

1.    Can you __________ the picture using your own words?

2.    I like water-skiing. It’s such great __________.

3.      __________ __________ have you been in China?

Since last Saturday.

4.    What is Hawaii famous __________, do you know?

5.    He left home ten years ago and has been away ever __________.

6.    Time __________! I haven’t seen you for twenty years!

7.    The parents were very __________ of their son because he won the first prize in the 200-metre race.

8.    The train slowed __________ as it came near the bridge.

9.    Although he has failed several times, he will never __________ up.

10.  A lot of students have got a __________ job, so they can earn (挣得) some money while studying in colleges.



1. describe  2. fun  3. How long  4. for  5. since  6. flies

7. proud  8. down  9. give  10. part-time



3. 答语为时间段, 应用how long 提问。

4. be famous for 短语,意思是“因……而著名”。

5. ever since 短语,意思是“从那时到现在”。

7. be proud of 短语,意思是“因……而自豪”。

8. slow down 短语,意思是“(使)慢下来”。

9. give up 短语,意思是“放弃”

