
In India,about_____ of people live in the country and some of them live a very poor life.

A.three fifth B.third fifth C.third fifths D.three fifths




试题分析:句意:在印度,大约五分之三的人住在农村,有一些人过着很贫穷的生活。本题考查的是分数的表示方法,分子应该用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于一的时候,分母用复数形式。所以五分之三应该是three fifths。故选D。





From 8:30 pm to 9:30pm on Saturday, March 23rd, 2013, a great number of people around the world turned off the lights for Earth Hour. It is a bit like an environmental New Year, providing a chance to help care for our earth and make people around the world learn how important it is to do that.

What did you do for Earth Hour this year? Let’s share the Earth Hour stories.

Emma was on one of the mountains near the city and took photos of my city. It was great to watch the stars and the moon after a busy day that she could enjoy this relaxing moment.

Albert works as a waiter in a restaurant. Their restaurant was still open even for Earth Hour as they got lots of reservations(预定) that night. So they spent the hour working by candlelight. And guess what? Their customers loved that and promised to come for next Earth Hour.

Brandon turned off the main power to his house and went for a walk for Earth Hour. It was a little strange to walk in the dark, but it was only for one hour. Just think of what it must have been like before the invention of light bulb!

Mary invited her friends who know and support Earth Hour activities. They actually had a candlelight and they talked about the old happy days that they spent together in college.

Information Card

The date of Earth Hour in 2013


Albert’s job


What Brandon did when it was dark

Went for a ____3.___

Who stayed with Mary during the hour

Her ___4.____

The number of people who talked about their stories



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