
【题目】What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith hard in a factory during (在期间) the . On the weekends, he usually the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on he goes with his family to a village (村庄) by car. His uncle and aunt a farm there. It isn't a big one, but there is always thing to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some . Mr. and Mrs. Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all and Mr Smith's aunt them a big meal.

【1A. play B. stay C. be D. so

【2A. works B. does C. makes D. studies

【3A. day B. year C. week D. month

【4A. does B. do C. make D. has

【5A. Friday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Sunday

【6A. have B. has C. bring D. find

【7】A. many B. much C. any D. most

【8A. food B. rice C. cakes D. fruit

【9A. full B. angry C. hungry D. happy

【10】A. give B. puts C. makes D. does














【1】考查固定用法及语境的理解。句意:一些人喜欢呆在家,而另一些人爱出去散步或者踢足球。Stay at home 是固定词组,呆在家。据上下文,故选B。

【2】考查动词短语和语境。句意:史密斯先生在一星期内,在工厂里辛勤工作。work hard是固定词组,辛勤工作,努力学习。根据后面的in a factory和句意,故选A。


【4】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:周末,他通常做一样的事情。do the same thing做同样的事情。据主语he和usually可知是一般现在时,故选A。


【6】考查主谓一致及语境的理解。句意:叔叔和婶母在那里有一个小农场。因为主语uncle and aunt是复数,故据题意选A。

【7】考查代词及语境的理解。句意:虽然它是个不大的农场,但是里面有许多事情要做。A. many许多;B. much许多;C. any一些;D. most大部分。根据前面的is可知修饰不可数名词用much,故选B。

【8】考查名词和语境的理解。句意:孩子们帮助动物,他们给动物喂食物。A.food食物;B. rice米饭;C. cakes蛋糕;D. fruit水果。据题意food包含后面的各项,故选A。

【9】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:在一天的最后,他们都感到饥饿了。A.full吃饱的,满的;B.angry生气的;C. hungry饥饿的;D. happy高兴的。据题意在农场劳动了一天,可知他们感到饥饿,故选C。

【10】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:史密斯的婶母给他们做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。A. give给予, B. puts放, C. makes制作D. does做。据上下文,故选A。


【题目】The best way of learning a language is using it .The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up ( 混合)and people will not understand you .Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor (幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make(你所犯的错误). Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes(错误). It is better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you. because they don’t understand what you are saying .The most important thing for learning English is : “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.

【1】The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is ________.

A. writing B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar

【2】What should you do in learning English?

A.Be careful not to make any mistakes .

B.Write as quickly as you can .

C.Speak English as much as you can.

D.Laugh more often .

【3】When people laugh at your mistakes, you should ___________.

A. not care(不在意) B. be happy

C. feel worried D. be unhappy

【4】When you make a mistake, you should _______.

A. keep quiet B. get angry

C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor

【5】The story tells us :”__________”.

A. Only foolish ( 愚蠢的 )people make mistakes

B. Few people make mistakes

C. People never make mistakes

D .There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes

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