一、辨音 选出你在句子中所听到的内容。每句读一遍。


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A.Row 3

B.Row 2

C.Row 1

D.Row 5


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二、反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。每句读一遍。


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A.Yes, I do.

B.Yes, I am.

C.No, I can't.

D.No, I mustn't.


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A.Thank you.

B.Happy birthday.

C.I'm very happy.

D.No, I am not.


[  ]

A.I like the sun.

B.It's Sunday.

C.It's the sun.

D.It's sunny.


[  ]

A.Yes, it is.

B.Good idea.

C.No, we can't.

D.See you later.


[  ]

A.I'd like a pair of shoes.

B.Do it, please.

C.No, I don't need your help.

D.That's all right.

三、理解 根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提出的问题,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。


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A.13 yuan.

B.14 yuan.

C.15 yuan.

D.16 yuan.


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A.In Shanghai.

B.In Changsha.

C.In Canada.

D.In America.


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A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.By ear.

D.On foot.


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A.A doctor.

B.A nurse.

C.A worker.

D.A teacher.

四、听写 写出你所听到的短文中所缺的单词。短文读两遍。

Li Ming often goes to the cinema when he is free. He likes all 16 of films except those from Hong Kong. He likes Chaplin's(卓别林的) films best. Yesterday evening, one of his most famous films was 17 at the Twin Lake Cinema. Li Ming went there and 18 a ticket. The story was interesting and Chaplin played so 19 . He did not say a word in the film, but Li Ming could understand everything. He enjoyed 20 minute of the film.

A: Look at that monkey.  It looks like a man. What is it doing?
B: It's  riding a bike.
A: Look there ! A baby monkey is on the back of' its mother, and the mother monkey is eating an apple.
B: The monkeys are very cute. Many people like them very much. Can I give a banana to the
    monkeys ?
A: You'd better not give any food. Look! It says, " Do not feed the animals, "
B: Oh, I see.
A: Shall we go to see the dolphins?
B: It's too early for the dolphin show. Let's go to the elephant house first.
A: OK !
B: Wow. Elephants are so strong. Look! How interesting they are! They're playing with their friends.
A: I think they like our country.
B: Yes. They are lovely. They're all from Africa.
1.           is eating an apple.
A. An elephant
B. The baby monkey
C. The mother monkey
D. A dolphin
2. Can we give a banana to the monkey in the zoo? 
A. Yes, we can.
B. No, we can't. But we can give an apple to it.
C. No, we can't.
D. If' it wants, you can give it a banana.
3. After seeing the monkeys, they go to see _     __.  
A. the dolphin show
B. the elephants
C. the tigers
D. the giraff'es
4. Why don't they go to see the dolphin show?
A. Because there's no dolphin show.
B. Because it's too late,
C. Because it's too early for the show.
D. Because they are tired.
5. Which of the following is WRONG?
A. The elephants are fun.
B. The elephants are from Africa.
C. The elephants don't like the new country they are in.
D. The elephants are strong and lovely.

A: Look at that monkey(猴子). It looks like a man. It's so cute. What is it doing?

B: It's saying "hello" to us, I think.

A: Look there! A baby monkey is on the back of its mother, and the mother monkey is eating a banana.

B: How interesting! Can I give an apple to the monkeys?

A: You'd better not(最好不要). Look! It says. " Do not feed(喂) the animals."

B: Oh, I see.

A: Shall we go to see the dolphins?

B: It's too early(早) for the dolphin show. Let's go to the elephant house first.

A: OK!

B: Wow. Elephants are so strong(强壮). Look! How fun they are! They're playing with their friends.

A: Yes, there are lovely(可爱的). They're all from Africa. But I think they like our country, too.

(  ) 31. _____ is eating a banana.

   A. An elephant   B. The baby monkey   C. The mother monkey  D. Dolphin

(  )32. --Can we give(给…) a banana to the monkey in the zoo?  --            

   A. Yes, we can.      B. No, we can't. But we can give an apple to it.

   C. No, we can't.      D. If it wants, you can give it a banana.

(  )33. After seeing the monkeys, they go to see _______.

   A. the dolphin show   B. the elephants   C. the tigers    D. the giraffes

(  )34. Why don't they go to see the dolphin show?

   A. Because there's no dolphin show.    B. Because it's too late.

   C. Because it's too early for the show.   D. Because they are tired.

(  )35. Which of the following is wrong(错)?

   A. The elephants are fun.    B. The elephants are from Africa.

   C. The elephants don't like the new country they are in.

   D. The elephants are strong and lovely(可爱).

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