
People ___1_____ under different star signs have different ways of ____2____ sorry.
Aries: Arians think they are lovely and gentle and it is __3______ for them to do the wrong things and they will never hurt ___4_____. So they will only say a ___15_____ sorry for t heir mistakes.
Gemini: Geminis think they will never make a mistake and they are right forever. So they will never really apologize (道歉) for __6______. But when they know it, they would rather (宁愿) do ___7_____.
Leo: Leos are a group of pleasant people. When they are trying to apologize, they will buy flowers, put up sorry posters and so on. It is ___8_____.
Virgo: Virgos will first formally set aside (留出) a time and date. Then they will get ready to ___9_____ their mistakes. At last, they will ___10_____ a formal article and read it out. Sometimes their true apologies ___11_____ good articles.
Scorpio: Scorpios are formal and think that making ___12____ apology is more formal. So instead of just saying sorry, they will send a formal mail or send a card.
Sagittarius: Sagittarians don’t believe in apologizing. For them, it is ___13_____ to make a mistake and saying sorry is just ___14_____. Interestingly, even if others make mistakes, they are very cool and will not ___15_____ the apologies from others.
(      ) 1 .A. bore         B. was born         C. born         D. were born
(      ) 2 .A.  says           B. saying          C. said         D. say
(      ) 3 .A. necessary    B. important            C. impossible       D. unable
(      ) 4. A. the other        B. other               C. others           D. another
(      ) 5. A. hard         B. simple               C. good         D. possible
(      ) 6 .A. something    B.  nothing        C. anything     D. everything
(      ) 7 .A. everything       B. something            C. anything     D. nothing
(      ) 8 .A. great            B. fun              C. exciting     D. amazing
(      ) 9 .A. say about        B.  talk about      C. tell         D. speak
(      ) 10 .A .make            B. do               C. write            D. send
(      ) 11. A. like            B.  sound like          C. likes        D. sound
(      ) 12 .A. a              B.  an          C.  the     D. /
(      ) 13 .A. right           B. natural              C. true         D. easy
(      ) 14 .A. useless B. unnecessary          C. wrong            D. shame
(      ) 15 .A. wait for            B. stand for            C. care for     D. search for
1-5    CBCCB    6-10  CDBBC   11-15  BBBBA

1、C  born 这是过去分词做定语来修饰people,表示这种状态。.
2、B  have different ways of doing something。所以说后面应该接动词ing的形式。
3、C 根据Arians think they are lovely and gentle ,可推测出他们不可能做错事。
4、C the other 表示两者中的一个,other 表示别的,但它是单数,只能表示一个,another则表示另外一个,明显不符和本文意思。所以应填 others 表示别人。
5、B 根据前文意思可知此处应填simple。
6、C 应该他们不会对任何事道歉,应填anything。
7、D 只有填nothing才符合他们的人物性格。
8、B 对他们这种行为的修饰,应该用fun 表示有趣的意思。
9、B 他们会准备好来谈论他们的错误。应该用talk about。
10、C write a a formal article ,写以一篇正式的文章。
11、B 和前面的read it out 相对应。
12、B apology 是可数名词。
13、B 根据此段可知他们认为犯错误很自然(natural)。
14、B unnecessary必要的。犯错误很自然,言外之意即为不必道歉。
15、A wait for等待。他们不会等待别人来道歉。
From old times, India has been a good friend of China. The two big Asian countries now work more closely on border problems, trade (贸易) and IT.
India is an interesting and mysterious( 神秘的)country with a long history. Around 2,000 BC, Indian civilization (文明) was born. It is one of the four oldest civilizations in the world.India is also the birthplace of  Buddhism (佛教).A famous  Chinese novel, "A Journey to the West", is about a Chinese monk (和尚) who tried very hard to learn about Buddhism from India.
The book comes from a true story. Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk was sent to India by the King of the Tang Dynasty.After many years, he brought back lots of Buddhist books. The name "India" was first used by Xuanzang in his work.
Today, religion(宗教) is still an important part of Indian culture. There are many religions there. Most Indian people believe in Hinduism (印度教).In India, cows are very special animals because  Hinduism  says they are holy (神圣的). So Indians don't sell or eat beef.Like China,
India is a developing  country with a large population(人口). It has  about 1.03 billion people compared to China's 1.3  billion.  More than two thirds of  Indians still live a poor life in the countryside.
India has no birth control so its population is growing fast. By 2030, India could even have more people than China.
Hindi (印地语) is the mother tongue of Indian people. But Britain took India in 1757 and stayed there until 1947. Because of this, English slowly became the other official  language.
小题1:Why don't Indians sell or eat beef?
A.Because they don't like it.
B.Because they are afraid of getting ill.
C.Because they see cows as holy animals.
D.Because beef is very expensive.
小题2:What is/are the official language(s) of India?
C.Both of the aboveD.None of the above

A new Long March(长征)
Twenty-one people from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland began a new Long March on October 15. They will walk about 8,000 kilometers from Ruijin, Jiangxi to Wuqi, Shanxi. They hope to get 20.2 million Yuan to build 101 schools and help poor children go back to school. They hope to finish the march by August 16, 2012.
The football team
The Chinese under-17 football team is No. 1 in Asia. They won the Asian U-17 Championship(亚洲U-17锦标赛)in Japan on Saturday. They beat the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)by 1:0. After 85 minutes, Wang Weilong got the only goal. They took the cup for the first time in 12 years.
Liu leaves China
Chinese actor Liu Ye left for the US on Monday to make a film called Meteor(《流星》)。 He is going to act with the Hollywood film star Meryl Streep. His former classmate Zhang Ziyi sent Liu a message to encourage him. Liu was worried about his English, and worked hard on it before he left. People know him from films like last year’s “Mei Ren Cao”。
小题1:From the news,we know that the twenty-one people began a new Long March to ______.
A.travel around China
B.visit some schools
C.teach poor children
D.get some money and help poor children go back to school
小题2:The second piece of news tells us ______.
A.Korea held this contest
B.the Chinese football team is No. 1 in South-East Asia
C.the Chinese under-17 football team won the world championship
D.the Chinese under-17 football team won the championship for the first time in 12years
小题3:Which of the paragraphs is about sports? ______
A.The 1stB.The 2nd
C.The 3rd D.The 3th and the 1st
There are two deaf(聋的) men in a small village. One is Mr. White and the other is Mr. Black. They live near to each other. They are good friends.
Mr. White and Mr. Black often talk together. They talk about all kinds of things. Sometimes they are worried about their hearing. But one thinks the other is much deafer.
One day Mr. Black comes to see Mr. White. Mr. White is sitting on a chair, He is having a rest. Mr. Black stops at the door and asks, “Can you hear me?” There is no answer. Mr. Black goes nearer and asks again, “Can you hear me?” Again he doesn’t hear any answer. Mr. Black is quite pleased. Still he goes nearer and asks for the third time, “Can you hear me?” Still there is no answer. At last Mr. Black goes up to Mr. White and calls, “Now I know you are much deafer than me. You don’t hear my questions.” “I’m much deafer?” says Mr. White. “No, I answer you three times. But you do not hear my answer.”
小题1: Mr. White and Mr. Black are               .
A.brothersB.in the city
C.not near to each otherD.in the same village.
小题2:Mr. White and Mr. Black often            together.
A.talkB.have a restC.sit at homeD.go out for a walk
小题3: One day Mr. Black talks with Mr. White                  .
A.in Mr. Black’s houseB.in the street
C.at the door of Mr. White’s houseD.happily
小题4: Which one is right?                
A.Mr. White doesn’t answer Mr. Black’s question.
B.Mr. Black doesn’t hear Mr. White’s answer.
C.Mr. White is deafer than Mr. Black
D.Mr. White wouldn’t like to answer Mr. Black’s question
小题5:Mr. Black and Mr. White are           men, I think.
In the United States, sixteen, eighteen, and twenty-one are important ages in a person’s life. There are no special celebrations for these birthdays, but each is a time when a person can do new things to mark their transition(转变) into adulthood.
After turning sixteen a person can work, get a driver’s license and leave home. Many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs soon after celebrating their sixteenth birthday.
At the age of eighteen a person in the United States can vote and smoke, but they are prohibited from going into nightclubs, buying wine or gambling(赌博) until they are twenty-one.
In many Latin(拉丁的) cultures, a young woman’s fifteenth birthday is important. At this age, she is regarded as an adult. To mark this special day, families with teenage daughters have a celebration called a Quinceanera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to church. Later, there is a party and many guests are invited.
In Japan, young people became adults at twenty. At this age, they can legally(合法地) vote, drink wine and smoke. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called “Coming of Age Day”. On this day, twenty-year-old celebrates by first going to church to pray with their families. Later, they listen to speeches given by city and school leaders. Afterward, they may celebrate with family or friends late into the night.
In some countries, birthday celebrations continue through adulthood. Some people celebrate their fortieth and fiftieth birthdays, or their retirement(退休) year, with a huge party.
小题1: In the United States, age sixteen marks the time when you can ___________.
A.vote and driveB.drive and get a jobC.drink wine and smokeD.go into nightclubs
小题2:Which of the following is not the turning point in a person life in the USA?
A.The 15th birthday.B.The 16th birthday.C.The 18th birthday.D.The 21st birthday.
小题3:What is the meaning of the word “prohibit”?
In every little girl’s toy box. there might be a Barbie Doll. Barbie is 50 years old this, year. It was designed(设计)in 1959 by an American businesswoman named Ruth Handler. She and her husband Elliott started the toy company Mattel. She named the new doll after their daughter Barbara. The first Barbie Doll appeared at the toy fair(交易会)New York on March 9th, 1959. This date is used as Barbie’s birthday.
Mattel sold three hundred thousand Barbie Dolls in the first year at a price of three dollars. Today, a fifty-year-old Barbie in good condition might cost more than twenty-seven thousand dollars. Mattel says 90% of the girls in the United States aged from three to ten own at least one Barbie Doll. And girls aged three to six own an average(平均)of about twelve.
When Mattel created Barbie Dolls half a century ago, they never thought this doll would become a legend. Now Barbie Dolls are famous all over the world. They are sold in one hundred and fifty countries, and every second three Barbie Dolls are sold around the world.
小题1:Who designed the first Barbie Doll in 1959?
A.Mattel.B.Elliott.C.Barbara.D.Ruth Handler.
小题2:A Barbie D011 cost _______dollars in the first year after it appeared.
小题3:What does the underlined word “legend” mean in the passage?
小题4:The writer doesn’t tell us _______.
A.Barbie Dolls are very popular with girlsB.Barbie Dolls sell well around the world
C.what the first Barbie Doll was based onD.the doll Barbie was named after Barbara
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage? ______.
A.Barbie’s birthdayB.Barbie Dolls
C.A lovely girl named BarbieD.Why are Barbies popular

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