
"My dear dad, where are we going?" This has become the most popular question recently. It's a line from the theme song of Hunan TV station's reality show Where Are We Going, Dad?
"All of my classmates are big fans," said NingYun, 14, from Guangxi. "On Fridays, we remind each other: don't forget to watch it tonight! "
In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids go to strange places and finish interesting tasks. It's all about growing up. Fathers learn to cook and comfort their kids. The kids learn about teamwork and being independent (独立). Yet, growing up needs courage. In the show, 4-year-old Kimi finds it  hard to finish his work alone. "When I saw Kimi looking for his dad, I burst into tears," said Chen Yufang, 13, from Guangxi. "It reminded me of my first night at the school dormitory (宿舍). I really  felt the pain of growing up that night. "
When people see the fathers trying to help their kids, it also hits a soft spot in their hearts.
Tian Xiaofeng, 14, from Jiangsu, said his father is like Guo Tao in the program. "He is strict. And I was sad about it," he said. But now he sees it in a different way. "Guo Tao's son looks determined. I think his parenting style works. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that," he said.
On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up and adults learn to be better parents.

Maybe we can plan a trip with our parents.
Shall we go?
小题1:What is the most suitable word to replace the underlined word "determined" in the passage?
小题2:When could we see five fathers and their children on TV?
A.On Friday nights. B.On Saturdays. C.Every night. D.Only on Sundays.
小题3:What's the best title for the article?
A.Where are we going, Dad?B.Fathers and their children.
C.A popular reality show. D.Growing together.


小题1:细节理解题。问题:短文中这个词与下列的哪个词可以替换?分析原文:Guo Tao's son looks determined. I think his parenting style works. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that.句意:郭涛的儿子看起来坚强。我认为是他的父母教养方式。我想我父亲想让我成为那样的人。结合句意determined坚决的,坚强的。联系选项 absent-minded神情恍惚的;smart聪明的;out-going外向的;strong-minded坚决的。因此只有第四项符合题意。故选:D
小题2:细节理解题。问题:我们什么时间能在电视上看到这五位父亲和他们的孩子们(表示节目上演的时间)?分析原文:On Fridays, we remind each other: don't forget to watch it tonight! 句意:在周五,我们互相提醒:别忘了今晚观看它!联系句意,节目上演的时间为星期五的晚上。故选:A
小题3:细节理解题。问题:最好的题目应该是哪一个?分析原文:On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up and adults learn to be better parents. 句意:在人生的旅途上,孩子们学会成长,成年人学会成为更好的父母。通过短文的中心句,体现为孩子与家长共同成长。故选:D

Huang Xiaoming
Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming visited the panda base(据点) in Sichuan province.
During his visit, Huang put on a keeper’s suit and tried cutting bamboo, cleaning cages and feeding the pandas.
Huang also adopted a pair of panda twins with a gift of one million yuan.

Angelina Jolie
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie can do all kinds of things on screen. It looks like she’s good at everything, shooting, fighting and killing. But there’s one thing she’s afraid of—cooking. The 33-year-old actress says she was never able to master cooking skills.“I don’t cook—it’s the one thing I can’t do!”she says.

Chen Luyu
Chinese hostess Chen Luyu is famous for her popular talk show. She set up an online version of her show at Sina.com.
People have grown tired of Chen’s show, especially her habit of constantly asking guests, “really?”.
But the producer of the show supports Chen. “She’s one of the few Chinese hosts who knows how to control her desire to express herself and let the guests speak freely in an interview.”
小题1:What kind of animals does Huang Xiaoming like?
小题2:Which is TRUE about Angelina Jolie?
A.She is good at everything.B.She can’t shoot well.
C.She can’t cook by herself.D.She can cook well.
小题3:Why have people grown tired of Chen Luyu’s show according to the passage?
A.Because she isn’t famous for her talk show.
B.Because she set up an online version of talk show.
C.Because she has the habit of constantly asking, “Really?”.
D.Because she likes to express herself.
小题4: What does the underlined word“adopt”mean in the first paragraph?
小题5:We can know from the passage that _______.
A.Angelina Jolie is a shy actressB.Chen Luyu isn’t famous any more
C.Huang Xiaoming is a kind manD.All the three stars are Chinese
Useful Information in Australia
Useful Numbers
All the telephone numbers are useful and free.
。Fire/ Police/ Ambulance(救护车)—000     Telephone information—12455
。Medical(医学的) Care—1300369359       Taxi—1800421113
Surfing the Internet
With so many Internet tearooms and public libraries, it’s easy to surf the Internet in Australia.
Also it’s very cheap for you to surf the Internet.
。Public libraries offer free Internet every day even during public holidays.
。Many travel managers provide connection which is cheap or free.
Post Service
All post offices around the country offer post services(服务) so you can receive mails as you travel around the whole country.
。Post offices are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
。It costs 50 cents to send a standard(标准的) letter in Australia.
Public Holidays
On public holidays all shops are closed across Australia, so are banks and post offices.
。New Year’s Day—1st January
。Australia Day—26th January
。Christmas Day—25th December
小题1:If there is a fire, you can call________ in Australia.
小题2:Which is the right time to send a letter in a post office in Australia?    
A.At 8:30 on Tuesday.B.At 9:30 on Sunday.
C.At 8:30 on Saturday.D.At 9:30 on Monday.
小题3:Mr. Green lives alone in Australia and he isn’t in good health. He needs a nurse to look after him. What should he do?
A.Go to an Internet tearoom.B.Send a letter to his son.
C.Call 1300369359.D.Go to a hospital.
小题4:Which one might be open on public holidays?
A.Public libraries.B.Shops.C.Banks.D.Post offices.
小题5:Which one is not right according to(根据)the above passage?
A.Surfing the Internet is cheap in Australia.
B.It costs 50 cents to send a standard letter.
C.Australians go to work on 26th January.
D.Australians don't go shopping on public holidays.
Life in China
Every day, News on TV, radio and online brings you stories from across China. Have you got a story about life in China? If you do, please put your story here.

Since the winter last year, the haze(雾霾) has happened a lot of times. It has done great harm(伤害) to our daily life. More and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the haze. Many traffic accidents happened and quite a lot of flights have to be put off just because of the haze weather. On Oct.30, 2013, in 16-car chain collision (连环相撞) on the highway in Tangshan, many people were hurt and some even died. Beijing International Airport canceled or put off nearly 76 flights on Oct.6, 2013 as the result of the weather. (Wu Hai, Shantou)
It’s reported that 293 pedestrians(行人)die of traffic accidents every day in China. I myself ever experienced a very terrible accident.

Early last Thursday morning, I was walking on my way to school as usual. A little boy ran past me. He ran so fast when crossing the street that he didn’t notice a speeding car came round the corner. I was scared and shouted to him to stop, but it was too late. The boy was knocked down by the car. I hurried to the boy, crying for help. The boy was taken to the hospital as soon as the policemen and doctors arrived. Later, I learned the boy died because he lost too much blood.(Li Lan, Guangzhou)
Information card
Main ideas of the two stories
The first story is about air pollution, the second one is about 小题1:____.
Harm that the haze does to our daily life
It may cause 小题2:__and traffic accidents.
Many flights have to 小题3:___.
The number that pedestrians die of traffic accident every day
The reason why the little boy died
He小题5:__ and was hit by a speeding car.
On January 26th, the biggest earthquake (地震) in India took the lives of 25, 000 people. In the morning, when everybody was enjoying holiday, earthquake began. It was about 7. 5 on the Ritcher scale. “There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more. Everything has been pulled down,” said one of the villagers alive. “There is no water, no food and no one has come to help.”
Nobody died in Pakistan, a country next to India. The City of Lahore was lucky. In Lahore American School, where I was studying, all of the students were safe. They were in the field, so most children didn’t feel anything. The earthquake was felt by the teachers that were on the second floor. However, though Mrs. Young was also on the second floor, she didn't feel anything. She didn’t know what happened until a teacher told her about it. Those teachers who were on the other floors had different feelings. Mr. Emond, the maths teacher from Australia, said that when the earthquake started he thought there was something wrong with him, but then another teacher said that it was an earthquake. After those words Mr. Emond felt better. Mrs. Davis and Mr.      Frost didn’t feel anything, either.
My mother didn’t feel anything. She didn’t even know that it was an earthquake till she saw a shaking (moving from side to side) light. My dad saw the computer shaking and then he looked out of the window and saw many people going out.
小题1:People use “Ritcher scale” to tell      .
A.where the earthquake takes place
B.when the earthquake takes place
C.how serious the earthquake is
D.how long the earthquake lasts
小题2:We learn that     from the sentence “There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more.”
A.India is a large country
B.the Indian people had nothing after the earthquake
C.there is no tall building in India
D.the earthquake in India was serious
小题3:The City of Lahore is      .
A.in IndiaB.in AmericaC.in PakistanD.in Australia
小题4:Which of the following sentences is true?
A.I was with my parents when the earthquake happened.
B.The earthquake in the city of Lahore wasn’t serious.
C.People in the City of Lahore were frightened when they knew it was an earthquake.
D.The teachers in Lahore American School were afraid of the earthquake.
At 9:00a.m.yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man_  _on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for _  .
The bus driver,_    _Wang Ping, stopped the bus without_  _twice. He got_  _and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and _  _go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait__  __the next bus. But to his_  _,they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man_  _the bus.
Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors    _the man in time.
小题1:A. lie                 B. lies                      C. lying
小题2:A. help                B. trouble                   C. problem
小题3:A. 24 years old          B.24-year-old               C.24-years-old
小题4:A.think               B. to think                  C. thinking
小题5:A.off                  B. down                    C .on 
小题6:A.may                 B. should                   C. can
小题7:A.about                B. with                     C. for
小题8:A.surprise             B. surprised                 C. surprising
小题9:A.in                   B. into                    C. onto
小题10:A.save                 B. saved                    C. saves
Mr.Lin is a farmer who lives in western China with his wife and two kids.Two months ago, he was told that he had cancer and he needed        at once.And he knew he would spend a lot of        on the operation.It was too much for Mr.Lin’s family.They had no jobs and both their children were at school.The situation seemed        .
After two weeks,        , Mr.Lin got a piece of good news.He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for         patients in western China.They need to pay only half the cost or even less.      the project, he was able to receive an operation just in time to stop the illness from getting        .Now he has returned to his family.
The goal of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in      China.So far, the project has helped more than 5,000 people to       medical aid.The Chinese government is also working together with other       and international organizations to do this.They hope to develop a new health care model for China.
A.some medicineB.some helpC.an operationD.a doctor
A.Thanks toB.Thanks forC.According toD.Instead of
Old age may not sound exciting. But recent findings offer good news for older people and for people worried about getting older. Researchers found that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of 50. In fact, they say by the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were when they were 18 years old.
The findings came from a survey of more than 340,000 adults in the United States. The Gallup Organization questioned them by telephone in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of 18 and 85. The researchers asked questions about emotions like happiness, sadness and worry. They also asked about mental or emotional stress.
Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of 24 and 25. The findings showed that stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.
The study also showed that men and women have similar feeling patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men.
Researchers say they do not know why happiness increases as people get older. One theory is that, as people grow older, they grow more thankful for what they have and have better control of their feelings. They so spend less time thinking about bad experiences.
Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry.
The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.
小题1:According to the survey of the Gallup Organization people are most likely to become happier      .
A.when they are between the ages of 18 and 85B.when they come to their old age
C.when they are in their twentiesD.when they are 18 years old
小题2:You may have the highest level of stress when you are at the age of      .
小题3:According to Arthur Stone, old people may      .
A.have a positive attitude towards their lifeB.know how to spend money wisely
C.dream about good things every dayD.control their behaviors better
小题4:Who would probably show the greatest interest in the passage?
A.Those who are worried about getting oldB.Those who are single and unemployed
C.Those who feel unhappy all the timeD.Those who suffer from mental stress
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Getting Older Means Getting HappierB.The Young Are Happier Than the Old
C.Women Are Easier to Be Happy in LifeD.The Younger, the Happier

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