
Long Lake Camp For Teens

Have fun every minute of every day at Long Lake Summer Camp! Every day is perfect because you can not only enjoy activities but also make new friends.
Long Lake Rock Camp
Our Rock Camp is different from anywhere else. We can offer you all the band lessons. We add a special Rock Guitar this summer. You can practice with your friends every day.
Long Lake Dance Camp
All our wonderful dance camp teachers are returning this summer. We will again offer you all the very best dance camps for modern dance, hip hop, musical theater and more.
Long Lake Music Camp  
There is something for every interest, whether you sing or play an instrument. You also can develop your music skills.
Long Lake Film Camp
Long Lake Film Camp offers great film making chances. With our help, you can make your own film. Try it! Most importantly, our video experts share their experience of the art of film making.
Cost: $1000 — $1999
Ages: From 10 to 16
Camp Address: 199 Washington Avenue, Dobbs Ferry , New York 10522
Tel: 800 767 7111
E-mail:  marc@longlakecamp.com
小题1:How many kinds of camps are mentioned in this passage?
小题2:If you want to practise dancing, you can choose ______.
A.Long Lake Rock CampB.Long Lake Dance Camp
C.Long Lake Music CampD.Long Lake Film Camp
小题3:What can you do at Long Lake Film Camp?
A.Watch some famous films.B.Learn how to make a film.
C.Ask for advice on dancing.D.Create a special rock band.


小题1:细节理解题。阅读短文可知,本文主要介绍了Long Lake Rock Camp……Long Lake Dance Camp
……Long Lake Music Camp……Long Lake Film Camp等四种夏令营,故选D。
小题2:细节理解题。根据Long Lake Dance Camp
All our wonderful dance camp teachers are returning this summer. We will again offer you all the very best dance camps for modern dance, hip hop, musical theater and more.描述,可知参加长湖舞蹈夏令营可以练习舞蹈。故选C。
小题3:细节理解题。根据Long Lake Film Camp
Long Lake Film Camp offers great film making chances. With our help, you can make your own film. 描述可知在长湖电影夏令营中可以学到电影制作。故选B。
Everybody says that youth is the best time for our lives. Being young means romance, love and new discoveries, but it is also the most difficult time, because you have to make some very important decisions, which will influence your future life.
Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teenagers, Who have to find their own place in society, it’s even difficult. It is necessary not only to adapt to society, but also to be confident of your position in five, ten or even twenty year’s time.
For the future it is important to have a good nob. In order to get a really good job, you have to be well educated.
Emotional problems for young people can be very important, too. The first teenager problem is that “nobody understands me”. Some parents often continue to treat their children as little children when they are starting to consider themselves to be adults.
There are also some global problems. Young people in all countries are facing these problems. Let’s start with smoking. According to studies, at the age of 16, almost 72% of all boys and 37% of all girls in Russia have already tried smoking. Smoking is not a natural need.It’s just that teens try it when they want to appear to be more like adults.
Drugs are also a serious problem. Students know the names of drugs well enough. 32% say they have tried drugs at least once, mainly because they were having fun, their friends influenced them to, they wanted to relax or they wanted to seem “cool”. That’s too bad.
So, you see, problems do happen and they can’t be ignored. We should pay much attention to them.
小题1:The author doesn’t think that youth is ________________.
A.the best time of our lives
B.the most difficult time of our lives
C.the time to make some important decisions
D.the time to get a job
小题2:When young people enter the teenage period, ___________.
A.they are seldom understood by others
B.they become confident of their position
C.they still seem little in some parents’ eyes
D.They still consider themselves to be children
小题3:The underlined word “ignore” means “________” in Chinese.
小题4:Which of the following is not a reason why many students try drugs?
A.They consider it to be a natural need.
B.Their friends advise them to do so.
C.They wish to be “cool”.
D.They want to relax themselves.
Have you ever complained(抱怨) why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you’ll find that the whole world smiles to you.
While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teacher’s face when you did a good job?
One day it is fine. Just before you want to go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the weather. But dear friends, why don’t you sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature offers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better, so farmers will have a good harvest.
Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure(失败) can’t be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.”
Attitude decides everything. With an optimistic(乐观的) attitude life is easy and pleasant. Let’s smile to whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us. 
小题1:What will you find if you see the world with your warm heart?
小题2:Why will farmers have a good harvest according to the passage?
小题3:What is the terrible thing when we face failure?
小题4:How do we make life easy and pleasant?
小题5:What’s the best title of this passage?
Last Sunday the elephant keeper at London Zoo, Jim Robson,   小题1:  (kill) by one of the elephants he loved. This was terrible, and it could be a big problem for the future of London Zoo—and maybe for all of Britain’s city zoos.
London Zoo said that it   小题2:  (move) its three elephants to a wild animal park outside London. Its director-general(总经理), Michael Dixon, said, “We are sorry that the elephants   小题3: (leave); there   小题4:   (be) elephants at London Zoo since 1831.”
One British newspaper said that though many small animals were very interesting, most people wanted to see big animals—and most of all elephants.
London Zoo is not only losing its elephants. The tigers will also leave soon and most of the bears have already gone. Outside the elephant house at London Zoo, a woman   小题5:  (call) Mary said she wished the zoo  小题6:  (keep) big animals. “This is the only way the young people can see animals without  小题7:  (travel) to other countries,” she said.
Zoos are not very good places for animals, but they can help to well keep them. Children can also learn a lot about the animals when they visit zoos.
Another visitor, a man called Alan, was very angry. “If the elephants  小题8: (send) back to the wild, they will die. If you take away big animals, people will stop  小题9: (visit) London Zoo. It can survive (继续生存)at the moment, but it   小题10:  (not survive) in the future. "
However, Mary Rosevear, director of the Federation of Zoos, believes that city zoos can survive without keeping large animals.
Kara likes getting e-mail from Fumi. Kara is a third-grader in Arizona(亚利桑那), and Fumi is in third grade in Japan.They are e-pals who send e-mails every week. Fumi sent Kars photos and descriptions of her home.
The first room in Fumi’s house is a small entryway. People who enter the home remove their shoes. They put on different shoes with soft soles. That seemed odd ot Kara. She wears her street shoes in the house.
Kara likes the photo of Fumi and her family eating. They gather around a table, just like Kara and her family, Kara’s family sits on chairs, but Fumi’s family sits on cushions on a strau mat on the floor. The table is low to the ground. What seems to be a wall behind Fumi’s family is actually a door without knobs. Fumi explained that the door slides open. It is made from strong paper glued to thin strips of wood. “I could never play ball in that house!” thought Kara.
小题1: Why did the author write the passage?
A.to explain how to have an e-pal
B.to tell the history of e-mail
C.to compare homes in Japan and in Ameria
D.to show that homes in Arizona are better than homes in Japan
小题2:What does Fumi usually do before getting into the house?
A.Take off the shoes.
B.Put on her street shoes
C.Wear her different shoes with high heels.
D.Have slippers on.
小题3:How is Fumi different from Kara?
A.Fumi lives in the United States.
B.Fumi’s family sits on the floor to eat.
C.Fumi’s family eats around a table.
D.Fumi is in the third grade.
小题4:What is the same about Fumi’s and Kara’s homes?
A.Families sit around a table to eat.
B.People wear soft-soled shoes inside.
C.The floors are covered with straw mats.
D.They are in the same country.
小题5:Kara and Fumi both__________.
A.take their shoes on when they get home.
B.live in houses with doors made from paper
C.learn about a new place from their e-pal
D.sit on chairs during dinner
Tom and his best friend Rob were out of school for the summer. They had been swimming, gone to the movies, played video games, and even built a castle out of some old cardboard boxes. But today they were so bored. “At least we would have something to do.” Tom thought for a while and suggested, “Let’s make some popcorn and lemonade and sell it outside.”
The boys went to the kitchen and asked Tom’s mom if she would help them make some lemonade while they popped the popcorn. Tom’s mom got the lemons from the refrigerator and also a small amount of sugar. She mixed up the lemonade while the boys started popping the popcorn.
Tom and Rob got a small table from the garage and set it up near the sidewalk. They made a red sign telling everyone that popcorn and lemonade was for sale. The boys sat for about ten minutes before they got their first sale. Mrs. Jenkins, one of their neighbors, was walking her dog. “It’s so hot today.” “I sure can use a drink,” she said. Soon the boys were busy handing out popcorn to Mr. Baker. He was walking down the street sending the mail. “I need a break,” he said. “Walking all over the neighborhood gave me an appetite.”
The boys had only three popcorn bags left and enough lemonade for three more cups. “Wow, I didn’t think the popcorn and lemonade would sell that fast. We made six dollars,” said Tom. “If we get bored again before school starts, we can try selling more lemonade with cookies(饼干) next time,” laughed Rob.
小题1:What did Tom suggest?
A.Swimming with their friends.
B.Buying some sugar and cookies.
C.Making some popcorn and lemonade.
D.Going to the movies and playing games.
小题2:Where did Tom and Rob set up the table?
A.Near the sidewalk.B.In the kitchen.
C.At the supermarket.D.Outside the school.
小题3:What did Tom and Rob learn from this experience?
A.People might prefer to buy things on sale.
B.They could do something new to have fun.
C.Mr. Baker liked sending mails very much.
D.Mrs. Jenkins needed help to walk the dog.
When I was a child, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers. This was part of a whole list of things I should never do: Never accept food or candy from strangers, never get in a car with strangers, and so on.
But if we didn’t start a conversation with strangers, we’d never make new friends. We’d never get a job. We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers. And the more people you know, you more chances you can get.
The following passage offers you some advice on how to break the ice.
Don’t just stare at your shoes. Go and say “Hi” to that new guy. It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.
British: Beautiful day, isn’t it?
The weather in Britain is changeable. So, it is one of the topics the British care most about. And there’s a simple rule: Say “Yes” whether you agree with the person’s idea on the weather or not. That’s because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can continue their talk.
French: Where did you go on holiday?
To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. French employees get more than six weeks of holidays per year.
American: So, where are you from?
The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source(来源) of talk. You can try to find a connection with the place they’re from. For example, if someone’s from Los Angeles, you could say:“Oh, I have a friend who studied there”
小题1:Why did the writer’s parents tell him not to talk to strangers?
A.It was dangerous.
B.Is wasted time.
C.It was part of the life.
D.Their son didn’t like to talk to strangers.
小题2:The best thing to talk with British is          .
A.the fogB.the rain
C.the weatherD.the wind
小题3:To talk with a French person, the safest way is           .
A.his or her familyB.his or her parents
C.his or her friendsD.his or her last holiday
小题4:The location is always a source of talk in America because         .
A.They are energetic
B.They love their home
C.Los Angeles is their location
D.The US is so big and people move so often
小题5:According to the passage, the writer thinks               .
A.his parents were right
B.he can talk with strangers freely
C.It is necessary to talk with strangers
D.he can find jobs easily
If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory(记忆力) works in the same way.
When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault, But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault.
Have you ever found that some people can’t hear or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they can not write them down in a little book. They have to remember days, names ,songs and stories. So their memory is the whole time being exercised.
小题1:The main reason for one's poor memory is that his parents have poor memories.
A. right    B. wrong
小题2:If you don't use your arms or legs for some time, they will become strong.
A. right    B. wrong
小题3:A good memory comes from more practice.
A. right    B. wrong
小题4:Some people can't read or write, but they have better memories, because they have saved trouble.
A. right    B. wrong
小题5:The best title of this passage is “How to Have a Good Memory”.
A. right    B. wrong

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