
Can you believe that young lady has an ________ baby?

  1. A.
    eight monthes old
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    eight months old

King Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. He often asked ___36___ which were strange. His people had to use words in a ___37___ way to answer these questions.
Once Akbar asked a very strange question. He looked at his people. ___38___ he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that Bridal entered the palace. Birbal ___39___ the habit of the king. He understood the ___40___ at once and asked, “May I know the question so that I can ____41___ for an answer?”
Akbar said, “How many crows(乌鸦) are there in the city?”
___42___ even a moment’s thought, Birbal replied, “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord.”
“How can you be so ___43____?” asked Akbar.
Birbal said, “Make your men ___44___, My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here. If you find ___45___ crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else.”
Akbar was pleased very much by Birbal’s wise answer.


An elephant wants to make some friends. He see a monkey in a tree and asks, “Can you be my friend?”
“You are too big. You can’t swing(摇荡) in the tree like me.”
Then the elephant meets a panda. “Please be my friend.” he says.
“How can I ? Sorry, sir. You are too big.”
The elephant is very sad(伤心).Then he goes home.
The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. A rabbit tells him that there’s a tiger near here. He is coming to eat the animals.
The elephant goes to the tiger. “Mr. Tiger, don’t eat the animals, please”
“Go away(走开)!” says the tiger.
The elephant is not happy and kicks(踢)the tiger. Then the tiger goes away.
At last, all the animals want to make friends with the elephant.
【小题1】What does the elephant want to do?
A. To look for some food.
B. To make some friends.
C. To see the tiger.
【小题2】The panda doesn’t want the elephant to be his friend because        ?
A. The elephant is too big.
B. The elephant’s nose is long.
C. The elephant eats too much.
【小题3】Why are the animals running?
A. Because they are playing games.
B. Because they don’t want to see the elephant.
C. Because a tiger is coming to eat them.
【小题4】There are           kinds of animals in this story.
A. four.           B. five.           C. six.   
【小题5】Which of following is right?
A. When you are big, you can’t find friends.
B. The elephant doesn’t have friends at last(最后).
C. After the elephant helps others, he has many friends.

King Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. He often asked ___36___ which were strange. His people had to use words in a ___37___ way to answer these questions.

Once Akbar asked a very strange question. He looked at his people. ___38___ he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that Bridal entered the palace. Birbal ___39___ the habit of the king. He understood the ___40___ at once and asked, “May I know the question so that I can ____41___ for an answer?”

Akbar said, “How many crows(乌鸦) are there in the city?”

___42___ even a moment’s thought, Birbal replied, “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord.”

“How can you be so ___43____?” asked Akbar.

Birbal said, “Make your men ___44___, My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here. If you find ___45___ crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else.”

Akbar was pleased very much by Birbal’s wise answer.

1.                A.questions       B.help           C.promises  D.advice


2.                A.common        B.friendly         C.clever    D.silent


3.                A.Though         B.Because        C.If    D.As


4.                A.knew          B.developed      C.hated    D.doubted


5.                A.order          B.information      C.danger   D.situation


6.                A.ask            B.wait            C.try  D.reach


7.                A.before         B.without         C.Through  D.In


8.                A.smart          B.brave          C.funny    D.sure


9.                A.catch          B.discuss         C.count    D.visit


10.               A.fewer          B.larger          C.faster D.older



An elephant wants to make some friends. He see a monkey in a tree and asks, “Can you be my friend?”

“You are too big. You can’t swing(摇荡) in the tree like me.”

    Then the elephant meets a panda. “Please be my friend.” he says.

“How can I ? Sorry, sir. You are too big.”

The elephant is very sad(伤心).Then he goes home.

The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. A rabbit tells him that there’s a tiger near here. He is coming to eat the animals.

The elephant goes to the tiger. “Mr. Tiger, don’t eat the animals, please”

“Go away(走开)!” says the tiger.

The elephant is not happy and kicks(踢)the tiger. Then the tiger goes away.

At last, all the animals want to make friends with the elephant.

1.What does the elephant want to do?

A. To look for some food.

B. To make some friends.

C. To see the tiger.

2.The panda doesn’t want the elephant to be his friend because         ?

A. The elephant is too big.

B. The elephant’s nose is long.

C. The elephant eats too much.

3.Why are the animals running?

A. Because they are playing games.

B. Because they don’t want to see the elephant.

C. Because a tiger is coming to eat them.

4.There are           kinds of animals in this story.

A. four.            B. five.            C. six.   

5.Which of following is right?

A. When you are big, you can’t find friends.

B. The elephant doesn’t have friends at last(最后).

C. After the elephant helps others, he has many friends.


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