

  A:Hello,Li Lei!

  B:Hello,Wang Peng!

  A:I want to k  1  about your dad.May I ask you some questions?

  B:Of course,please.

  A:What d  2  your dad l 3  l 4 ?

  B:He's t tartline  5  and handsome.

  A:What is your dad l 6 ?

  B:He's f  7 

  A:Thanks.I c  8  wait to meet him.



My life,as it really is,is always filled with sadness and little joy.However,no matter  (1)w ______happens,I can always face it bravely.

    In July,last year,I couldn’t believe the  (2) n        : I became the first in the entrance exam and I could enter the only key high school in my hometown! Then I rushed to my home and told my parents.But my father didn’t seem as  (3) e          as I was.He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help crying.

    I wasn’t (4) s       at what I saw at all.I knew very well what my family was like. My mum had been in bed for two years because of her disease. I knew my family lived a  (5 )h ______ life and couldn’t afford my tuition fee(学费).I felt so upset at that moment but I could say (6) n  ______   to my parents.

    I decided to help my father with his work to support my family instead of continuing my schooling.

    To my surprise,things completely  (7) c________   just three days before the beginning of the new term.My head teacher who had taught me three years came to my family with some money. The money had been (8) r_______   by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.”

    At the same time,my father also earned some extra money so that he could afford part of my tuition fee.

    I knew I was so (9)l_______   and decided to study harder in return.With tears in my eyes,I stepped into the key high school that I had dreamed of.

I have been studying hard since I entered the high school.Whenever I meet (10)d        ,I always  think of my teacher and schoolmates,and I can always get enough courage to go on.Because I have a college dream and must work hard for it no matter how hard life is.Just as a philosopher’s saying goes,“When one door shuts,another opens in life.’’

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