
The Tree of Life

  Two travelers are walking in Africa. The sun beats down on them. The land is dry and dusty. Even the rivers have dried up.

  The travelers sit down next to a huge, ugly tree. They're hot and tired. Most of all, they're thirsty. They reach for their water canteen (水壶) . It's empty! Where can they find water? They look up at the tree next to them. Then they remember. Quickly, they climb to the top of the tree. They find a scooped-out hole there. The hole is filled with water. The travelers take huge gulps. The baobab (木棉) tree has saved their lives.

  The baobab tree is a funny-looking tree. Its bark (树皮) is wrinkled (超皱) and looks like elephant skin. The branches look like roots reaching for the sky. But this strange tree has saved the lives of people and animals. The tree stores enough water at the top to last for many months. Animals use the tree as a drinking fountain (水源). Some animals even move in and live among the roots. The animals can stay for a long time. Some baobab trees live for 2000years.

1.This story is mainly about ________ .

[  ]

A.animals in trees

B.the hot sun in Africa

C.a tree with water in it


2.Another title that tells the main idea is ________ .

[  ]

A.“Climbing a Tree”

B.“The Baobab Tree”

C.“Elephant Skin”


3.The travelers in this story are ________ .

[  ]





4.The water in a baobab tree is ________ .

[  ]

A.in the roots

B.full of salt

C.at the top


5.Animals that live in the tree ________ .

[  ]

A.are not in Africa

B.can stay for many years

C.can't get water



1.scooped-out hole像被挖出的洞


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