
完形填空。Choose the best answer to complete the following passage.
     How do you feel when you have to make a report __1__ your classmates? What about you go to a
birthday party? Do you get __2__ shy?
     Shyness means feeling nervous or __3__ when you're round other people. Everyone experience this
shyness __4__ they grow up. Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they are in
the center of attention. It's OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or
meet strangers. __5__, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It's just a case of how much. But some
teenagers think that they hate themselves and that they won't fit __6__ at some point.
     Stop the negative (消极的) thoughts about yourself. If shyness doesn't keep you __7__ something
you want to do, being shy isn't a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are not only cleverer, but
also better __8__ working with others, because they think more and talk __9__. Some great people in
history were shy, too.
     You see, being shy isn't all __10__, but remember not to let good chances __11__ just __12__it!
Your shyness will __13__. When you have grown up year after year, you'll become __14__ to speak to
anyone. But now, you need practice! If you have to sing a song at a party, just do it! There's nothing to
     Remember, though you are shy, you don't lack in (减少) confidence. Come on, our shy friends!
(     )1. A. in front of    
(     )2. A. true            
(     )3. A. comfortable    
(     )4. A. as              
(     )5. A. What is worse  
(     )6. A. in future      
(     )7. A. to do          
(     )8. A. at              
(     )9. A. much            
(     )10. A. good          
(     )11. A. go down        
(     )12. A. because        
(     )13. A. past          
(     )14. A. too brave      
(     )15. A. afraid        
B. in the front of
B. real            
B. frightened      
B. since          
B. In fact        
B. in the future  
B. doing          
B. in              
B. more            
B. bad            
B. go over        
B. as              
B. pass            
B. brave enough    
B. be afraid      
C. before        
C. really        
C. proud        
C. by            
C. For example  
C. to the future
C. from doing    
C. with        
C. less          
C. wonderful    
C. go by        
C. because of    
C. passed        
C. enough brave  
C. be afraid of  
1-5: BCBAB          6-10: BCACB        11-15: CCABC
     When  you are going to leam English, you  should  first  pay  attention  to
listening  and  speaking. It's  the groundwork(基础)  of  reading and  writing.
You'd better         l     your best to speak while you are doing much listening.
Don't be   2        0f making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you
from improving your _ 3   .  While you are doing this, a good    4    is to keep a diary, write notes or letters.Then if you can, asksome others to go though   
    5   you have written and they will tell you where it is wrong.Many mistakes in your speaking will be   6    found when you write. Through correcting
mistakes, you can do better in learning English.
     If you are slow in speaking, don't    7    about it.  One of the helpful ways
is to read-read aloud or read to yourself.  The important thing is to choos      8    interesting to read, and it mustn't be too difficult for you.  When you are reading    9   this way, don't stop to _10    the new words if you can guess
their meanings or when they don't have anything to do with the sentences. But you can do that at some other time.
(     )1.A. have    
(     )2.A. sure    
(     )3.A. English
(     )4.A. start  
(     )5.A.how      
(     )6.A.happily  
(     )7.A.talk    
(     )8.A.something
(     )9.A.by      
(     )10.A.look at
B. send      
B. proud    
B. Chinese  
B. idea      
B.look for  
C. make    
C. afraid  
C. Japanese
C. time    
C.look up  
D. try      
D. tired    
D. French    
D. way      
D.look over  

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