There are many kinds of music in the world, pop music, classical music, folk music and so on Do you know country music? It's a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.I like it very much! It will take me away for a while after I am tired.The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields.

Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings.It's the spirit of America, easy to understand, slow and simple.

Country music developed in the Southern United States.It was the folk music of American countryside.Many of songs tell about the lives of farmers.They talk about love, crops(庄稼)or death.The life of the countryside can be hard, so the words in country music are often sad.At first, people played the music only at family parties.But it became more popular later.In the 1920s, people played country songs on the radio, and they made them into records.

When people in the countryside moved to towns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them.Country music continued to change and became popular across America.

John Denver was one of Americas most famous country singers in the 1970s.His song Take Me Home, Country Road is famous and people still play it today.

1.where did country music develop?

A.In John Denver's city. B.In the northern United States

C.In the Southern United States D.In the Western United States

2.What is country music usually about ?

A.Workers feelings B.Farmers' feelings

C.The lives of workers D.Everyday life and feelings.

3.Why did country music become popular in America?

A.Because city people liked the music.

B.Because city people liked the country.

C.Because farmers moved to cities with their music and it continued to change.

D.Because country music talked about city people's lives.

4.From the passage we know that________. music isn't the spirit of America. music is always happy.

C.people began to make country songs records in 1920.

D.John Denver is famous for the song lake Me Home, Country Roads.

请阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项。

Thanksgiving was just around the corner. The menu had been set. The shopping list was made. Everything seemed perfect. I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes(火鸡和土豆泥). Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came into my mind. I couldn't wait!

The day before Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practice being thankful. "We are going to help out at a homeless shelter(收容所)on Thanksgiving Day.” I couldn't believe this was happening. So we wouldn't cook our own Thanksgiving dinner. The holiday wouldn't be the same. I thought the day would be ruined.

The next morning. we got up early. I followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes. I had no great expectations and felt down all the way. As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done. But all I could think about was the dinner I couldn't enjoy.

However, those thoughts soon disappeared. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The shelter was filled with joy.

Through this experience, I learned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings(祝福)and look for ways to bless others. When I gave up what I had wanted, I discovered how much I have. It is much better to give than to receive. In the end, that Thanksgiving became an unforgettable experience.

1.Why did the writer's father decide to go to the homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day?

A.Because he found they didn't have enough food this year.

B.Because he wanted to let the family learn to be thankful.

C.Because he was a volunteer of that homeless shelter.

2.What does the underlined word "ruined" probably mean in Chinese?

A.美好的 B.破灭的 C.悲痛的

3.How did the writer feel before working in the shelter?

A.Sleepy and unhappy. B.Quiet and peaceful. C.Excited and cheerful.

4.What can we infer from the story?

A.The writer had always thought about helping others before.

B.The people in the shelter always had cold and terrible food.

C.The writer might go to the homeless shelter every year from then on.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Helping others is helping yourself.

B.Being thankful for life and finding ways to bless others.

C.Remembering to show our love to the people we love.

Music always interests us. But do you like music that is mainly used in stores? People call it “background music”. Recorded background music first found its way in factories, shops and restaurants in the US, but it soon spread to other parts of the world. Now many stores like to play this kind of music.

Why do they use it? Well, because they want to make customers stay longer. Then customers may buy some goods if they stay longer. In fact, some background music is soft and gentle. However, some background music is too loud. Many shoppers say that they don’t like any background music. When the music is being played, they may get angry at it and they will walk out of the shop as soon as they hear it.

According to a survey, three quarters of shoppers notice the background music when they go into a store. If they like the background music, they will stay longer as a result. They say they will come to the store again. However, fifty percent of shoppers will leave the shop because they don’t like the background music. They even say that they will be less likely to return to the store.

It seems that stores should choose a suitable “sound” for their customers. According to the survey, the suitable background music is a very effective (有效的) way to attract (吸引) more customer’s attention.

So it is wise of stores and restaurants to be more careful with their background music. Some restaurant owners even say that background music is more important than the problem of taste.

1.Background music was first played in the following places in the US EXCEPT _______.

A.factories B.stores C.schools D.restaurants

2.How many shoppers will be less likely to return to the store according to the survey?

A.Three quarters of shoppers. B.One quarter of shoppers.

C.Fifty percent of shoppers. D.Forty percent of shopper.

3.Why do many stores and restaurants like to use background music?

A.Because they want to make their customers leave.

B.Because almost all customers enjoy listening to music.

C.Because they expect the music to help with their business.

D.Because the music makes their places look more beautiful.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People only use background music in America now.

B.All background music is soft and gentle.

C.All the people like the background music when they go into the store.

D.The suitable background music is a very effective way to attract shoppers.

5.What do we learn from the passage?

A.Background music is important. B.People in the US dislike background music.

C.How to buy goods in correct ways. D.Playing suitable background music is wise.

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