

  James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals. He was born in Scotland in 1915. He (1) with a pet dog named Don (2) he went, Don went with him. Herriot loved animals (3) that he made up his mind (4) a vet, especially for dogs. After he graduated (5) high school, he found a job in Yorkshire in England to heal larges, (6) horses, cows, sheep pigs. Herriot loved the beautiful countryside, (7) treating large animals was very hard (8) Before long, he found out sick dogs there (9) treated, because the vets wouldn't heal them. He started treating dogs. At first, other vets laughed (10) him, for his not working on“real”animals. But the owners of the dogs were (11) him, because they regarded the dogs (12) their family members.

  Later in his life, Herriot wrote (13) about experience in Yorkshire, England. He even wrote a book, just (14) de James Herriot's Dog Stories. No matter (15) he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs the best.


[  ]

A. grew up
B. grew old
C. became big
D. turned old


[  ]

A. Whoever
B. Whatever
C. Wherever
D. However


[  ]

A. so many
B. such many
C. such lot
D. so much


[  ]

A. being
B. to being
C. to be
D. was


A. in
B. from
C. out of
D. away


[  ]

A. such as
B. such like
C. for example
D. liked


[  ]

A. and
B. or
C. but
D. so


[  ]

A. work
B. works
C. job
D. jobs


[  ]

A. wasn't
B. was never
C. were never
D. did never


[  ]

A. at
B. to
C. with
D. about


[  ]

A. thankful to
B. grateful
C. praised
D. pleased


[  ]

A. for
B. with
C. like
D. as


[  ]

A. a lot of
B. a lot
C. many
D. lot


[  ]

A. for
B. to
C. of
D. about


[  ]

A. how much
B. how many
C. how hard
D. how long

(1) A 从选项看,意思应为“长大成人”

(2) C 从后文看,这是个地点状语从句

(3) D 后文是个结果状语从句,故选so much

(4) C 表示身份

(5) B graduate from意为“从……毕业”

(6) A 表示举例,所列举是对象不止一个,故用such as

(7) C 注意前后文的转折意义

(8) A 注意区别jobwork

(9) C sick dog是本句的主语,故用被动语态

(10) A laugh at意为“嘲笑”

(11) A 从后面的原因状语从句可以知道本题应选A

(12) D asregard连用,意为“把……看作……”

(13) B 用代词做宾语,注意本题的对象

(14) D write about指所写的内容

(15) A用副词修饰动词loved


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