
    Here are five points you can follow to improve your English, and the first point is the most important.
                                   It's your duty to achieve your aims (目标)!
    Studying English is your own duty and not the duty of your teacher or your parents. You must take an
active part in your clsses!
                                  Get a teacher or attend a class!
    It's a little difficult to study English alone. Also, it's difficult to learn how to speak English if you don't have an English teacher to talk with.
                                    Work as hard as possible in class!
    You need to practice speaking often. You should do all of your homework, reading and vocabulary
study outside class and then check the homework in class.
                                                 Keep studying!
    Don't stop for a long time such as during a summer holiday! To make good progress, you should study at least 5 hours each week.
                                        Make English your hobby and have fun!
    You can improve your English through other activities:
    Reading - choose English books that you can read.
    English songs - choose your favorite English songs and sing them again and again.
    DVDs - many films are also in English with subtitles in your language.
    Travel - traveling in English-speaking countries can help you with your English.
1. Point _____ is more important than any other point.
A. No. 1      
B. No. 2        
C. No. 4        
D. No. 5
2. According to the passage, an English learner should study _____ every week to make good progress.
A. about two hours  
B. at least four hours
C. at least five hours              
D. more than seven hours                      
3. The underlined word "subtitles" means "_____" in Chinese. 
A. 情节      
B. 字幕        
C. 画面        
D. 人物
4. Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned (提到)?
A. Reading English books.            
B. Singing English songs.
C. Watching English films.          
D. Writing e-mails in English.
5. The reading above is mainly about _____. 
A. how to improve your English        
B. why we need to learn English
C. how to study English for pleasure     
D. how we can sing English songs well


  Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest(巢)on a cliff(山崖).The baby eagle loved his nest.It was warm,soft and comfortable.And even better,he had all the food and love that his mother could give.Whenever the baby eagle was hungry,his mother would always come just in time with the delicious food he liked.

  He was growing happily day after day.But suddenly his world changed.His mother stopped coming to the nest.He was full of sadness and fear.He thought he would die soon.He cried,but nobody heard him.

  Two days later his mother appeared with some nice food,The baby eagle was wild with joy.But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby.The baby eagle cried out.“Mum,why did you do this to me?I’m hungry.Don’t you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”

  “Here is the last meal I give you.Come and get it by yourself,”his mother said.Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest.

  The baby eagle fell down,faster and faster.He looked up at his mum,“Why do you abandon me?”He looked down at the earth.The ground was much closer.Then something strange happened.The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly!He wasn’t moving to the ground any more.Instead,his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

  “You are flying!You can make it!”His mother smiled.



Which of the following is TRUE about the baby eagle’s life before his mother stopped coming to the nest?

[  ]


He lived in a nest in the tree.


His mother offered him nice food.


He was always cold and hungry.


He lived very happily with friend.


How old the baby eagle feel as soon as he saw his mother coming again?

[  ]










What did the baby eagle’s mother do when she came the last time?

[  ]


She put some food in the nest.


She just came to see him again.


She shouted at her baby eagel and flew away.


She pushed her baby eagle out of the nest.


What does the word“abandon”mean?

[  ]










We can infer(推断)from the story that ________.

[  ]


The baby eagle lost his mother


The baby eagle feel down and died


The baby eagle could get food himself


The baby eagle was still angry with his mother

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