
I have a happy family. It’s not very big. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is tall with big eyes. He is a bus driver. My mother is short with long hair. She is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in my school. I’m a boy with black hair and big eyes. I’m a student. My parents love me very much. My family is happy.
小题1:Four people are in my family.
小题2:My father is a bus driver.
小题3:My mother is tall with long hair.
小题4:I’m a boy with big eyes and black hair.
小题5:My family isn’t very big but very happy.


小题1:细节理解题。根据文中句子There are three people in my family. 可知是错误的。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中的句子 He is a bus driver. 可知是正确的。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中句子My mother is short with long hair. 可知是错误的。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中句子I’m a boy with black hair and big eyes. 可知是正确的。
小题5:细节理解题。根据文中句子It’s not very big. 和My family is happy. 可知是正确的。
All schools have their own rules (规则). The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much stricter(严格) than others. There are also some rules that are strange or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:
Strict Japanese rules
Most schools ask students to wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts. But Japanese schools even have rules about the colour of underwear! They also need that girls' socks should be folded(折叠) in a certain way and boys' heads should be shaved(剃).Other Japanese schools tell students that they can't go to the movies after sunset.
Different shoes in the USA
At some American schools, students have to change their shoes when they go into the schools every day.  This makes sure students won't fall over on the floors and keeps the schools clean.
No strange hair in the UK
Students can’t have strange hairstyles in some British schools. But they can wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup years. There were two students who had special hairstyles during the 2002 World Cup. After the World Cup, their teachers asked them to go to the barber's at once.
小题1:How many strange or funny school rules are mentioned(提到) in this passage?
小题2:Students in Japanese schools should wear_______.
A.uniformsB.indoor shoes
C.shirtsD.strange hairstyles
小题3:Why do students in the USA have to wear indoor shoes?
A.Because in that way they won't hurt if they fight.
B.Because in that way they will feel comfortable.
C.Because in that way they won't fall and can keep the schools clean.
D.Because in that way they won't make any noise when walking.
小题4:Which country's schools have rules about students' hair?
A.Schools in Japan only.B.Schools in the USA and the UK.
C.Schools in Japan and the UK.D.Schools in the UK only.
小题5:What's the best title of the passage?
A.Different school uniformsB.Different hairstyles
C.Different shoesD.Different school rules
What do you think our life will be like in 2050? Some people are talking about it on QQ.

Blue Sky
I think there won’t be any TV channels (频道) in 2050. People will be able to choose (选择) a programme from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme to the television. In 2050, we will be able to feel the things we see on TV with our hands.

In 2050, there won’t be enough water. Some places will be drier and people will not be able to have enough food. There may be serious water shortage (缺乏).

Don’t be so pessimistic about that, Julia! People will solve this problem. And I think there will be less water pollution. Water will be much cleaner than it is now.

I quite agree with Ashley. And I believe in 2050 doctors will be able to help blind and deaf people see and hear again. All people will be healthy because they will take a kind of special medicine when they are born.
小题1:Blue Sky thinks the computer will send the     to the television.
A.channels B.pictures
小题2:Julia thinks     in 2050.
A.the water will be much cleaner
B.there will be more water pollution
C.people will have less food
D.some places will have more water
小题3:The underlined word “pessimistic” means     in Chinese.
小题4:Ashley thinks people will have     in the future.
A.more healthy food
B.less healthy food
C.cleaner water
D.dirtier water
小题5:Linkin predicted that a kind of medicine would be able to make people    .
A.richB.keep healthy
C.live happilyD.Serious

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