
 Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12,a white gardenia(栀子花)was sent to my house. No card came with it.Calls to the flower shops were not helpful at all. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender's name and was just very pleased with the beautiful white flower in soft pink paper.

    But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be, Some of my happiest moments were  spent daydreaming about the sender. My mother encouraged this imagining. She'd ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness. Perhaps it was the old man who I looked afier when he was ill. As a girl, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy.

    One month before my graduation, my father died. I felt very sad and didn't want to go to the  coming graduation dance at all. And I didn't care whether I had a new dress or not. But my mother, in her own sadness, would not let me miss any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely, strong and perfect with perhaps a bit of mystery.

    My mother died ten days after l was married.1 was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.

1.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. The author found the sender by calling the flower shops.

B. In fact, the flower was sent by a boy.

C. It was a pleasant moment for the girl to imagine the sender.

D. The author got a gardenia every year after she was married.

2.The mother let her daughter go to the graduation dance because_______.

A. She hoped she would miss her father.   

B. She thought education was most important.

C. She hoped she would find a friend.   

D. She wanted her to be happy and strong.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Childhood Dream.                     B. A Mother's Love.

C. A Graduation Party.                      D. A Special Birthday.









1.细节理解题。根据短文第一段Calls to the flower shops were not helpful at all.可知A错误;根据第二段最后一句话可知,送花的人可能是一个男孩,是女孩的一种主观想象;所以B也可排除;第二段Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.可知女孩对送花人的猜测时光是美好的;故C正确;开头第一句Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12,a white gardenia(栀子花)was sent to my house. 可知D项表述错误;故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据短文第三段In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely, strong and perfect with perhaps a bit of mystery.可知妈妈是希望看到自己的孩子坚强和幸福的;故选D。





Very hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most people hot, it can cause medical problems and death.
Floods, storms and other terrible natural events kill thousands of people every year. And we hear much about them in news reports. We general hear little about heat, which experts say may be nature’s most dangerous killer.
Health experts say that since the year 1900, very hot weather has killed more people in the United States than any other natural event. One year--- the unusually hot summer of 1980 heat caused about 1,700 deaths in the United States. In 1995, more than 600 people died in another heat wave in one city----Chicago, Illinois.
Besides drinking lots of cool water , doctors say there are some other things to do to protect against the health dangers of heat. Stay out of the sun, if possible. Wear loose and light—colored clothes. Wear a hat while in the sun. Eat fewer hot and heavy foods. And, when possible, cook foods during cooler time of the day. If possible, rest more often.
Health experts say these simple steps can prevent the dangerous health problems caused by heat. They will prevent sickness, help you feel better and may even save your life.
【小题1】Hot weather is common ______.

A.all over the world.B.in many parts of the world
C.in some parts of the worldD.in a few parts of the world
【小题2】Experts say maybe _______is natural’s most dangerous killer.
A.heatB.a floodC.a stormD.an earthquake
【小题3】About 1,700 people died of heat in the US _______.
A.in 1900B.in 1980C.in 1995D.in 2000
【小题4】The passage is talking about _______.
A.all kinds of terrible natural events in the world
B.some health problems caused by hot weather
C.how to prevent health problems
D.the health problems in hot weather and the ways to stop them

Lang Lang, called “Chinese Mozart”, one of the best-known Chinese pianists in the world, was born in Shenyang in 1982. He began to take piano lessons at the age of three. He played the piano at least 20 hours a week at that time. At the age of five, he won the Shenyang Piano Competition. Four years later, his father took him to Beijing to study at the Beijing Central Music Conservatory(中央音乐学院). When he was 11, he won the first prize at the Fourth International Young Pianists Competition in Germany. In 1996, he went to the United States to study music. Soon he became famous all over the US, and then around the world.
The road to success has never been easy. Lang Lang’s father even stopped his job in his police office. For over ten years, he followed Lang Lang everywhere he went, not only as a father, but also as a manager, tutor and friend, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. In spite of(尽管) giving on average over 150 performances around the world every year now, he still finds time to practice and learn new works. Lang Lang considers himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.
【小题1】How old was Lang Lang when he went to Beijing to study?

A.He was three.B.He was five.C.He was nine.D.He was eleven.
【小题2】Why did Lang Lang’s father take him to Beijing?
A.They went on vacation to Beijing.
B.Their family needed money at that time.
C.Lang Lang wanted to take part in the Piano Competition.
D.Lang Lang went there to study at a famous music conservatory.
【小题3】Where was the fourth International Youth Piano Competition held?
A.In Germany.B.In the United States.C.In JapanD.In China.
【小题4】Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Lang Lang went to the United States to study music at the age of 14.
B.Lang Lang’s father had to stay in Shenyang to make money.
C.Lang Lang’s parents have done a lot for him to be a famous pianist.
D.Lang Lang is called “Chinese Mozart” because he plays the piano very well.
【小题5】 What can we learn from this passage?
A.It’s not very difficult to be a pianist.
B.A pianist is always popular in the world.
C.You have to practice and learn much to be successful.
D.Pianists never hate playing the piano because it’s interesting.

There are many wetlands in China and some of them are the world’s important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, the east of China. They are homes for many different kinds of birds and animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-Crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.

The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.

Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2, people hold many activities to tell more about wetlands.

1.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the ??? of China.

A. east????????????? B. south????????????? C. west??????????? D. north

2.Usually the weather in the wetlands is ??? .

A. hot?????????????? B. pleasant?????????? C. cold??????????? D. dry

3.The World Wetlands Day is on ??? .

A. April 22????????? B. June 25??????????? C. February 2????? D. March 22

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. China’s wetlands have all entered the world’s list

B. Wetlands—home for wildlife and humans

C. Special animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands

D. Wetlands—valuable resources(珍贵资源)of land on the earth


Put 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day! It marks the date that the

Convention(公约) on Wetlands was signed(签署)in1971.This special day was first celebrated in 1997 and it is celebrated every year.

    The celebration is a call for action. It is a way to show people how important and

useful the wetlands are for people. On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take

part in many wetlands activities. People take trips to the local wetlands. There are talks

about how important the wetlands are. People get together to clean up their local wetlands

Children draw pictures to advertise the day. People also compete(比赛)in boat races.

    The World Wetlands Day is important! If there are no wetlands, there will be no water for anyone in the future. Wetlands help protect nature and resources(资源)like fresh water. Already,  more than 10000 million people in the world do not have fresh water.

    Many people do not know how important the wetlands are. They can understand why an

elephant or a tiger is important because they are big, beautiful animals. It is much harder for

them to understand how important the animals in the wetlands are. These small animals,

such as frogs and snails, play a very important part in keeping the balance of nature.

    All plants and animals are part of the food chain(链).If the small wetlands animals

die, some animals in the food chain will have nothing to eat. They will also die. People

need the wetlands to keep the balance of nature in the world. If we do not protect nature

today,it will be gone tomorrow.

1.What should you put in your diary?

A. Some frogs.

B. The date of World Wetlands Day.

C. 1971

D. Any special day.

2.Where do people celebrate World Wetlands Day?

A. All over the world.                        B. In ships

C. At home.                                D. In their own way.

3.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking part in competitions.

B. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking hips to local wetlands.

C. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by listening to talks about the wetlands.

D. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by talking about the weather.

4.Why are small animals important?

A. They are part of the balance of nature and the food chain.

B. They are beautiful.

C. Bigger animals are eaten by them

D. Without them, there may be no water.

5.Which of the following might be the best title of the article?

A. Wetlands Are Important

B. Small Animals Are Also Important

C. World Wetlands Day

D. Food Chain


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