them and toughening (使更坚强)them up for the competition. We sometimes do the same. You might have a list of favorite songs for your morning exercises. But is there any science behind such practices?

According to a recent research, it turns out there is. Music actually does make us feel powerful, but not all songs have the same effect.

The research was led by Dennis Hsu of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in the US. His team had people listen to 31 songs of different types. The listeners felt powerful after listening to some songs, such as Queers We will Rock You and 2 Unlimited-Get Ready for This.

Researchers also found that high-power music made people want to take control in social events and come first in competition. That matters a lot in sports. " It's commonly said that sports are 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical,” The HuffPost reported.

Great athletes know this idea well. Former NBA player Kobe Bryant, for example, often put on big headphones and even did a little meditation to boost his game and ease his anxiety.

As for the reason for music's magical power, Hsu's team came up with one possible explanation: when people hear music that expresses a sense of power, they mimic (模拟)these feelings in their mind.

When choosing music, we also need to look at the type of music, according to researchers.

In previous research by the Music in Exercise and Sport Group at Brunel University in London, they found that pop was perfect for slower, more repetitive-type tasks. If you're warming up or cooling down after exercises, pop songs are the correct choice.

Dance music was found to be best suited to strength and weight training because it's "fast and rhythmical (有节奏感的)".

During high-intensity (高强度的)workouts, though, you'd better not listen to rock. Its different changes in tempo (节拍)can affect your rhythm.

1.What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce favorite songs for morning exercises.

B.To lead in the topic that music matters in sports.

C.To give an example of athletes’ daily life.

D.To explain how to choose music.

2.According to the passage, Dennis Hsu probably agrees that .

A.listening to music always makes athlete relaxed

B.powerful music can make people produce similar feelings in their mind

C.the result of a game is mainly affected by the physical condition of the players

D.most athletes still don't know the effects of high-power music on their performance

3.The word "boost” in Paragraph 5 probably means " "?

A.control B.lose C.continue D.improve

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Pop music is a reasonable choice for high intensity workouts.

B.Rock music helps people keep their rhythms when exercising.

C.People are advised to listen to pop music before and after exercises.

D.People should dance to music while doing strength and weight training

A special copyright (版权) case has recently drawn attention because it is related to (和….有关的) artificial intelligence (AI). A court (法庭) in Shenzhen ruled that a news report written by Tencent's AI enjoys copyright protection. 1.

This is the first case in China that has provided copyright protection to work done by AI. But what does it indicate (表明)? 2.

Probably not. AI is not yet able to write creative stories. The news report mentioned above is mainly about data. 3. Some newspapers also use AI to report on stories about natural disasters (灾害), which mainly require basic facts such as "where" and "when". As Forbes wrote, instead of losing their jobs, journalists can make their work more efficient (高效的) by using AI so that they can focus more on storytelling and less on numbers.

4. For example, Wayne MeGregor, a British choreographer (编舞), is famous for using AI to create new dances. For him, AI is a powerful tool that can help choreographers break out of common movements. MeGregor is not worried that AI might replace human artists. " 5."

"It's time to stop worrying about if AI can be creative," according to Forbes. Instead. we should focus on how humans and AI can work together in ways that we have never dreamed of before.

A.AI can't judge (判断) the quality (质量) of the choreography

B.AI is actually being helpful in many creative fields.

C.Will AI take the place of creative workers in the future?

D.A website broke the law because it used the article without permission (允许).

E.Since AI is good at processing data, it is often used to write financial (金融的) reports.

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