

A [2015 •宜宾改编]


Telephone: 3324545

Address : East Road 

Open: Mon to Fri. 7:30 am 2:30 pm and 5:00 pm 9:00 pm 

    Sat. 7 : 30 am-2 : 00 pm and 5 : 00 pm-9 : 30 pm 

    Sun. 11:00 am-2:00pm and 5:00 pm-9:30 pm


Telephone: 3351352 

Address : Green Road 

Open: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 am-5:00 pm (Tuesday free)

     Sat. 9: 00 am-6:00 pm


Telephone: 3374398 

Address : Peace Road 

Open:Mon. Wed. and Fri. 9:30 am-5:30 pm 

    Tues. Thurs. and 

    Sat. 9: 30 am-9:00 pm


Telephone: 3368432 

Address: West Road 

Coffee shop: Mon. to Fri. 6:00 am 

          Sat. and Sun. 7 : 00 am 

          Mon. to Wed. to 10: 00 pm 

          Thurs. to Sat. to 11 : 00 pm 

          Sun. to 9: 00 pm.

() 21. You do not have to pay money on Tuesday if you go to .

   A. Spring Restaurant

   B. Science Museum

   C. Sunshine Shopping Center

() 22. What can't you do at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon?

   A. Go to Spring Restaurant.

   B. Visit Science Museum.

   C. Shop in Sunshine Shopping Center.

() 23. If you want to drink coffee early on weekdays,you can go to .

   A. Peace Road   B. East Road   C. West Road

() 24. Which place is still open after 10:00 pm on Thursday?

   A. Spring Restaurant.

   B. Science Museum.

   C. Huatai Hotel.

() 25. The text is probably taken from .

   A. a novel   B. a guide book

   C. a dictionary

21. B    22. A    23. C    24. C    25. B 


[2015 •陕西改编]阅读选择 阅读下面的短文,从所给的A、B、C选项中选出最佳答案。

       The eagle has the feathers longest life of its group. It can reach up to 70 years.But to reach this age,the eagle must make a hard and painful decision. 

       When an eagle reaches near 40 ,its short sharp beak becomes bent (弯曲 的) . Its long and once flexible (灵活的) talons can no longer catch animals or birds for food. And its old and heavy wings with thick feathers on its body make it difficult to fly. Then,the eagle has only two choices: to die or to go through a painful time of change which needs five months.

       When the eagle feels weak and is about to die,it goes to a place far away on the top of a mountain and sits on a nest. For a new life,the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it pulls its beak out. After pulling it out,the eagle waits for a new beak to grow. And then it pulLs out its talons and old feathers. It takes the eagle five months to complete its change and get a new life. We can call it its rebirth. So it can live for 30 more years.

       Like the eagle,we human beings sometimes need to make some change to get out of our difficulty. In miserable condition,we have to change our ways of life. The changing may be very painful. But sometimes we have to throw off our old habits,memories and traditions. We can't go on with all our past burdens (重负) .

() 21. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. When an eagle reaches near 40 ,its short sharp beak is still straight.

   B. For a new life,the eagle knocks its talons against a rock.

   C. The writer's idea is that we can't go on with all our past burdens.

() 22. The underlined word “miserable” here probably means“ ”

   A. terrible   B. good

   C. lonely

() 23. The best title for the passage can be“

   A. The death of the eagle

   B. The living period of the eagle

   C. Rebirth of the eagle

() 24. It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that .

   A. all eagles can live up to 70 years

   B. not all of our traditions are good for our development

   C. the old beak makes it difficult for the eagle to fly

() 25. The sharp beak of the eagle will become bent when it turns near .

   A. thirty   B. forty

   C. fifty

[2015 .襄阳改编]完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各 题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。

        It was the beginning of a new term As a 11 teacher in that school,I didn't know any of the students. A little girl was standing at the gate of the classroom. She looked very shy.

        I walked up to her and 12 why she stood there. But she said nothing. Then a boy shouted , “She is from Grade Four,the worst student in her grade. ” I looked at the little girl. She didn't seem to be the smart kind. I 13 why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her hand and 14 her into the classroom.

        “Sit here. Now you are my student and I'm your teacher ,” I said. She still said nothing,but suddenly began to cry.

        I later learnt that her parents died in a car accident. She became sad and didn't like talking to others after that.

        She learnt very 15 . I gave her respect (尊重) and never looked down upon (鄙视) her as I know everybody deserves (值得) respect. I helped her after school,and she was making 16 little by little. As time went by,she was not as 17 as before. At the end of the term,she seemed to have forgotten all her sadness. She was not among the best students when she left that school,but 18,she was not that shy and sad little girl any more.

        In the following 19 ,she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago,I 20 an invitation to her wedding (婚礼) .And now,I am at her wedding,and she is smiling brightly.

        Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy.

() 11. A. new   B. beautiful   C. strict

() 12. A. told   B. answered   C. asked

() 13. A. thought   B. understood   C. forgot

() 14. A. poured   B. threw   C. led

() 15. A. slowly   B. quietly   C. well

() 16. A. friends   B. decision   C. progress

() 17. A. smart   B. shy   C. angry

() 18. A. at least   B. at first   C. at once

() 19. A. days   B. weeks   C. years

() 20. A. wrote   B. sent   C. received


        The world is not only hungry,but it is also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you.

        31. As we all know,nearly 70  percent of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97  percent of this huge amount is sea water,or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3 percent. And we cannot even use all of that,because some of it is in the form of icebergs (冰川) .32. What's worse,some of the fresh water has been polluted.

Human beings should realize how serious the problem is. 33. 至少,我们得停止浪费水了。Of course,we ought to think about various ways to reuse our water. 34. 如今在大多数大城市里,水只会被用一次。

        Then it is sent out into a sewer system (下水道)From there it returns to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks. But it is possible to pipe used water to a purifying (净化) factory. There it can be treated with chemicals so that it can be used again.

        But even if every large city purified and reused its water,we still would not have enough. 35.Probably we ought to make use of the sea water on the earth. We can remove the salt to get fresh water. If we take these steps,we may be in no danger of drying up.






   My brother and I often quarrel with each other over small things. One day our father said to us 1 ,

   Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can

2 something from those children. ” My brother

3 “Dad,Ray is a home for physically (身体上) disabled (歹矣疾的) children. What can we learn from them?”

   “You will see”’ our father said. Our father works as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands,speech,hearing or 4 . Every day,he spends hours 5them to move or exercise their legs or arms.

    The following day,he took us to Ray Home. When we got there,we found a nice place to sit down. Finally,the 6 began. There was a 50-metre race to see who could run fastest. All the runners were physically disabled. As the race started,all the children moved as fast as they could. Just then,one of the girls 7 She began to scream (尖叫) at the top of her voice.

   All the 8 children stopped to help the poor girl. Then they all held hands and finished the 9 together. My brother and I were 10 at this: the children weren’t interested in winning the race—they were more interested in helping each other to finish the race.

1. A. seriously   B. warmly

   C. excitedly   D. anxiously

2. A. take   B. hear

   C. get   D. learn

3. A. laughed   B. cried

   C. smiled   D. shouted

4. A. sleeping   B. eating

   C. lying   D. walking

5. A. watching   B. hearing

   C. helping   D. asking

6. A. class   B. sports

   C. party   D. show

7. A. fell behind   B. fell over

   C. came first   D. came last

8. A. healthy   B. kind

   C. disabled   D. worried

9. A. work   B. plan

   C. race   D. test

10. A. shocked   B. embarrassing

   C. lucky   D. pleased 

B [2015 •丹东改编]

        In modern world,most people have at least one time-telling tool with them,such as mobile phones,MP5 players and mini computers. Since these small machines are so common,willpeoplestopwearingthe 500-year-old watches? Maybe the answer is “yes”. According to a survey,most teenagers say it's unnecessary to wear a watch,they usually use their mobile phones to tell the time.

       However,watchmakers say that watches will get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s. By then,they want to spend money on a creative (有创意的) time-telling tool because they think it's not enough if a watch can just keep good time,so watchmakers are trying their best to create new kinds of watches. Recently,a new kind of watches has been invented. It can use different color lights to tell the time. This kind of watches makes people talk more about modern watches again.

       Also people want their time-telling tools to be beautiful,fashionable and practical (实用的) ,so watches are designed (设计) to meet the need of almost any personality (个性) . Now more and more watches can be used as compasses (指南针) , calendars and even USB drives...

       All in all,a watch has become more important than the time it tells.

() 26. According to the survey,   use mobile phones to tell the time instead of watches.

   A. most teenagers

   B. the old people

   C. watchmakers

() 27. Watches will get again when people reach their 20s and 30s.

   A. expensive   B. small

   C. popular

() 28. In this passage,watches can be used as different kinds of things except .

   A. compasses   B. calendars

   C. wallets

() 29. Recently,a new kind of watches uses to tell the time according to the passage.

   A. different color lights

   B. sound

   C. pictures

() 30. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A. Most people want to spend money on mobile phones.

   B. A watch has become more important than the time it tells.

   C. Many watchmakers are worried about their products.

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