
Zhang Liang is__小题1:___(高的) and handsome and he is also good at making food. He has been famous as “China’s Good Dad” after_____小题2:___(出现) on one of the year’s hottest shows, Where Are We Going, Dad?, on Hunan TV.
On the show, the_ ___小题3:____(五) dads went on 72-hour trips with their children every week. Although Zhang is the_____小题4:______(最年轻的) of them, he and his son Tiantian have stood out as the most popular pair on the show since _____小题5:___(十月) . He is not __小题6:_____(严格的) with his child. He is_____小题7:________(耐心的) with his son, Zhang has a different way from the other fathers by treating Tiantian ___小题8:____(几乎)like a friend. Zhang says he puts himself in his son’s shoes when problems come out.
Zhang is a super ___小题9:_____(星) now. He used to be a __小题10:___(厨师) and a salesman. He said he had enjoyed every step of the life. “Never give up!” It is his law of his life.


小题3:句意:在这个节目中,五个爸爸每周和他的孩子们进行72小时的旅行。five 五个,是一个基数词。根据句意可知,这里说的是参加《爸爸去哪儿》这个节目的一共有五个爸爸,故用基数词。
小题4:句意:虽然张亮是他们中最年轻的,但是他和他的儿子天天在节目中表现得非常突出。young 年轻的,是一个形容词。根据上文的意思可知,参加节目的一共有五个爸爸,故这里应该说的是张亮是五个中最年轻的,应该用最高级youngest。
小题6:句意:他对他的孩子并不严格。strict是一个形容词,意思是严格的。它的短语是be strict with sb.对某人要求严格。根据句意可知填原形strict。
小题7:句意:他对他的儿子非常的有耐心。patient 是一个形容词,意思是有耐心的。根据句意可知,这里说的是张亮对他的孩子有耐心,这里应该用形容词在句中做表语。
小题8:句意:他对待孩子的方式跟其他的父亲不一样,他几乎是想朋友一样的对待自己的孩子,天天。nearly 或almost都有几乎的意思,故这里两个词都行。
Tips for Living in China
When you are invited to a dinner, you don’t have to eat everything .First, try a little of every dish by putting some on your plate or in rice bowl. You don’t have to eat it, but as a foreign guest (客人),you are supposed to be served first. If you don’t try anything, your host will be embarrassed(尴尬)---and will put it on your plate for you .
When you go to open-air markets or personal stores, you need to bargain with the shop assistants. Remember to build a friendly relationship(关系)first. You are creating a relationship with the businessman ,not a price war. Think of it this way :Shouting ,arguing ,and pointing are not good. Smiling ,being friendly, offering to buy more for a better price is. And don’t be afraid to ask,” Can you offer me a better price?”
Don’t point with them at other people’s faces ,and by all means don’t stick them upright in your rice bowl----that is how the Chinese honor (纪念)the dead at graves. You should put them beside the plate.
Chinese smile for more reasons than Americans .A smile can mean the person is embarrassed, trying to be helpful ,curious, happy or friendly .In the middle of an argument ,smiling means that the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal. When all else fails ,smile in China. It shows you have no ill intention (意图)and can work wonders in getting better service.根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)
小题1:When you are invited to a dinner,__________.
A.you need to eat all the dishes
B.you may take one dish to put it on your own plate
C.you should try to eat the dish on your plate
D.you may go out if you don’t like to eat the dishes
小题2:What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “bargaining”?
小题3:If you want to buy something in a proper price, you should _____    .
A.shout to the shop assistant
B.argue with the shop assistant
C.talk with the shop assistant with a smile
D.fight with the shop assistant
小题4: Which sentence is right?
A.You may point with the chopsticks at people’s faces when you are talking .
B.When you finished eating the food ,you may lick the chopsticks.
C.If you are full ,you may stick the chopsticks upright.
D.When you finished eating the dinner, you may put the chopsticks next to the plate.
小题5: When you are in the middle of an argument , smiling means ________.
A.laughing at the other people
B.this is the best attitude to the other people
C.the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal
D.we must beat the other people
Today Chinese people can enjoy longer holidays. They have more time to      .
Zhang Haitao, a middle school student from Shanghai,       to Japan with his parents
    vacation.” Travelling in different countries has always been a dream of     ,” Zhang said.
  are you going to Japan, by ship or by plane?” I asked him.
“By ship. Travelling by ship is more     than by plane.”
“But a plane is much     than a ship.”
“Yes, but you can’t see much on a plane, while a sea trip can       you happy because you can see the beautiful sea, islands and even big fish.”
“Will the trip cost a lot?” “Certainly.       my father is a businessman. He has      much money in the last three years. Thanks to him, we can go on our trip.”
小题1:A. eat               B. sleep             C. travel
小题2:A. go               B. is going           C. goes
小题3:A. to                B. with              C. for
小题4:A. my               B. mine            C. me
小题5:A. How             B. When             C. What
小题6: A. dangerous         B. interesting         C. difficult
小题7: A. faster             B. slower            C. more expensive
小题8: A. give              B. tell               C. make
小题9: A. But              B. Or                C. So
小题10: A. lost              B. found             C. saved
What’s the most important thing in your life? Do you think about this question?
I began to think about it when I was just a little girl. I had a lot of friends and I loved playing with them. So I thought friendship(友谊) was the most important thing in life. If I had no friends, I would be very sad.
When I got older, I thought the most important thing was music. I was crazy about music at that time. To me, if I couldn’t sing or listen to music, my life would be boring.
When I was 12, I read a book that tells a beautiful story about the love between a mother and her child. I was happy to find that love was the most important thing. I thought love made my life beautiful.
Not long ago, I got a new answer to the question from another book. “Happiness is the destination(目标) for everyone.” the writer said.
Soon I began to understand friendship, music, love and happiness are all very important to us. These important things make our lives colourful and beautiful.
What’s the most important thing in life now? I still don’t have the answer. However, I don’t want to know. I just want to care about everything important in my life.
I hope everyone can find the important things in their lives, and cherish them!
The most    小题1:   things in life
A little girl
☆Because she had a lot of friends and she loved them.
☆She was 小题4: about it and she thought life would be boring    小题5:  music.
At the小题6:
of 12
☆Because she thought love made her life beautiful after reading a    小题7:  .
Not long ago
☆Because a writer said it was the destination for everyone.
After that
☆Because they make our lives   小题9:   and beautiful.
No answer
☆Because she just wants to   小题10:  about everything important in life.
Chinese are very generous(慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the  money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States and Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes which will give them a head in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter. However, what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap.
Parents can see that their children are very skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize though, is that today’s children are short of self-respect and self-confidence.
The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills that they need to be confident, happy and clever.
Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework. Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking requires patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and finish his job successfully step by step. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and lots of self-confidence.
Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make him curious and arouse(激发) his interest. He will spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.
小题1:. Most Chinese parents don’t realize __________.
A.how much the best education is worth
B.when children should be educated
C.what children really need in later life
D.why school tests don’t satisfy children
小题2:. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Fixing old machines is very important.
B.Interest is necessary for everything.
C.Broken things are useful for children.
D.Using hands helps improve thinking ability.
小题3:. The writer’s attitude(看法) to children’s education is that __________.
A.the cheaper an education is, the better it is
B.children today should learn different skills
C.practical skills are useful to children's growth
D.school education can’t meet parents’ expectation
配对阅读: 左栏是对五个人的描述,右栏是七个节目介绍。请将这五个人与适合他们的节目配对。
小题1:Johnson is a movie fan. He loves to get the news about the latest movies. His favorite Australian actor is Nicole Kidman.
小题2:Kathy is a housewife who has three children. She loves cooking and wants to learn to cook different kinds of food for her family.
小题3:Jenny is a middle school student. In her spare time, she usually listens to rock music and watches TV. Her favorite TV shows are comedies but she can't stand documentaries at all.
小题4:Jimmy loves talk shows. He wants to be a reporter and work in a TV station in the future. So he would like to learn more about TV from the talk show.
小题5:Kim is 70 years old now. He moved to the UK in 1960.Today he is still missing the life in the UK in the 1960s and often mentions it.
A.Documentaries Show
There are documentaries about the UK in the 1860s with three episodes and each one lasts 55 minutes. After watching, you will know more about people at that time.
The daily 30­-minute comedy tells a story about a rock band called Boy Crazy. The band is trying to become famous in the world. Enjoy the funny comedy and the rock music as well.
C.Media Watch
Australia's learning talk show about TV, radio, newspaper and Internet. It focuses on those who make the news and deliver the world to our home, such as the reporters, editors and photographers.
D.The Changes of the UK
Share your stories about life in the UK from 1960.You can have your own photos or videos. They can be funny or sad, big events or the small things of everyday life.
E. Big Ideas
A talk show about everything that is the most interesting and challenging, and everywhere from cities to the countryside and from the south to the north across America.
F. At the Movies
It's a talk show about movies. It goes into the world of cinema every week and tells you what's new on the big screen. And it has interviews with the famous directors or actors.
G. Pan's Kitchen
It used to be called Master Chef, now it has a new name because of the lady who is called Pan Ling. She can cook Chinese food and western food.
One day Daddy and I went out      a walk. On the way we      a lot of people. We went up and     a look. Oh, dear!     did we see? There     a donkey(驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get      .
Then a policeman came."     donkey is this?" he asked. "It' s          ," said a farmer, "but I      move it." The policeman and the farmer did     best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the      of the cars and the buses were        . "We can't move the donkey," the farmer and the policeman said. "What shall we do?"
"Give him a carrot," my father said. "      a good idea!" said the farmer.
Soon he found a        and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer.      the cars and buses could get past at last.
A.saw B.looked C.looked for D.watched
A.enjoyed B.had C.played D.gave
A.When B.Where C.What D.Which
A.is B.was C.has D.had
A.Who B.Who's C.Which's D.Whose
A.can B.can't C.could D.couldn't
A.his B.her C.their D.its
A.drivers B.workers C.riders D.teachers
A.He's B.She's C.Which is D.That's
A.Some of B.Little of C.All D.Few of
Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
If you do, you need to take control of your feelings. Getting angry with others can  (71) (引起)you to lose friends.
My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells how to stay cool when bad things happen.
The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. While getting angry, all you have to do is to tell yourself to keep calm.  The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.
●Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.
●Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.
●Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.
小题1: 根据括号里所给的汉语意思, 在(71) 处填入一个适当的词,使句意通顺。______
小题2: Every time you get angry, wrire down why you are angry. (请写出此句的同义句)
Every time you get angry, wrire down _______you are angry ______.
小题3:List(列举) two tips the book gives on how to control your anger.
(1) _______________________________
(2) _______________________________
小题4:Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry.(将此句子翻译成汉语。)
小题5:It tells teens how they should stay cool when bad things happen.(请在文中画线的句子中找出一个可以替换上句中“cool”的词。)________
Hello, Li Hua !
My name is Peter. I’d like to introduce myself first. I’m a boy. I come          England. I live in the center of the           , London. It is the         of England. I live with my family in a flat         a busy street. There are eight        in my family. They’re my grandparents, my parents, my two sisters , my younger brother and I.
Our house is very         . It has 10 rooms. I          a bedroom with my younger brother. We often listen to music in our bedroom. My       place is the balcony. I can play games,      comics and chat        friends there. When my mother       meals for us in the       , I often go there to help         . There is a nice     room. After dinner, we like to watch TV and read newspapers there. It is very beautiful and quiet here. Our neighbours are         to us and we are happy to live here.
Please write soon. 
Best wishes
Peter .
A.onB.of C.toD.from
A.atB.onC.with D.under
A.studentsB.men C.peopleD.teachers
A.cookB.cooks C.doD.make

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