
小题1: How long will you travel if you go to Cayman Islands?
A.Two weeks.B.Ten days.C.One day.D.Three days.
小题2: Where is Betsy travelling?
A.From Ensenada to Hawaii.B.On Cayman Islands.
C.On beach.D.At a shop.
小题3: Who is having a vacation on Cayman Island?
A.Betsy.B.Betsy’s parents.C.Larry.D.Robby.


Toys Anno…
The world’s smallest, but the most beautiful exhibition space for old-day toys.
Opening hours
Monday—Friday: 10a.m.—6p.m.
National Museum, London
Bus 26/91/206

FREE service for all young people
aged 8-16
●Homework staff(工作人员) on hand to help you
●Space to work
●Books & revision guides
●FREE Internet use
●FREE printing
Manchester Library&Information Service
Escape(逃脱) from the Mummy’s Tomb!
Let our new online game take you to an
old Egyptian tomb(埃及古墓).
Become a brave explorer and collect wonderful things thousands of years old. But he careful—there’s a mummy(木乃伊) going around the tomb.
Can you bring the wonderful things safely back to World museum without being hurt by the mummy?
Visit www.livepoolmuseum.org uk/ mummystomb and find out!
Learning from poo (粪便)!
1:30 p.m, 2:15 p.m, & 3 p.m. July
It might sound terrible but archaeologists(考古学家) can find out many things from poo—like how people in the past lived and what they are. If you have interests, come and join us to watch some samples(not real pool) and see if you can recreate the diets of our ancestors(祖先).
Pick up a free ticket from the World Museum welcome desk.
小题1:What service does Toys Anno give?
A.Offering largest toysB.Making beautiful toys
C.Showing old-day toysD.Selling smallest toys
小题2:A boy aged ten CAN’T ________ with Homework Support Service.
A.ask the staff to do his homework
B.print without paying
C.search for information online
D.review lessons with guides
小题3:Escape from the Mummy’s Tomb is a (an) ________.
A.guide bookB.online gameC.science fiction filmD.popular magazine
小题4:What information can we get from Learning from poo?
A.Archaeologists can learn what people are in the past by studying their poo.
B.The activity is open every morning in June.
C.You can have a chance to watch the real poo of ancestors.
D.You must buy a ticket to join in this activity.

Films in West-city Cinema this week

?  Chinese film (2004)
?  Dircected (导演) by  
Feng Xiaogang
?  Mainly acted by Liu 
Dehua, Liu Ruoying,
Ge You, Li Bingbing
?  From Monday to Wednesday,
at 8:00 p. m.
?  Ticket Price: RMB¥35

? Chinese   Hong 
Kong  film (2004)
? Directed by Zhou 
? Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi,Yuan Hua, Liang Xiaolong
? From  Wednesday  to Friday,
at 8:00 p. m.
? Ticket price: RMB¥40

? American film (2004)
? Directed by Alfonso
? Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Emma Waston
? From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p. m.
?Ticket Price: RMB¥30 (Half on Sun­day for children)

? American film (2004)
? Directed by Wolfgang
? Mainly acted by Julian 
Glover, Brian Cox,
Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis
? From Tuesday to Thursday,
at 8:00 p. m.
? Ticket Price: RMB¥45
小题1: You can see________ foreign films in West-city Cinema this week.
小题2:If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on________.
小题3:Children can pay only _____ when they want to see a film on Sunday.
小题4: You can see the film ________ on Saturday.
A.TroyB.Harry PotterC.A World Without ThievesD.Kungfu Hustle
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Liu Dehua acted in the film Kungfu Hustle.
B.The ticket price of the four films is the same.
C.All the films start after 8 o'clock in the evening.
D.The four films were released in the same year.
Long March exhibit?
The Shanghai History Museum is putting on exhibition to remember the Long March(长征) which took place 75 years ago. More than 220 photos and 40 other things are on show. All the exhibition is explained in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.?
Time: 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.?
Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road?
Ticket: 8 yuan for Chinese / 15 yuan for foreigners?
Thai elephants?
Eight elephants from Thailand are an attraction for visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, dancing and blowing a musical instrument. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and there is an extra show at 1:30 p.m. at weekends. The show will end on November 15.?
Address: 189 Daduhe Road?
Ticket: 30—40 yuan?
Dancing dolphins?
Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, dancing to music, kissing people and doing easy math problems, and seals and sea lions, also performing, have made a large part of the aquarium in Peace Park, which interests children greatly.?
Hours: 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.?
Ticket: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children
小题1:Where can one see the Long March exhibition??
A.In Shanghai History Museum.B.In Changfeng Park.?
C.In Peace Park.D.On 189 Dahude Road.?
小题2:How many shows do the Thailand elephants give at weekends??
A.One. B.Two.C.Three. D.Four.?
小题3:What may interest children very much in Peace Park??
A.Elephants playing basketball.B.Dolphins dancing to the music.?
C.Seals riding bikes.D.Sea lions blowing instruments?
小题4:How much should a child pay to go into Peace Park??
A.Five yuan.B.Fifteen yuan.C.Ten yuan.D.Twenty yuan. ?
小题5:Which of the following is true? ?
A.The Long March exhibition is explained in English.?
B.The sea animals can work out difficult math problems.?
C.Thai elephants’ shows can only be seen in the day.?
D.The sea animals perform three times a day.

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